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Joe Simpson Hits the Pool with Model Jonathan Keith During Jessica's Wedding Weekend


Joe Simpson strips down and goes shirtless while spending time by the pool with model Jonathan Keith on Saturday morning (July 5) at the San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito, Calif.

The 56-year-old father of Jessica Simpson is at the resort to attend his daughter’s wedding this weekend.

Joe and Jonathan were spotted at the beach earlier this year and rumors quickly surfaced that the pair were in a relationship, which Joe shot down immediately.

“More mis-information in the news. The guy in the pics is my modeling Client. He was in Miami taking agency meetings. That’s it!!” Joe tweeted back in February.


Katy Perry celebrates 4th of July with Mickey and Minnie at Disney


Chart-topping singer Katy Perry took a break from her global concert tour to join friends at Walt Disney World Resort for a little R & R (rest and relaxation) and M & M (Mickey and Minnie) during the Fourth of July holiday weekend. Perry is currently on the U.S. leg of her Prismatic World Tour.

Eating pizza in The Cinderella Castle Suite

"Princess pizza party."

"And then the clock struck 12 noon, back to being a peasant 🙍"

Sources: 1, 2, 3

Alert your dad/granddad: Pink Floyd have a new album coming out


Pink Floyd freaks everywhere are all a-twitter about the news that the British prog-rock giants will apparently release their first album in 20 years, titled The Endless River, in three months.

Just six hours ago David Gilmour‘s wife, author Polly Samson–who cowrote the lyrics to most of the songs on Floyd’s 1994 album, The Division Bell–tweeted this message:

Btw Pink Floyd album out in October is called “The Endless River”. Based on 1994 sessions is Rick Wright’s swansong and very beautiful.

More at the source

Fergie's Son Thinks Her Makeup Is Hilarious


Gabrielle Olya for People writes:
When new mom Fergie gets time for a date night with husband Josh Duhamel, she makes sure to amp up her makeup look. “He loves me natural all the time, but now because I do natural a lot, he loves when I do a bright red lip,” the singer, 39, told PEOPLE at a photo shoot for her Wet n Wild cosmetics collection. “He thinks that’s sexy. I’ve noticed that he really likes that.”

Her go-to red shade? One of her own Wet n Wild Perfect Pout Lip Colors, of course. “One of my favorites is ‘Saraghina’ from my collection, and it’s based on the character that I played in the film Nine.”

Fergie’s affinity for a bold red lip is nothing new — she recalls experimenting with her mother’s makeup when she was 7 years old. “I used to try to emulate Marilyn Monroe, who looked to me like my grandmother because they would do the black liquid liner and the red lips,” she said. “I just loved that look, so I would try it at home myself. I’ve Instagrammed some pictures of me when I was younger, and I actually did my own makeup in those pictures!”

For everyday, Fergie takes a lower-maintenance approach to her beauty regimen. “I like something fast with just a little bit of femininity,” she said. “My usual go-tos are my ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’ mascara, my ‘Fergie Daily’ [light pink lipstick], and just [the upcoming 'Take on the Day'] mattifying powder the T-zone. Then that’s it because I’m a mom.”

But when she does get all dolled up, her son Axl also shows his approval for her amped-up look. “I’m more of a just mascara girl now, but it’s fun to do lashes when I go out,” she says. “When I do, it’s funny because Axl thinks it’s hilarious. He looks at my face and he starts grabbing because he thinks I’m playing a game with him, like ‘What’s on my face?’ When I do my cucumber patches on my face, he thinks that’s really funny too. He thinks that I’m putting it on for him and it’s a game, like putting on a hat … The lashes thing is the tricky one because he just wants to touch. ‘Don’t!’”

Beauty post? Fav products for the summer?

Neymar speaks in tearful video for Brazil after back injury rules him out of World Cup


Neymar is convinced that Brazil can win the World Cup without him.

Brazil's World Cup star and poster boy was ruled out of the tournament on Friday night when he fractured a verterbra after being kneed in the back by Colombia's Juan Zuniga.

Twenty-four hours after Brazil's quarter-final win, the Barcelona forward released a video in which he spoke about his heart-breaking injury for the first time. The 22-year-old, who scored four goals for the Selecao here in Brazil, was visibly upset when speaking into the camera about missing the rest of the World Cup. But the former Santos player is sure his team-mates will retain their composure and go on to lift the trophy on July 13 at the Maracana.

'My World Cup has not ended, it has been interrupted by a play but the tournament goes on and I told my team-mates to do everything in order to help me achieve my dream to be world champion,' Neymar said. 'My dream was to play at a World Cup final but I'm certain my team-mates will be champions. I will be there with them, and all Brazilians will soon be celebrating all of that.'

