Kim Kardashian finally wears flattering clothes
Melissa Beck Of 'Real World: New Orleans'...Where Is She Now?

If the grand Belfort Mansion was New Orleans' castle in 2000, Melissa Beck was its unwitting court jester, keeping "Real World" audiences cackling with her one-liners and tales of her dear parents, Shorty and Mercy. Now, her life more closely resembles a queen's -- she's the mother of two little girls and is married to a Glassjaw rock star -- but her wit is still razor-sharp, and her royal subjects (any and all with funny bones) are still loyal. See what she told Remote Control about life in Long Island, follow her unbelievably funny Twitter and keep up with the "Retro MTV: Real World" marathon all weekend long!
How did you wind up on the show?
I graduated college in 1999, and I had a cute little job at a law firm in Tampa. I thought I was doing great. And I'm not one of the "Real World" cast members that acts like they didn't watch the show, OK? Because that show was my sh**. All the way through Hawaii? I saw all the motherf***ers except London.
So, I was sitting there going through some files and watching a marathon, and there was Ruthie. And I was like, hmmm, a brown girl: I can do that!
Do your experiences in New Orleans still carry into your life?
Listen, I can turn on my Twitter and write the words "Squee dabbo" and I will get like 48 mentions in a minute about "Come On Be My Baby Tonight." That, itself, was worth all of my anxieties on the show.
Did you know that your trademark with audiences would be how funny you are?
I had no idea! I was always told I was crazy; that I was special-funny. But it was like the 'wear-the-helmet' special-funny. My husband told me "You make me laugh," though, and that was one of the best compliments I've ever gotten.
You tried your hand as a comic in L.A. What was that like?
I went from New Orleans straight to L.A., went on the Craig Kilborn show and asked for a job on national television. I got one as a PA on "The Jamie Foxx Show." I started doing standup, and I don't know how I survived with my stomach in tact. I was the most anxious person ever, but having fun. If "Real World" threw me into my adult life, California showed me my real self. I'm really happy to have had that experience.
How did you meet your husband?
Remember my little paintings from the show? People starting emailing me after and asking if they could buy those as prints, so I started filling my own online orders. Then a mutual friend of my husband's and mine was like "I have this friend who's starting an online store for bands. Maybe he could do something with you." I came out to Long Island and took a meeting with this guy, Justin Beck, and his office was the size of a Yukon and fit a fish tank, a stapler and Glassjaw shirts. I didn't even know he was in Glassjaw, I just knew I had met someone who was as crass as I was.
How did you fall in love?
Every time I came to New York to do something with MTV, he would drive out from Long Island and take me to dinner because I was his most important VIP client, honey. He would take me to Chinatown, Wonton Garden and wine and dine my ass. Then, maybe six years in, when my business was dwindling, he called me. We started talking and dating, and one day at a gay club -- because he used to take me wherever I wanted to go -- I vomited all over the place, and he didn't mind that it was all over him. I was like: Dude, we're getting married.
Justin is my soul mate so much so that my little girl is named Maja for "Melissa and Justin Always." But sometimes Justin does stupid sh** and I'm like, "Dude, we'll legally change her name to Majat: Melissa and Justin Ain't Together."
Did your 22-year-old self expect to be a suburban housewife?
Never did I picture myself being, like, a breastfeeding warrior, or, like, a stay-at-home mom. But it has worked out nicely.
What's life like with your daughters?
Listen, I would love to have a routine mom life like those girls on Pinterest, but what really happens is at 4 a.m., one child will puke in your mouth, and at 6 a.m., the next one will puke on your toe and ask for toast. My older one, Shalom, has a lot of autonomy. She's not eating Oreos for dinner, but I don't stifle her. If she says she wants to watch Glassjaw videos, that's what we're doing.
Your Twitter audience knows you're fascinated by courtroom cases -- since when, and how deeply does the obsession run?
I'm sitting here listening to HLN on Sirius network because that's how obsessed I am with Jodi Arias. I was in journalism school around the same time as the OJ Simpson trial and JonBenet Ramsey, and I got totally into it -- plus, my sister was a court reporter. I learned you've gotta know a little bit about a lot, and social justice and baby-killers and sh** like that interests me. I don't know why. It drives my husband crazy. I send him YouTubes.
How are the great Shorty and Mercy?
Amazing as always. MTV dropped the ball, I gotta say. Shorty and Mercy would've been a show, honey. If Shorty had cash, like a Pauly D-type, do you understand all of the video game conventions he would be at with cameras? All the Troy Polamalu figurines he would have signed? Stop it.
will JT hit a million?

