Quentyn Martell audition tape for GOT Season 5 leaked
Kids React to the Nintendo GameBoy
What are your favorite GameBoy games? I bet we all know the answer as it was a huge system seller.
Nicole Scherzinger Has a "Special Connection" With the Gay Community!
Former X Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger has said that she has a special “connection” with the gay community.
The former Pussycat Doll told Gay Times: “It’s a connection. It’s just this strong, proud, diva connection, I feel like. Everything who we want to be, right? I think that as strong and empowering as we are, we’re very vulnerable too. Men and women in the gay community just have a more understanding and empathetic heart, and at the same time, an empowering and encouraging, triumphant heart to come out of that. It’s the combination of tough resilience and glamour that gets us every time."
“I come alive when I’m at G-A-Y in front of the gay community. I feel the most powerful and have the most confidence, because they just bring it out of me, they embrace and celebrate that. And I think in a gay club everything is always better, because you just feel the acceptance and the love. You feel like your energy comes out and you can just LIVE. And just work it and people will just love you even more for it, you know?"
In December, Scherzinger defended X Factor winner James Arthur, after he called another singer a “f***ing queer” in a rap battle. She said: “I’m just there for him. I don’t read the press, I know who he is as a person, I know his heart. I’m just there to support him.”
yaaaaas queen slay! Your Love is out next Sunday in the UK! Make sure to pre-order it on iTunes!
Australian Olympic Swimmer Ian Thorpe Gets Grilled Over Rumors That He Is Secretly A Gay Person!!!

Ian Thorpe will be quizzed about his sexuality, in a Michael Parkinson. In his typically frank manner, Parkinson asks Thorpe if he is gay, a rumor he has repeatedly denied.
In a preview, Parkinson asks Thorpe: 'You've always said that you're not gay... is all of that true?' Viewers will have to wait until the interview is shown on Australian TV channel TEN on 13 July called Ian Thorpe: The Parkinson Interview.
The Sydney native retired in 2006, only to announce his return in 2011. Parkinson said he was eager to interview Thorpe because of his athletic career, and life outside of the swimming pool.
‘Ian has always been near top of my list to interview. The reasons are obvious. Not many athletes can claim to be the best of all time. Ian can,’ said Parkinson.
‘His fight against depression offers a unique insight into the darker side of celebrity and success.’ Thorpe has repeatedly denied rumors he is gay. In 2012, while promoting his autobiography, he spoke to an Australian reporter about the rumors.
'I don't want to offend by... getting angry about it, getting frustrated about it. The only part that I'm frustrated with is that people think that I'm lying.'
source: GayStarNews
‘True Blood’ season 7, episode 3 airs tonight: How’ll Pam motivate Eric? + Live Viewing Post

After a long weekend, Truebies can curl up with Bill, Sookie, and company for True Blood season 7, episode 3 which airs tonight on HBO.
After last week’s episode in which Pam finally found Eric and Sookie stayed true to trying to solve the problems that have fallen on Bon Temps, True Blood season 7, episode 3 titled “Fire in the Hole” will see both of these plot lines continue.
“Sookie (Anna Paquin) hatches a dangerous plan to take down the H-Vamps, even as Vince (Brett Rickaby) and his armed vigilantes pose an equally serious threat,” reads the official synopsis from HBO. “Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) gets high with James (Nathan Parsons); Jason (Ryan Kwanten) eyes a family future with Violet (Karolina Wydra); Willa (Amelia Rose Blaire) is forced to find a new place to stay; Sarah Newlin (Anna Camp) sheds her past. Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) offers Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) a compelling reason to return to Louisiana – and be the vampire he used to be.”
Will Jason be having another vision – but this time with Violet? And what could Pam possibly present to Eric that would entice him to come back to his old city? At the end of last week’s episode, the fan favorite character appeared to have been infected by the H-Vamps because he looked like he was in a very weak state.
The synopsis also teases a scene between Lafayette and James (pictured above). Sparks may begin to fly between the two characters in this episode.
Miley Cyrus: Bangerz Tour NBC Special - Viewing Post

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Chris Brown Posts His Favorite Rice Cakes on Instagram

Chris Brown wants you to know he had a very happy Independence Day.
The R&B star posted a revealing photo of his girlfriend Karrueche Tran on Instagram Friday, which shows her lying in bed wearing only a bra, thong and a smile. The black-and-white picture has received more than 155,000 likes to date.
Brown, who was released from jail June 2 after serving time for a probation violation stemming from an arrest for felony assault last fall, also celebrated the holiday by attending a beach party in Malibu. He was seen driving an orange Lamborghini, which the Daily Mail reports he recently purchased for close to $750,000.
Kae's IG
What's the messiest drama you've seen on social media?