Brazil doctor Jose Luiz Runco guaranteed the injury will not have long-term effects on Neymar's career and said the player could even travel to Belo Horizonte to watch the semi-final against Germany on Tuesday if he is not feeling a lot of pain. Runco said he believes Neymar can return to action in about 45 days, and that Barcelona doctors were informed of the player's conditions from the beginning. 'He was extremely moved when I gave him the news that he was out of the World Cup,' Runco said. 'He cried a lot, which was a natural reaction at that moment. But I told him that although his dream was being cut short, he was still a 22-year-old with a lot in front of him. It was still a `good' type of injury.'

Meanwhile, the referee in charge of Brazil's 2-1 win against Colombia, refused to comment on the incident. Carlos Velasco Carballo said: 'Unfortunately I cannot talk about it. I would like to but the rules do not allow it. We did a FIFA open day for the referees at the start of the tournament and we were all very open that day. I can talk to you about Manchester United, or Chelsea, or Jose Mourinho, or anything you like, but not this, thank you.'

Hundreds of fans gathered outside the Fortaleza hospital where Neymar was taken straight after the match in the northern city on Friday. He was flown back to Rio on Saturday, where he had a tearful reunion with his team-mates, who returned to their Teresopolis base to begin preparations for their semi-final against Germany. Neymar was then flown from the training ground in Granja Comary by medical helicopter to his home in Guaruya, Sao Paulo to begin his recovery. He waved to the waiting media before taking off along with his father.

So strong is Neymar's status as a global icon that leading footballers, sports stars, celebrities and even politicians have wished Neymar a speedy recovery. His name was sung by locals who attended the quarter-final between Holland and Costa Rica in Salvador on Saturday night.

'To Brazil, my team-mates, the coaches and the fans, this is a difficult time for me and I don't have the words to describe what is going through my mind and my heart,' said Neymar, who is expected to be out for three to six weeks. 'I want to thank everyone for all the support and affection they have shown me and for all the messages that I have received.'


Hi-Five singer Russell Neal charged with murder in wife's death


HOUSTON — Russell Neal, a singer in the 90s R&B group Hi-Five, has been arrested and charged with murder after his wife was found dead Thursday in their west Houston apartment.

Houston police said 40-year-old Neal entered a Harris County Sheriff's Office station at about 6:10 p.m. Wednesday and stated his wife was dead inside their apartment located in the 3700 block of Tanglewilde. "The deputy contacted HFD, who forced entry into the apartment and found the woman deceased," said Sgt. Rhodes.

The victim, Catherine Martinez, 24, suffered multiple stab wounds as well as apparent blunt force trauma, investigators said. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Neal apparently told detectives that he and his wife had gotten into an argument, but then he refused to answer any more questions. Neal was taken into custody.


This fucking idiot. I swear, men and their anger-management issues. And not even six weeks after the Michael Jace incident.

Kayne Kardijon gets booed again


Kanye West got booed for the SECOND consecutive night at Wireless festival on Saturday.

The rapper hit the stage for 15 minutes before he unleashed one of his infamous rants.

"The only reason I'm on this stage right now is because y'all my clique," he said after stopping the music.

"You know I go to the studio till 3am so you can listen to the music in your car."

But festival goers were all about the music they were listening to at London's Finsbury Park.

Dressed in his signature mask he quickly prompted boos, while some of the crowd began to yell "we want Drake!"

And just to anger his audience a bit more, Kim Kardashian's husband asked for the big side screens to be turned off again, too.

Which meant unless you were one of the unlucky ones in the mosh pit, you weren't seeing a lot.

"I'm very shy in real life," he later told the crowd which again prompted another round of boos.

"Because I'm too shy to put out some bull****."

And you know that big ego he likes to carry round? Well it seems he's oblivious to it, even after being slammed for the same thing last night (see the crowd booing him then below).

"Sometimes it's hard because I'm too shy to carry off a lot," Kanye said. "I'm arrogant and shy and a little bit lazy."

Well, he admitted he's arrogant then.

"I'm too lazy to lie to you," he went on, "I'm too arrogant to lie to you."

That prompted more boos. Lots of them. Then he started talking about depositions and making money off his image.

And people started yelling "we want Drake" again.

But his rants (it didn't have anything on Friday's '20 minute rant', we don't think) and diva demands didn't stop the Wireless crowd from singing/attempting to rap along to all of his hit tracks.