JT ON THE MOVE: Justin Timberlake's The 20/20 Experience continues to outpace expectations, blowing past estimates of 950k, according to industry sources. The last album to sell a million-plus was Taylor Swift's Red, which moved 1.2 million when it debuted last fall. Timberlake's total would be the highest figure for a male artist since Lil Wayne scored 964k for Tha Carter IV in Sept., 2011. Sales estimates for the RCA album have gone from an initial total of 500k to 750k last week, 800k, then 850-900k to the current number. Kudos to the label team of Peter Edge and Tom Corson, along with Joe Riccitelli on the radio side and Timberlake's management team, for a letter-perfect set-up, including appearances at the Grammys, SXSW and Saturday Night Live to fuel the demand. How high can it go? Stay tuned. (3/24p)
Blind item

This came from an article called 'Jobs Confidential' where people anonymously reveal details of their jobs. This bit of info comes from a fortune teller:
My job is mostly to act as a channel between the living and the dead, but I can see into the future, too. I have to be careful how I break news. I'm never going to tell you that you are going to die soon. I made the mistake once – the guy got shot two weeks later – and I don't think it's fair. But if you've got cancer I will tell you to check out a lump. It does amaze me, the influence I have on people. I told a Hollywood actor he wasn't in love with his wife and he left her that day. I destroyed a marriage instantly, because I knew he loved someone else. He's having a baby with her now.
Thoughts? Also, have you had any experiences with psychics or fortune tellers ONTD?
Gerard Way explains MCR split