Taylor Swift and friends are on a boat living the dream life etc

Taylor was seen hanging out with friends in Watch Hill, Rhode Island yesterday.

Pro firework show at Taylor's House
Brace Yourself: Game of Thrones Wine is Coming

Winter is coming...and after that, it's spring, and time for Game of Thrones season 5 — along with a series of wines themed from Westeros and beyond.
The wines are a project of Sydney, Australia-based Common Ventures. The twelve different varieties are all themed for a different group— the Great Houses Tyrell, Lannister, Stark, Greyjoy, Arryn, Martell, Baratheon, and Targaryen (LOL, nobody likes the Tullys — even House Arryn gets a wine and they don't), along with the Wildlings, White Walkers, Night's Watch, and Dothraki. There are both reds and whites, running the gamut from Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay to Cabernet, Merlot, Pinot Noir, and Shiraz, all of which are going to retail for $20 in the US.
Common Ventures claims the "headstrong and robust" houses are getting reds while the "cunning and mysterious" houses are getting whites, but that makes me think they should probably actually go watch the show for maybe the first time, since the Lannisters have a red and the Starks have a white. Still, it was probably a good idea on their part to avoid a Purple Wedding-themed wine, so at least there's that.

Harry is thirsty, what else is new?
True Blood 7.4 Promo 'Death is Not the End'
This season on Witches of East End promo + interview about what's next
TVLINE | I’m going to start with the question I’m sure is on every viewer’s mind right now: What was that last scene? Was Ingrid dreaming?
[Laughs] Um, no. She’s sleepwalking, and she’s kind of in a trance. It’s a creature who she’s having these encounters with, but she doesn’t remember them. We’ll learn more as the season goes on about who this creature is, why they’re there and what their connection is with Ingrid. It’s pretty sexy, I think. It’s pretty fun. … And God bless Rachel Boston, she was so game to do that. It was pretty weird.
TVLINE | Is it safe to assume that was the other thing that came out of the portal?
It is safe to assume, yes. That creature is not from around here.
TVLINE | What should we be calling this mysterious sex monster?
“Mandragora” is what it’s called. There is a real thing called a Mandragora, which comes from “Mandrake root,” but we sort of invented our own version that has all these special abilities. He’s the mythical beast from Asgard.
TVLINE | This show has taught me not to trust anyone I meet in a library. What’s up with “Herb Boy”?
Oh yes, “Herb Boy” [actual character name: Ignacio] has an arc on the show. He’s going to be a part of the season and give Wendy a run for her money.
TVLINE | Speaking of new guys, on a scale from one to 10, how much should we trust Frederick?
Well, I’m not going to say. [Laughs] If you listen to Wendy, she’d say one; but if you listen to Joanna, she’d put him at about a 9.5. That’s the fun we’re having with his character, taking the audience’s expectations and flipping them numerous times. We’ll keep people guessing about what it is that Frederick wants, and whether he means them good or harm. He and Freya are twins, so they have things they can only do with each other — special spells — so they have a really cool bond.
TVLINE | What can we expect from Eva moving forward?
We set up in Episode 1 with the tarot reading that there’s an owl protecting Killian, then at the end, we learn that it’s Eva. So the question becomes: Is she protecting him in order to protect him, or is she keeping people away because she’s a predator?
Source 1
Source 2
World CupNey getting her Starbucks on

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2682492/Britney-Spears-sports-tiny-shorts-grabs-coffee-boyfriend-David-Lucado.html
Nope @ her man having smaller legs than her! #neverskiplegday
True Blood's Latest Victim Speaks: Why the Shocking Death 'Had to Happen'