It still got a huge cheer from the crowd at the end.


mods, the one posted earlier was about the first night. this article is about the second one

4 [3] Marvel Universe Continuity Gags We Actually Want to See


The Marvel Universe has some pretty silly moments in its history, but we'd like to see these make the leap to the big screen.


Quick digression: A small thing for fans new to the Marvel Universe's "quirks" from the movies to get used to sooner than later: Captain America is basically Jesus Christ. He always does the right thing, it's always for the right reason and he's always fighting on the right side. Should he ever do the wrong thing or fight on the wrong side, it will almost always turn out to have not been his fault -- and it won't matter because he'll gladly sacrifice life and limb to correct his failings.

He's effectively perfect -- The American Dream embodied in a time-unstuck human to give every other hero an ideal to strive for. Asgardian warriors measure their courage against his WWII exploits. Wolverine defers his leadership. When he died (he got better, because comics) in Civil War, The Punisher made it his personal business to smash up a white-supremacist group for co-opting Cap's image. (The Punisher! A mass-murdering psychopath who respects no law but his own!)

So of course, Captain America can lift Thor's hammer.

It hasn't really been explicitly stated for the movies, but the enchantment on Mjolnir isn't just that Thor needs to stay on the straight and narrow to wield it. Anyone who is "worthy" by the godly standards of Odin can pick it up -- it's just that almost no one but Thor actually is. The list is small: Beta Ray Bill, Thunderstrike and a handful of robots and Asgardian ancients have done it, and it's canon in both universes (certain crossovers are "official") that Superman and Wonder Woman can do it... but Captain America has always been the go-to guy whenever "Mjolnir-lifting" needs to be a big dramatic emotional highlight, especially since the implication is that he could've done it even if he weren't a super-soldier.

I'm fully expecting Cap wielding Mjolnir to be a "moment" in whatever Chris Evans' last Avengers movie turns out to be ("last Avenger standing," hammer in one hand shield in the other, ready to fight to the end against impossible odds...) but what'd be fun would be to introduce his ability to do so as a moment of levity. Like... if The Avengers all take off for a mission and Steve, without even thinking, politely picks up Mjolnir to hand it off to a departing Thor ("Hey pal, don't forget your...") only to suddenly realize everyone including The Asgardian are staring at him, dumbstruck, wondering how the hell he just did that.

STAN LEE IS WATCHING[I know bitch, I was watching]

Let's not beat around the bush: Stan Lee -- by all reliable accounts an overall good guy and the face/voice of the Marvel Universe for generations, is getting up there in years. And while he's had no serious health scares of recent, basic logic dictates that at some point he'll probably have to dial back his workload -- which has included "spotlight" cameo appearances in almost all of the Marvel movies.

Here's a thought (and one I know I'm not the first to suggest): Why not make whatever his "last" cameo turns out to be a doozy?

One of the most powerful (and yet, per the rules of the genre, least effectual) figures in the Marvel Universe is (or, rather was...) Uatu: The Watcher, a nigh-immortal being who exists to observe but not interfere (except in special cases, aka always) in the world's affairs. He can be anywhere, see everything, and has been known to assume disguises.

You see where this is going.

Would it not be a fine sendoff if, after whichever walk-on he's decided will be the last, Marvel's most recent "random guy who looks like Stan Lee" were to duck offscreen to somewhere discreet and reveal himself as having been The Watcher this entire time -- thus implicitly suggesting that even the "other studio" Marvel movies at least have that in common -- before blinking off for parts unknown?


Back when they weren't both IP-farms for massive multinational media conglomerates, Marvel and DC's professional rivalry would occasionally get... well, a little childish. They'd make fun of each others' characters and books, call one another out in editorials, drop dismissive references into dialogue, etc. They both did it all throughout the Silver Age, but Marvel was far and away the champ: They made a whole team of characters (and a universe to put them in) to make fun of DC's big guns.

Originally introduced as "The Squadron Sinister" (later retconned to be a separate, evil clone team) The Squadron Supreme are a team of superheroes from "Earth-712" who are nakedly-obvious analogues of DC's core Justice League: Hyperion (Superman), Power Princess (Wonder Woman), Amphibian (Aquaman), Doctor Spectrum (Green Lantern), Nighthawk (Batman), Skrullian Skymaster (Martian Manhunter) and The Whizzer (The Flash).

The initial "big idea" may have been to give fans a version of the Avengers vs. Justice League battle they were unlikely to ever see otherwise, but in subsequent appearances The Squadron became (alternately) a way to subtly mock DC's seeming "out of touch"-ness by highlighting the goofier or more old-fashioned elements of their heroes versus Marvel's more of-the-moment style and also a way for Marvel's writers to (almost) play with the other sandbox's vintage toys. Still, the order of the day was mostly parody; a typical example being Amphibian's real name being Kingsley Rice. (Aquaman's real name is Arthur Curry. Ha ha.)