I woke up this morning still dreaming, or not fully aware of myself just yet. The sun poked through the windows, touching my face, and then a deep sadness overcame me, immediately, bringing me to life and realization- My Chemical Romance had ended.
I walked downstairs to do the only thing I could think of to regain composure-
I made coffee.
As the drip began, in that kind of silence that only happens in the morning, and being the only one awake, I stepped outside my home, leaving the door open behind me. I looked around and began to breathe. Things looked to be about the same- a beautiful day.
As I turned to step back into the house I heard sound from within, a chirp and a rustle. And I noticed a small brown bird had flown into the library. Naturally, I panicked. I knew I had to see the bird to safety and I knew I had to retain the order of things in our home, and he very well couldn’t take up residency with us. I chased him (still assuming he was a he) into my office, where I have these very large windows.
Just then, and luckily, I heard Lindsey’s footsteps coming down the stairs, and naturally being composed as she is, she grabbed a blanket and stepped into the office. He was impossible to catch, and I began to open the windows, via Lindsey’s direction, only to find out they were screened. The bird began to fly into the glass, over and over and in all different directions.
I heard another set of footsteps, Bandit’s, running down the stairs in anticipation of the new day. Her entrance into the situation caused just the right amount of chaos (she was very excited to meet the bird) and we found ourselves chasing the bird into the living room. Knowing that this where it could potentially get sticky, being the high ceilings and the beams to perch on, I opened the front door as Lindsey did her best to encourage our new friend out the door. After some coaxing, flying, chirping, a wrong turn back into the library and a short goodbye to Bandit, he simply hopped out the front door- taking off on the fifth leap.
We cheered.
I was no longer sad.
I didn’t realize it, but I stopped being sad the minute that bird had come into my life, because there was something that needed doing, a small vessel to aid and an order to keep. I closed the door. I decided to write the letter I always knew I would.
It is often my nature to be abstract, hidden in plain sight, or nowhere at all. I have always felt that the art I have made (alone or with friends) contains all of my intent when executed properly, and thus, no explanation required. It is simply not in my nature to excuse, explain, or justify any action I have taken as a result of thinking it through with a clear head, and in my truth.
I had always felt this situation involving the end of this band would be different, in the eventuality it happened. I would be cryptic in its existence, and open upon its death.
The clearest actions come from truth, not obligation. And the truth of the matter is that I love every one of you.
So, if this finds you well, and sheds some light on anything, or my personal account and feelings on the matter, then it is out of this love, mutual and shared, not duty.
This was always my intent.
My Chemical Romance: 2001-2013
We were spectacular.
Every show I knew this, every show I felt it with or without external confirmation.
There were some clunkers, sometimes our secondhand gear broke, sometimes I had no voice- we were still great. It is this belief that made us who we were, but also many other things, all of them vital-
And all of the things that made us great were the very things that were going to end us-
Fiction. Friction. Creation. Destruction. Opposition. Aggression. Ambition. Heart. Hate. Courage. Spite. Beauty. Desperation. LOVE. Fear. Glamour. Weakness. Hope.
That last one is very important. My Chemical Romance had, built within its core, a fail-safe. A doomsday device, should certain events occur or cease occurring, would detonate. I shared knowledge of this “flaw” within weeks of its inception.
Personally, I embraced it because, again, it made us perfect. A perfect machine, beautiful, yet self aware of it’s system. Under directive to terminate before it becomes compromised. To protect the idea- at all costs. This probably sounds like something ripped from the pages of a four-color comic book, and that’s the point.
No compromise. No surrender. No fucking shit.
To me that’s rock and roll. And I believe in rock and roll.
I wasn’t shy about who I said this to, not the press, or a fan, or a relative. It’s in the lyrics, it’s in the banter. I often watched the journalists snicker at mention of it, assuming I was being sensational or melodramatic (in their defense I was most likely dressed as an apocalyptic marching-band leader with a tear-away hospital gown and a face covered in expressionist paint, so fair enough).
I’m still not sure if the mechanism worked correctly, because it wasn’t a bang but a much slower process. But still the same result, and still for the same reason-
When it’s time, we stop.
It is important to understand that for us, the opinion on whether or not it is in fact time does not transmit from the audience. Again, this is to protect the idea for the benefit of the audience. Many a band have waited for external confirmation that it is time to hang it up, via ticket sales, chart positioning, boos and bottles of urine- input that holds no sway for us, and often too late when it comes anyway.
You should know it in your being, if you listen to the truth inside you. And voice inside became louder than the music.
There are many reasons My Chemical Romance ended. The triggerman is unimportant, as was always the messengers- but the message, again as always, is the important thing. But to reiterate, this is my account, my reasons and my feelings. And I can assure you there was no divorce, argument, failure, accident, villain, or knife in the back that caused this, again this was no one’s fault, and it had been quietly in the works, whether we knew it or not, long before any sensationalism, scandal, or rumor.
There wasn’t even a blaze of glory in a hail of bullets…
I am backstage in Asbury Park, New Jersey. It is Saturday, May 19th, 2012 and I am pacing behind a massive black curtain that leads to the stage. I feel the breeze from the ocean find its way around me and I look down at my arms, which are covered in fresh gauze due to a losing battle with a heat rash, which had been a mysterious problem in recent months. I am normally not nervous before a show but I am certainly filled with angry butterflies most of the time. This is different- a strange anxiety jetting through me that I can only imagine is the sixth sense one feels before their last moments alive. My pupils have zeroed-out and I have ceased blinking. My body temperature is icy.
We get the cue to hit the stage.
The show is… good. Not great, not bad, just good. The first thing I notice take me by surprise is not the enormous amount of people in front of us but off to my left- the shore and the vastness of the ocean. Much more blue than I remembered as a boy. The sky is just as vibrant. I perform, semi-automatically, and something is wrong.
I am acting. I never act on stage, even when it appears that I am, even when I’m hamming it up or delivering a soliloquy. Suddenly, I have become highly self-aware, almost as if waking from a dream. I began to move faster, more frantic, reckless- trying to shake it off- but all it began to create was silence. The amps, the cheers, all began to fade.
All that what left was the voice inside, and I could hear it clearly. It didn’t have to yell- it whispered, and said to me briefly, plainly, and kindly- what it had to say.
What it said is between me and the voice.
I ignored it, and the following months were full of suffering for me- I hollowed out, stopped listening to music, never picked up a pencil, started slipping into old habits. All of the vibrancy I used to see became de-saturated. Lost. I used to see art or magic in everything, especially the mundane- the ability was buried under wreckage.
Slowly, once I had done enough damage to myself, I began to climb out of the hole. Clean. When I made it out, the only thing left inside was the voice, and for the second time in my life, I no longer ignored it- because it was my own.
There are many roles for all of us to play in this ending. We can be well-wishers, ill-wishers, sympathizers, vilifiers, comedians, rain clouds, victims-
That last one, again, is important. I have never thought myself a victim, nor my comrades, nor the fans- especially not the fans. For us to adopt that role right now would legitimize everything the tabloids have tried to name us. More importantly, it completely misses the point of the band. And then what have we learned?
With honor, integrity, closure, and on no one’s terms but our own- the door closes.
And another opens-
This morning I awoke early. I quickly brushed my teeth, threw on some baggy jeans, and hopped in my car. I gently sped down the 405 through the morning fog to a random parking lot in Palo Verde, where I was to meet a nice gentleman named Norm. He was older, and a self-proclaimed “hippie” but he also had the energy of Sixteen year old in a garage-rock band. The purpose of the meeting was the delivery of an amplifier into my possession. I had recently purchased the amp from him and we both agreed that shipping would jostle the tubes- so he was kind enough to meet me in the middle.
A Fender Princeton Amp from 1965, non reverb. A beautiful little device.
He showed me the finer points, the speaker, the non-grounded plug, the original label and the chalk mark of the man or woman who built it-
“This amp talks.” he said.
I smiled.
We got coffee, talked about gold-foil pickups and life. We sat in the car and played each other music we had made. We parted ways, promising to stay in touch, I drove home.
When I wanted to start My Chemical Romance, I began by sitting in my parent’s basement, picking up an instrument I had long abandoned for the brush- a guitar. It was a 90’s Fender Mexican Stratocaster, Lake Placid Blue, but in my youth I had decided it was too clean and pretty so I beat it up, exposing some of the red paint underneath the blue- the color it was meant to be. Adding a piece of duct tape on the pick guard, it felt acceptable. I plugged this into a baby Crate Amp with built in distortion and began the first chords of Skylines and Turnstiles.
I still have that guitar, and it’s sitting next to The Princeton.
He has a voice, and I would like to hear what it has to say.
In closing, I want to thank every single fan. I have learned from you, maybe more than you think you’ve learned from me. My only regret is that I am awful with names and bad with goodbyes. But I never forget a face, or a feeling- and that is what I have left from all of you.
I feel Love.
I feel love for you, for our crew, our team, and for every single human being I have shared the band and stage with-
Ray. Mikey. Frank. Matt. Bob. James. Todd. Cortez. Tucker. Pete. Michael. Jarrod.
Since I am bad with goodbyes. I refuse to let this be one. But I will leave you with one last thing-
My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die.
It is alive in me, in the guys, and it is alive inside all of you.
I always knew that, and I think you did too.
Because it is not a band-
it is an idea.
Another LiLo Statement issued. IT WAS PELLEGRINO!
This Time with New Beau