It was the shot no one was saw coming — certainly not Alcide, anyway. Sookie’s werewolf boyfriend took a bullet to the forehead on Sunday’s True Blood, adding another name to Season 7′s rapidly growing list of casualties.
Below, Joe Mangeniello walks TVLine through Alcide’s death, reflects on his character’s
TVLINE | How long have you known this was coming?
Honestly, I called it as soon as I read the finale last season. [Laughs] There was no way they could keep him around. Sookie has to settle things with the vampire guys, and you can’t have Sookie break Alcide’s heart because then the audience isn’t going to side with her or identify with her. … On a show like this, where you’re looking for vital characters to kill off, you’ve got to take out Alcide. There’s no one that’s going to be upset that he’s dead, except Sookie — and maybe Sam. Those are the only people he’s interacted with ever. He got separated from the herd.
TVLINE | Can you recall the moment the producers told you this was going to happen?
Yes, I had dinner with the showrunner, Brian Buckner. I used to have dinner every season with [former showrunner] Alan Ball, where he’d tell me my character’s arc and what to expect. So Bucky came and brought the three scripts with him. It wasn’t some big, dramatic thing; we just sat down to dinner and he said, “You know we’re killing you, right?” and I said, “Yeah, I figured.”
TVLINE | You basically spent Season 6 in your own little Alcide spin-off, then were finally reunited with the main group this season, only to be quickly killed off. How do you feel about the way that worked out?
It was great to see everybody. It was great to feel like I was a part of a show again, like the character had something to do with the show. That was really nice, getting to work with Anna [Paquin] and Stephen [Moyer] and the rest of the gang. I had been feeling a bit like I was on my own and not very important to the storyline.
TVLINE | Hey, you were always important, even when you were off on your own.
I disagree with you, but I think it’s very nice of you to say that. I don’t think I had anything to do with the show.
TVLINE | Alcide was killed by some random hillbilly person. Is there any part of you that wishes you’d been given a more epic death, one that felt like it had some build-up?
Yeah, I guess there’s a part of me [that feels that way.] I just died naked in the woods, killed by some random hillbilly. Then again, I’m glad one of the vampires didn’t do it, because you don’t want any of them having bragging rights moving forward. It would have been great if I’d gotten to kill 40 people on the way to my death; that’s how I would have wanted to go. But I understand we were pressed for time.
TVLINE | Sookie was given the option of bringing Alcide back as a vampire, or at least trying to, but she said no. What are your thoughts on that decision?
Alcide would probably shoot himself in the head if he came back as a vampire. Vampires and werewolves hate each other, so for him to lose his werewolf powers and come back as a vampire … I think she did the right thing.
TVLINE | Even though death is ubiquitous on this show, each one has an effect. How do you see Alcide’s death changing Sookie and re-shaping the direction of the season?
In terms of the plot, I’m sure she’ll feel guilty about it, because it was her running off that led to him chasing after her. Story wise, it had to happen. You have to settle the A and B plots of the show before you finish it. You can’t not finish the story between her and Bill; you can’t not have her settle the score with Eric. It’s vital to the show to go down that road. And with this show, you want to shock people and show them that anyone could go at any moment.
TVLINE | As we’ve already seen with Tara this season, dead doesn’t always mean gone. Is there a chance we’ll see Alcide again, maybe in a dream or a flashback?
[Laughs] Well, I had to go out and promote my documentary La Bare, then go shoot a movie called Tumble Down with Jason Sudeikis. If you’ve been following my tweets and know where I’ve been, you can probably guess the answer to that.
TVLINE | Will we, perhaps, see you again on another show? Is that something you’re looking to do?
Well, I’m about to film a new movie in August that I’m really excited about, I just shot that movie with Jason Sudeikis that’ll hit the festival circuit at some point this year and I’ve got Magic Mike 2 in the fall. I missed my opportunity on several movies while I was on the show, which were brought my way because of the show. But they were straight offers that I couldn’t do because I couldn’t get three overlapping days off from shooting. And then I had to go to the theater and watch someone else play it. … So right now, the focus is on film, but that’s not to say that if the right thing came up with the right people, I wouldn’t want to be a part of it.
TVLINE | Looking back at your time on True Blood, is there anyone you didn’t get to work with that you would have liked to?
Over the years, I think I worked with pretty much everybody. I was sad that the opportunity to have a substantial storyline between Alcide and Emma, the little wolf, wasn’t explored. Alcide was adamant that he didn’t want to have children because he didn’t want to pass on that gene. But the fact that he orphaned that little girl by killing her father, I think there was a missed opportunity there to really explore something. Him trying to work through that karma by awkwardly showing this little girl how to be a werewolf, I thought, would have been a wonderful storyline. I was also sad that Robert Patrick [who played Alcide's father] and I never got into any kind of depth with our storyline, showing why the two of them didn’t get along. [The producers] had something planned for us, but unfortunately, it was one of the casualties of the showrunner switch of Season 6. My storyline was completely … I mean, there was no storyline. It was just gone. All of a sudden, I was just beating up a bunch of girls. It was weird. I was like, “Come on, man, Rocky is going to be up Adrian now?” I don’t know what was going on there. There was this really textured, interesting relationship in those last scenes with Robert Patrick that were killed. We even shot some of them, but they were junked in order to make this “Alcide is an a—hole” storyline. It was odd. Comic-Con was weird that year, too. The fans were confused, and I was confused, too. I didn’t know why that was happening either, but obviously there was a situation going on higher up the ladder that we all had to bare with.
TVLINE | After last week’s scene with Eric and Jason, we realized that Alcide has never found himself in a same-sex situation. In your mind, who would have been the most likely candidate for that?
I have never actually imagined that. I thought that when they had Alcide drink the V at the end of Season 5 to beat up J.D. — which was really confusing after he was so adamant about not drinking blood — that it was going to be Eric Northman’s blood, and we’d have some sort of scene, but they never went there. If they wanted to do that with Alcide, they definitely missed their shot.