The Squadron were perennial "event" enemies/allies for The Avengers in the 70s, but in September of 1985 (yes -- a full year before Alan Moore's thematically-similar Watchmen) then Marvel EiC Mark Grunewald used them as the subject of a 12-issue maxiseries in which The Squadron decide to stop drawing the line at crimefighting and use their superpowers to turn their world into a Utopia -- even if not everyone living there is in favor of the idea. Nighthawk is against it, and when things inevitably go south he ends up leading a revolt against his former teammates. A second reimagining, J. Michael Straczynski's Supreme Power, took the DC-parody angle in an even darker direction.

As far as the movies are concerned? At some point, unless the superhero wave really does come crashing to a halt in the near future, there's going to be a stretch where the Justice League and the Avengers are going to be more-or-less in direct competition at the box-office. So why not acknowledge the elephant in the room and bring in The Squadron to have some fun at The Distinguished Competition's expense? Granted, a whole team of costumed buffoons doing riffs on Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck might be a little on the "light" side for an Avengers event; but maybe they'd be a fun (to say nothing of formidable) obstacle for a more comedy-inflected franchise like Ant-Man, Guardians or Iron Man?


What else do you guys want to see?

Judge Judy Discovers Grindr !!!

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The case was pretty simple: One guy in his late 40s was suing a 23-year-old dude, whom he met on Grindr, for money he had lent him after the two met up at Applebees. The comedy in the case came from the way the defendant initially described the app, the audience's reaction to said description, and Judy's no B.S. response to the claim that the two had connected during a search for mere “friendship.”

“No, then you go on a website to make friends!” she said, cutting to the core of the matter with trademark Judge Judy logic and wit. “You go with college friends! But you went on a particular website. I mean, if I were looking to just make friends, I wouldn't go on a website that said, you know, it's just for little old Jewish ladies. I would try to expand my horizons a little bit, do you understand? Do you understand what I'm saying to you, sir? So then you met Mr. Starnes, who is considerably older than you are. So if what you said is you wanted to make friends, one would think you'd wanted to make friends with a contemporary of yours, rather than someone who is older.”

Grindr, Jack'd, Scruff, Tinder, etc etc stories?

E!'s The Royals Trailer: Anarchy in the Monarchy

The Superior Simpson Family

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He could have his pick of any lady in the land, and Cody Simpson had a bit of a struggle categorizing three of his famous female friends while chatting with Blunt Talking.

The handsome singer was given the choice of “Eff, Marry, Kill” with three lovely ladies- Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lawrence and Kendall Jenner.

Cody squirmed as he admitted, "Okay, this is very difficult because one of these girls I dated her sister, one of these girls is a friend of... you know, and Jennifer Lawrence... I'm not sure.”

And finally he announced, “I’m gonna kill Kendall, just because I don’t wanna… Iwouldn’t get too far in the other two categories. I’m gonna effJennifer Lawrence and I’m gonna marry Selena.”

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Alli Simpson is quickly making her mark in the world of music and modeling. Taking after her older brother Cody Simpson, this 16-year-old is storming the music industry with her latest single "Guilty." As well as being a Radio Disney host, this fashion maven is teaming up with KISS lashes and imPRESS Press-On Manicure by Broadway Nails, bringing a new range of nail designs to the table. This will be her second year partnering with the stylish brand. Tribute caught up with the Australian blonde beauty who is gearing up to release her fourth single this summer.

What did you want to do growing up?

It was funny. We moved to America about three to four years ago for my older brother, Cody, who got discovered on YouTube. He wanted to pursue his career and I had no idea what I wanted to do. When we moved here, Cody got into show business and I was getting opportunities so I thought while I’m here, I might as well start up my own.

What’s it like having a talented and famous brother who is always in the spotlight?

It was so different for me. When it first started, I was a bit overwhelmed. Seeing the girls freak out over him was so weird. (Laughs!) I was like "Ew, he’s my brother!" Cody and I are both each other’s biggest fans so it’s great we can help and support each other in each of our careers.

Did Codyhave any impact on your decision to enter the limelight?

Of course! He was the one who inspired me in the beginning. He was like "You should try modeling. Get in the studio and record a song." He was the one who made me think I can do this.

Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?

I’d like to collaborate with my brother. We’re always singing together around the house. I think it would be really cool to get in the studio and record a professional song with him. We’re working on that at the moment, so it’s going to be cool.

Who isyour mentor in the industry?

I would say my brother. He’s always the one helping me and giving me advice. If I’m wearing something I shouldn’t be then he’d be like "Alli, it’s not cool!" He’s truthful with me as I am for him. I get his help in the studio and he helps me with my photo shoots. He always brings out my confidence.

Exclusive: Fifth Harmony Are On Their Michelle Obama Ish In Their Brand-New Single, ‘Bo$$’


Fifth Harmony are back, they’re sexier than ever, and they’re making it perfectly clear who’s “Bo$$.”

Camila Cabello, Normani Hamilton, Dinah-Jane Hansen, Ally Brooke, and Lauren Jauregui’s highly anticipated single, “Bo$$” — the first off their upcoming debut album — is an upbeat girl-power anthem that features the fivesome demanding your respect, showing off their confidence, and unabashedly getting exactly what they want. Or, in other words, to quote the single, they’re on some ‘Michelle Obama sh–.”

But the First Lady — who gets ultimate ‘BO$$’ lady respect on their track with the line “purse so heavy getting Oprah dollars” — isn’t the only name Fifth Harmony drops in the song. The track opens with trumpets blaring over catchy hand claps as heavy bass sets in before the girls cleverly drop lines like “You’re talking to a lady, I want a Kanye and not a Ray J.”

With a message reminiscent of Destiny’s Child’s “Bills Bills Bills” and “Independent Women,” the “X Factor” alums proudly sing about the fact they don’t need a man as they “pledge allegiance to my independent girls in here.”

“I see you tryin’ to holla/ But that ain’t how I was brought up, next/ working for the money cause that’s what my momma taught me so your ass better show me some respect,” they sing.

“The whole point of this song is for girls who are our age to turn it on and feel confident and empowered because at this age being insecure is such a normal, common thing,” Camila told MTV News on the set of the “Bo$$” video. “So I think when you turn that song on, feel sexy and feel good about yourself, so the whole point is about being yourself and liking it.”

Harmonizers will no doubt notice that the girl group’s shown some serious growth both musically and lyrically since their hit single, “Miss Movin’ On,” but they promise fans that it’s nothing “too drastic,” just a “very natural” progression.

“As we grow, our music grows, and it’s very natural and organic and it’s nothing that’s forced, which is really really important to us because we don’t want to just do something drastic just to do it,” Ally said. “We want to do something that’s more real to us.”

Go to source to listen to it.


#LikeAGirl Ad Uses Female Empowerment to Sell Sanitary Pads


Female empowerment sells products. We know that. Ten years ago Dove launched its Real Beauty Campaign, telling us we’re beautiful the way we are and it became one of the most talked-about successes in modern marketing. And last year, Pantene’s clever #Whipit campaign focusing on the double-standards women can experience at work went viral.

The latest of this genre comes from Always. As part of a digital and social media campaign, a video has been shot by Lauren Greenfield (who won the Sundance Film Festival’s Directing award for The Queen of Versailles) and it is, well, inspiring. It brought a lump to my throat, even though I know it’s exploiting my emotions in an attempt to flog me sanitary protection.

The video opens with adult men and women and a young boy being asked to act out what it means to throw, run and fight “like a girl”. Cue pathetic, flappy-handed attempts at the tasks. Greenfield then asks preteen girls to do the same. They sprint as fast as they can, punch hard and throw with all their might. The contrast clearly makes the point that girls lose confidence and self-esteem as they grow up, perhaps in part because they hear people berating others for behaving “like a girl”.

A redefinition of the expression is obviously long overdue. The campaign #LikeAGirl aims to make it “a phrase that represents the strength, talent, character and downright amazingness of every girl”. Viewers are invited to share pictures and videos of “amazing” girl moments via its Facebook page and Twitter feed. The response has been phenomenal. So far the YouTube video has been watched by more than 20m people.

But some companies do get it spectacularly wrong. Samsung’s Women of Steel competition was lambasted on Twitter for announcing it was looking for women whose “superhuman strengths make them inspirational role models” and promising the winner a new kitchen. Ouch! Talk about perpetuating the gender stereotype.

Some have also criticised the Always campaign, saying that brands are exploiting the fact that women want to see intelligent portrayals of themselves on screen. It’s sad that what lies behind these videos are the sale of sanitary pads or shampoo, they say, while there is still a woeful lack of strong female characters and female directors in feature films. Others say the commercial's self-righteous tone is irritating because the worthy message has nothing to do with the product.