The Leftovers - 1.03 - Two Boats and a Helicopter - Promo
Expectation vs Reality: Sherlock, Hannibal and 7 (5) more surprise TV hits

Some television shows feel like they're going to be smash hits before anyone's seen a frame of footage; usually because of the writers working on it, the network's reputation with its genre, or the popularity of the actors involved.
Other programmes even feel like they're simply too big to fail; such as HBO's Game of Thrones and AMC's The Walking Dead, which also benefit from having rich source material to mine and a ready-made, evangelical audience.
But what about the TV shows that felt like bad ideas before they'd aired - or even during their debut season - yet managed to overcome widespread uncertainties and grow into well-regarded programmes it's hard to imagine we were ever unsure about?
Let's take a look at some recent examples of popular TV shows that didn't initially feel like they'd work, but proved the doubters wrong...

Expectation: A modernization of a literary character most people associate with a stuffy 1980's ITV drama? Starring Tim-from-The Office as Dr Watson and that odd-looking fellow you vaguely recall from Atonement as the legendary Sherlock Holmes? And they scrapped the entire first episode after filming, started from scratch, and the BBC opted to premiere the first series in late summer with muted fanfare? That bodes well...
Reality: The show was adapted by lifelong Sherlock super-fans Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, was perfectly cast, and featured enjoyably manic plots full of sharp twists and dollops of tongue-in-cheek English humour. There are now whole Tumblrs dedicated to the central bromance, "Cumberbitches" is a weird term of endearment, and the show's success inspired America to do the same thing and make Elementary. The only downside is that it's made Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch so famous they're difficult to pin down to make more episodes...

Expectation: A superhero drama from the youth-skewing network that drove Superman prequel Smallville into the ground, based on a Robin Hood-alike hero mainstream audiences don't care about (but is essentially Batman with a bow and arrow). And the lead's played by a living Ken doll whose biggest film credit was a direct-to-video Screamers sequel?
Reality: A brilliantly-paced slice of action-adventure with an impressive ensemble cast who bounce off each other superbly, containing the best fight choreography the small screen has to offer. The frantic pace and general avoidance of genre pitfalls has resulted in Arrow delivering an abundance of surprises to please both casual viewers and DC comic book nerds alike.

Expectation: A CBS legal procedural starring Julianna Margulies (deep into her post-ER wilderness years) as a cheated-on wife and mother returning to practice law, co-starring Sex and the City's "Mr Big" as her adulterous senator husband? And nobody could think of a better title than The Good Wife?
Reality: Stupid and misleading title aside, this is one of the best legal dramas ever made; featuring career-best performances from composed Margulies as careerist Alicia Florrick, and Alan Cumming as gifted spin doctor Eli Gold.
A benchmark for how modern US television can successfully merge cable-beloved serialisation with the episodic traditions of mainstream networks, it also books consistently excellent guest star actors (Gary Cole, Nathan Lane, Jason O'Mara, America Ferrera, Michael J Fox, etc) who've done some of their best work here. There's even rumours of a spin-off for Carrie Preston's quirky but deceptively shrewd lawyer Elisabeth Tascioni.