Yet does that matter? Surely anything which kickstarts the right conversation and shifts social norms is a good thing - even if it is a global brand using its platform to do so.


Who Is The Summer's Best Action Hero?

Summer blockbuster season is officially upon us, and you can't have a summer blockbuster without a proper action hero. After all, someone needs to stare into the distance with grim determination, crack jokes in the middle of a tense fight, run in slow motion away from an explosion, and make audiences everywhere swoon over the silhouette of their perfect profile in the sunset. 2014 has its own crop of actors competing for our affections and wallets, all of them hoping to be the next big movie star. But which one is truly the most heroic? Who stands triumphant over his fallen comrades as the best action hero of the year?

The Ones We've Seen:

Chris Evans, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Who He’s Playing: Captain America, duh.
Strengths: A lot of the time, people seem to think that Cap is a dull, by-the-book, overly-serious character who’s focused on nothing but rules and easily confused by technology. But Evans gives him dimension, charm and the kind of biting wit that is normally associated with Tony Stark. He easily carries the film with his performance, which is by turns sympathetic, intense, and incredibly hilarious, and he managed to make the most impressive, complicated stunts look simple and graceful. Plus, he has the best profile of anyone on this list, and everyone knows an action hero is nothing without a strong jawline.
Weaknesses: As charismatic as Evans is, Cap often gets overlooked in favor of the more dramatic or hilarious characters, like the Winter Soldier or Falcon, since they’re a bit flashier.

James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, X-Men: Days of Future Past
Who They’re Playing: Professor X and Magneto, of course.
Strengths: One of the things that make the X-Men movies so great is the chemistry between Professor X and Magneto, and McAvoy and Fassbender have it in spades. Every time these two are onscreen together it’s exciting, which makes them one of the best action hero teams around. They also bring a sense of gravitas and depth to their characters, rather than just letting the stunts and effects carry the film, which makes their characters and relationship even more compelling, and the X-Men films as a whole more enjoyable. McAvoy’s drunk, depressed Charles is a tour de force performance that you’re unlikely to see in most summer blockbusters.
Weaknesses: As interesting as they are together, their performances can easily get lost in the complicated plot and cast of thousands. Sure, McAvoy and Fassbender are brilliant together, but when you left the theater, the only person you were still talking about was Quicksilver.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Godzilla
Who He’s Playing: Ford Brody, a US soldier specializing in EODs.
Strengths: Like Wahlberg, Taylor-Johnson looks like an action hero. He’s got the steely gaze, the clenched jaw and the trademark action hero biceps, all of which help him come across as a tough, capable soldier. He’s best in the quieter moments when Ford is reuniting with his family or connecting with his father or comforting a lost child on the train, which gives him a bit more depth and charm than the average hero.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, that’s the only thing that Ford Brody has going for him. He’s rather generic, staring out at monsters with a blank face and getting little to do other than running from disaster to disaster. If only Godzilla had realized that Ken Watanabe was the real protagonist of the film; maybe then Ford wouldn’t seem so bland.

The Ones We Haven’t:

Chris Pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy
Who He’s Playing: Peter Quill a.k.a. Star Lord, a pilot and thief who teams up with a band of misfits in order to protect the galaxy.
Strengths: As anyone who has ever seen a single episode of Parks and Recreation can attest, Pratt basically radiates charm. He’s funny, he’s warm, he’s likable and if the trailer is any indication, he can kick some serious butt as well. A goofy action comedy is the perfect vehicle for Pratt, and the combination of his comedic chops and his natural gift with stunts (he does every single one of Andy Dwyer’s pratfalls himself) should be enough to turn him into a proper movie star.
Weaknesses: Pratt might be just a touch too goofy to be taken seriously as an action hero. Sure, he’s tall and buff, but he seems more likely to hug your than punch you, which might make it difficult for audiences to see him as a tough, intimidating superhero.

Scarlett Johansson, Lucy
Who She’s Playing: Lucy, a woman with the ability to access and control her brain’s full potential, which gives her the ability to control the world around her.
Strengths: With experience as both a leading lady and a superhero, Johansson should have no trouble blending both to create an exciting, original character. As Lucy, she gives off a strong, independent vibe that’s at once intimidating and compelling. And we already know that Johansson’s able to inject a healthy dose of charm into whoever she’s playing, so it seems like Lucy might just beat the boys at their own game.
Weaknesses: She’s got a complex, convoluted plot to contend with, which means she’ll need to spend a lot of time rattling off exposition. That takes away from the time the audience spends getting to know the character, and if Johansson doesn’t make it interesting enough, it could keep them from connecting with Lucy.

the rest at the source

Who's your fav action hero this summer?

Paparazzi Fly Unmanned Drone Over Miley Cyrus' Home!

BFFs Again!!! Brandi Glanville & Adrienne Maloof Hug And Make Up After Their Vicious Falling Out!!!


Just four days ago Brandi and Adrienne reignited their feud with a massive fight on-camera.

But on Thursday, the two were smiling and hugging it out as they stood outside a restaurant while filming new scenes for their show. Glanville, 41, and Maloof, 52, met for an on-camera lunch date for the show, despite RadarOnline's report that the pair are back to fighting.

Brandi donned crisp white cigarette-style pants, a fuchsia button-up blouse, white wedges, tan shades, and a taupe handbag for the lunch date. Her returning co-star, Adrienne, dressed her petite frame in a pair of black and navy blue floor-length trousers, a hot pink halter top, and carried with her a black quilted Chanel handbag.

The blondes' outing on July 3 follows their reported blow-out fight while they attended Kyle Richards' Annual White Party on June 30. An insider told Radar: 'Everyone remembers the contentious relationship they previously had, as Adrienne had accused Brandi of leaking private information about her family.'

The source added: '[On Monday] Adrienne attempted to have a civil conversation with Brandi, but it quickly got out of control'.

'Brandi accused Adrienne of attempting to use her to get famous, and get back on the show,' the insider further claimed. 'It was sad because Adrienne really did have the best intentions but it wasn’t reciprocated by Brandi.'

Is Lisa Rinna Joining RHOBH?

RumorFix has confirmed that Lisa Rinna will be on at least on episode of the new season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and there is speculation she may be one of the new Housewives.

Word leaked out because Lisa was at Kyle Richards’ annual White Party last Saturday, which was videotaped for the show. “Lisa has been to many of Kyle’s parties before, but she’s never been on camera,” our insider told us, “this time she was on camera just like the rest of the Housewives”

And, RumorFix has confirmed that both Camille Grammer and Adrienne Maloof are returning this season doing cameos on the show that made them famous. We understand Taylor Armstrong, who is moving back to Beverly Hills from Colorado with her new husband, is in talks to return as well.

And it’s pretty clear to everyone on the cast that Carlton Gebbia and Joyce Giraud were not invited back to play with the girls for Season Five.

Lisa Vanderpump, Brandi Glanville, Kyle Richards, Kim Richards and Yolanda Foster are all coming back though. In fact, at the famous White Party, our insider says, “All the girls were getting along, but Lisa and Brandi didn’t interact much.”

Is Danielle Staub Returning To RHONJ?

Danielle Staub is campaigning hard to be a New Jersey housewife yet again. In a tweet posted on Saturday, July 5, Danielle claimed that she turned down the opportunity to return several times. Yet apparently her feelings on the show has changed because she also revealed that she wouldn't say no now.

A fan tweeted Danielle asking her what her conditions are to return to the show. Danielle admitted that she has no conditions and that it's up to the network Bravo and Andy Cohen to make a decision. She made sure to include Bravo and Andy's Twitter handles in her reply so that they would be notified of her tweet.

When another person mentioned returning housewife Dina Manzo, someone else wrote that the producers only brought back Dina because Danielle declined the opportunity, which means Dina was a second choice.

When someone asked Danielle if that was true, Danielle confirmed that it is true that she declined several offers but added that she won't now. So far, she has not elaborated on why she declined earlier and what is so different now that she would go back.

sources: Examiner, RumorFix, DailyMail, RadarOnline

Why Angel Haze & Cara Delevingne Openess Is Important


With New York City’s annual Gay Pride Parade and the one-year anniversary of the repeal of DOMA going down last week, it’s already shaping up to be a pretty gay ol’ summer for many members of America’s LGBT community — and I mean that in a good way, obviously.

Now I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer (who am I kidding), but a pair of interviews published last Friday (June 30) caught my eye precisely because they complicate this clear-cut portrait of queer acceptance. Twenty-two-year-old Detroit-born rapper and singer Angel Haze and 21-year old British supermodel Cara Delevingne, speaking to The Independent and The Telegraph, respectively, opened up about their sexuality, their sexual identities, and navigating both in the public eye.

The responses that Haze and Delevingne give might not be press release-ready for GLAAD or the HRC (no Ellen Degeneres “Yep, I’m Gay” 1997 Time cover answers here), but it’s important to hear them out and keep an open mind. Just because these two celebrities are famous and attractive, they’re still a couple of young women boldly being themselves under intense scrutiny. That choice alone deserves so much respect.