Expectation: You're going to base an entire television series on an Academy Award-winning Coen Brothers movie from 18 years ago (which has long since vanished from popular conversation), starring Martin Freeman with a "Minnesota nice" accent, Billy Bob Thornton with a horrendous haircut, and the son of Tom Hanks who resembles his father's Toy Story figure?
Reality: Cleverly only taking inspiration from the barren look and feel of the chilling 1996 film, FX's Fargo almost immediately separated itself from the shadow of its forbearer. Freeman crafted a compelling anti-hero walking a decidedly Breaking Bad-like path, Thornton was thrillingly sinister as an elusive out-of-town assassin, and there was a career-launching performance from newcomer Allison Tolman as an appealing local police officer poised to crack the case.

Expectation: A prelude to a long-running franchise that once enjoyed an extraordinary Oscar-sweeping high when Silence of the Lambs won five Academy Awards in 1991, but killed itself by unleashing a poor sequel (2001's Hannibal), a weak remake of the earlier Manhunter(2002's Red Dragon), and an embarrassing film prequel (2007's Hannibal Rising)? And you also want to recast a character everyone associates with a lip-sucking Sir Anthony Hopkins?
Reality: Against all the odds for network US TV, this is easily the darkest and most disturbing drama around, filled with stomach-churning gore and violence that puts The Walking Dead to shame.
But it's not just a beacon of depravity, because there are riveting performances from Mads Mikkelsen (putting Hopkins in the shade) and Hugh Dancy as tortured FBI profiler Will Graham. It's so harrowing and twisted that it will only ever appeal to a niche audience, but that makes it all the more appealing. It's one of TV's best-kept secrets.
More at Src.
What was the show that surprised you the most?
Farrah Abraham: ‘My Personal Sex Life Isn’t That Great’

She may be known for recently releasing her first erotic novel— and for starring in notorious sex tape “Back Door Teen Mom”— but Farrah Abraham insists her own love life is nothing to write home about.
“My personal sex life isn’t that great,” the single former Teen Mom star admits to RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview. “We all know that my sex life really isn’t that hot or crazy.”
That’s why the 23-year-old mom of Sophia, 5, was excited to use her imagination while penning her first erotic novel, In The Making (Celebrity Sex Tape).
“I just wanted something wild and crazy and I think as women, we don’t do these things in real life,” she explains. “We just need to get wild and crazy in our heads. I’m happy as a writer that I got to take my mind to other places.”
She says “wanting to touch myself” was a more difficult aspect of the writing process.
“I’m being honest, because I feel like there were a lot of hot and heavy things that I wrote about and thought about,” she confesses.
Despite its triple-x nature, Abraham believes her book will actually help teens avoid promiscuous sex.
“I would rather have them reading erotica or buying a sex toy then going out and having sex with somebody and having that person create problems in their life or shunning them or making them feel bad,” Abraham argued. “I feel like this is a healthy way to express themselves.”
Abraham’s former Teen Mom costars don’t seem to agree that she’s a good role model for teens: According to reports, Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell refused to film with her for an encore season of their canceled MTV hit.
“They feel like she sets a bad example,” a source told Us Weekly.
Abraham’s second erotic book, The Secret’s Out, will be released in October, and the third, Love Through Limelight, will be published in February 2015.
Is your sex life great or meh?
Are Reality Shows About Annoying Families On Their Way Out??????

What's the life cycle of a reality family? Shorter than it used to be. For the Kardashian clan, the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty and family of beauty pageant contestant Alana Thompson, the limelight is fading. All shows returned last month with depressed ratings that dropped sharply from their peaks. Though each still claims a sizable audience by cable TV standards.
Duck Dynasty premiered little more than two years ago and peaked last summer with an 11.8 million viewers, setting records for an unscripted series. Though it remains a hit, its audience is now one-third of that.
Keeping Up With the Kardashians has had a longer run, opening modestly in 2007 and climbing to 4.8 million viewers in 2010 as the family gained international fame. But since then its ratings have been cut by more than half.
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, introduced in August 2012, now has half the audience of its highs.
It's not that viewers are tiring of reality TV families: They're just tiring of these families, who join a long list of clans who wore out their welcomes, including The Simple Life, which introduced sisterly Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie to the masses; Kate Plus 8; The Osbournes; and then-Newlyweds Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson. Some built slowly through word of mouth; for others — including Simple Life — it was all downhill after their first episodes.
Andy Dehnart of RealityBlurred.com says real families thrive as TV magnets when they're "surprising or interesting or unique," but many quickly lose the authenticity that made them popular and suffer as a result.
"A lot of shows resort to increasingly contrived situations, where they're playing to the cameras or faking things or both." That's what happened with The Osbournes, Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty, where producers often invent situations to maximize conflict or comedy.
Keeping Up With the Kardashians (E!)