Besides, they’re not the only young people tackling such issues head-on, and to dismiss them would mean dismissing countless others by proxy.

In talking about her relationship with Ireland Baldwin, Haze, who apparently “slayedddddd” Glastonbury on Saturday, noted the media’s tendency to label her and her girlfriend as “best friends.” After positing that the de-sexualizing of her relationship probably has something to do with the fact that both she and Alec Baldwin’s daughter are women, the “Battle Cry” rapper reportedly concluded that: “An interracial gay couple, I mean that’s just weird for America right now.”

Haze, who openly identifies as pansexual, distanced herself from The Independent‘s interview almost immediately following its publication on Friday. “Next time quote me right,” she tweeted.

Even if the quotes printed by the outlet don’t fully represent Angel’s views, they still make a fair point. If America truly were ready for an interracial gay couple, then the media would probably know how to cover them like the super-cute, super-awesome celebrity couple that they are, instead of alternating between lesbian erasure and overly clinical obsession. In other words, we’d see a whole lot more of BuzzFeed‘s “Ireland Baldwin And Angel Haze Are On Another Level,” and a whole lot less of The New York Post‘s “Alec Baldwin Must Be Shocked By Daughter Ireland’s Same-Sex Pal.”

Coverage of Haze and Baldwin’s relationship stands in stark contrast to some advice Sam Smith shared with Fresh 102.7 last week:

“Just be yourself, and don’t make [your sexuality] an issue,” the “Stay With Me” singer said on the subject of coming out of the closet, an experience he was forced to navigate all over again himself in a very public way this past spring. “If others around you are making it an issue, I understand. Fight for your rights. But let’s make it a normality.”

I wish that the coming out process were as simple as just being yourself, but the media’s treatment of Haze and Baldwin’s relationship kind of throws a wrench into that optimistic view.

Comparatively, Cara Delevingne is less forthcoming in her interview with The Telegraph. Unless we’re talking about her bunny, Cecil, whose presence the model-turned actress announces by screaming “Peeing! Peeing!” at the top of the interview. (FYI, we’re not talking about her bunny, Cecil.)

As the conversation veers away from her style and social media presence and towards her sexuality — she was photographed kissing “Fast And The Furious” actress Michelle Rodriguez courtside at a Knicks game back in January, among other places — Delevingne paused to gather her thoughts before answering: “I think people shouldn’t be scared of that. I’m young, I’m having fun, I don’t want to pretend to be something I’m not.”

While Cara never clarifies or DTR (Defines The Relationship), her coded answer doesn’t strike me as an evasion. (Hello, coded communication is only, like, fundamental to queer culture. See the hanky code, Boston marriages, LITERALLY MOST OF THE OTHER THINGS.) It sounds like Delevingne views her sexuality as something she doesn’t really feel all that compelled to define — but she sure as hell knows when she’s being pressured to deny it or put a label on it.

While Haze and Delevingne can only speak directly to their individual experiences, their words no doubt speak volumes to the experiences of many other young women (and men, and old women and men, and medium-aged women and men) whose sexual identifies won’t always fit neatly into every acronym — all of whom deserve to have as much pride this summer as their lesbian, bisexual, gay, and straight peers.


Say what you want about them, but I love how Angel and Ireland are open about their relationship given they are struggling not only with the lesbian but also with the interracial aspect of it. Also have you watched the video of her serenading Ireland at festival? Cuteness

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner celebrate 4th of July with their family


Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner continued their 4th of July tradition of taking their children - Violet (8), Seraphina (5) and Samuel (2) - to watch the Parade in Pacific Palisades on Friday.


Michelle Rodriguez and Zac Efron share a kiss while on vacation in Sardinia


They've been enjoying an Italian getaway together.

And unlikely friends Zac Efron and Michelle Rodriguez were pictured flying into Sardinia Airport via a private jet on Thursday.

They were accompanied by their host, Italian businessman Gianluca Vacchi and his girlfriend.
That day, Gianluca shared an Instagram video hopping out of the private jet and kissing the ground, with the caption, ‘SARDINIA finally!!! enjoy #GVlifestyle’

Zac, 26, and Michelle, 35, were last pictured together at Porto Cervo in Sardinia on July 25, embarking on a boat ride.

It appears they have returned after vacationing elsewhere. Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea.

Zac and Michelle looked coordinated on Thursday, and were both clad in head to toe black.

The Neighbors actor sported a sweater over shorts with high socks and sneakers and a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

Feeling warm, he then removed his outerwear to reveal a blue and white T-shirt.


Trey Songz Larry King Now interview

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