Premiere (10/14/07): 898,000
Peak (2/21/10): 4.8 million
Recent (6/29/14): 2.1 million
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (TLC)

Premiere (8/8/12): 2.3 million
Peak (9/11/13): 3.2 million
Recent (6/26/14): 1.7 million
Duck Dynasty (A&E)

Premiere (3/21/12): 1.8 million
Peak (8/14/13): 11.8 million
Recent (6/25/14): 3.4 million
Jersey Shore (MTV)

Premiere (12/3/09): 1.4 million
Peak (1/20/11): 8.9 million
Finale (12/20/12): 3.1 million
The Simple Life (Fox)

Premiere (12/2/03): 13.0 million
Peak (12/3/03): 13.3 million
Finale (5/12/05): 3.8* million
*moved to E! where finale (8/5/07) was 650,000.
The Osbournes (MTV)

Premiere (3/5/02): 3.2 million
Peak (4/23/02): 7.8 million
Finale (3/21/05): 2.1 million
Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica (MTV)

Premiere (8/19/03): 2.5 million
Peak (1/21/04): 4.7 million
Finale (3/30/05): 3.4 million
Kate Plus 8 (TLC)

Premiere and peak (6/6/10): 3.4 million
Finale (9/12/11): 2.1 million
Special (6/26/14): 1.9 million
"People are beginning to realize that reality shows are not reality shows," says genre veteran Joan Rivers, who stars in a reality series with her daughter Melissa. She believes Honey Boo Boo has "grown up too much" and says the Robertsons "totally ruined themselves" with patriarch Phil's comments about gays and blacks, But, she says, "the Kardashians will never leave us, because they keep growing us new ones."
source: USATODAY
✌Cici Givenchy Muse Post✌

New mommy Ciara took to her Instagram account over the weekend to show off her new look, blonde dreadlocks, no doubt inspired by fiancé Future.
No one knows what brought about such a drastic change in the singer’s appearance; however, a tweet from Calvin Klein’s official Twitter account may hold a clue.
Ciara posted a photo of herself Friday night in a Calvin Klein sweatshirt. That same photo was tweeted from Klein’s Twitter page, with the caption “Obsessed with @Ciara in Fall 2014 Calvin Klein Collection.”

Could CiCi possibly be the face, or one the faces, set to be featured in an ad campaign for the upcoming collection? My gut says yes. These photos look very professional- not like they were taken with your standard camera phone.
Whatever the case, Ciara’s dreaded look is all the talk on Twitter, where earlier today she was trending. Fans seem to like it, She is planning her wedding and readying a new album, which she considers her best work yet. “I will go on record saying so,” she told W magazine in April

New pic of Future Zahir Emerges

New ‘Gone Girl’ Posters Reveal Clues Ahead of Trailer

Twentieth Century Fox has unveiled four new posters for its upcoming “Gone Girl,” unveiling clues about the film’s mystery and teasing a new trailer.
In the movie, based on Gillian Flynn’s best-selling novel of the same name, Ben Affleck plays Nick Dunne, the prime suspect in his wife’s mysterious disappearance on their fifth wedding anniversary. His wife, Amy Dunne, is played by Rosamund Pike.
One poster contains a wedding photo of the two, contained in a bag labeled “evidence.” The tagline “Happy Anniversary” adds to the eerie tone.

The posters also reveal that a new trailer for the David Fincher-directed pic will drop July 7. The first trailer was released back in April.
“Gone Girl” is set to hit theaters Oct. 3.
[I can't wait to see this. I love a crime movie. Ben reminds me of both the Peterson murderers.]
Source: http://jezebel.com/check-out-these-eerie-new-gone-girl-evidence-bag-poste-1600850900