Lindsay Lohan continued her weekend of partying before rehab ... hitting a club in Santa Monica last night with a few friends ... including her rumored new man, Avi Snow. LiLo was there to watch Avi's band play. We're told she left around midnight (kinda early for her, no?). As TMZ first reported, Lindsay spent her Friday night drinking inside a club in San Diego, where spies say she asked to be served vodka from carafes, instead of bottles, so she wouldn't be seen with alcohol bottles on her table. In is unclear if Lindsay was drinking last night as well. In the pics she's drinking San Pellegrino. Lilo has only just recently started dating Snow, who plays guitar for the indie band City of the Sun. It was his band's concert in New York last week that made Lindsay skip her flight back to Los Angeles ... which started the chain reaction of events that led to her being late to court.
One of their photos:

Source: TMZ of course
LiLo's Statement Via Facebook:

her facebook like last time video is there too I couldn't figure out how to embed
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Finale Promo (HD)
Fantasia and Carrie Underwood Earn Their 32nd & 66th Billboard No. 1s

The Hollywood Reporter: 'American Idol' on the Charts
DOUBLE DOSE OF CHART-TOPPERS: The Idol franchise adds two more Billboard No. 1s to its total, thanks to new No. 1s by the winners of seasons three and four.
Fantasia’s latest single, “Lose to Win,” jumps 7-1 on Bubbling Under Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs. This is the first time the song has been No. 1 on any chart. On Adult R&B, where “Lose” held tight at No. 11 for four weeks in a row, the song has finally made its top 10 breakthrough, rising 11-8.
Carrie Underwood’s “Blown Away” moves off of the Hot Country Songs survey and debuts at No. 1 on Hot Country Songs Recurrents.
This is Fantasia’s 32nd Billboard No. 1 and the 381st for American Idol. Underwood collects her 66th Billboard No. 1 and the 382nd for Idol. Her total could increase again next week, as “Two Black Cadillacs” drives 4-2 on the Country Airplay list. “Cadillacs” will have to put the pedal to the metal to overtake the current No. 1, Blake Shelton’s “Sure Be Cool if You Did.”
Fantasia and Underwood are both in the top four among Idols with the most No. 1s. Here’s how the top 10 shapes up:
Kelly Clarkson 81
Carrie Underwood 66
Chris Daughtry (Daughtry) 39
Fantasia 32
Ruben Studdard 16
Jennifer Hudson 15
Mandisa 15
Clay Aiken 12
Phillip Phillips 11
Adam Lambert 10
Scotty McCreery 10
Amazing Race B-52 Bomber Prop Sparks Outrage From Vietnam Veterans

Last week's leg of the Race featured a segment in which the contestants raced around the wreckage of a B-52 shot down during the Vietnam War.
The downed plane was then put on display in Hanoi as a “memorial.”
Earlier, the contestants sat under a portrait of communist leader Ho Chi Minh and sat through a musical concert by young people singing a patriotic song.
For Vietnam.
The lyrics included: “Vietnam Communist party is glorious ... Socialism is growing more beautiful with time. Follow the party’s step. Be loyal. Be pure.”
The segment in the Vietnamese capital city, while only a part of the episode, sparked outcry from the American Legion, among other organizations.
“The show is called ‘The Amazing Race’ but I call it ‘The Amazing Gall,’” American Legon National Commander James E. Koutz said in a letter to CBS.
He called the segment a “disgraceful slap-in-the face administered to American war heroes” and scolded CBS for showing the Vietnamese singing group.
CBS officials declined to comment yesterday when contacted by The Post.
The Amazing Race did issue an apology before tonight's episode
Since we've had such negative GoT posts, here's a fun party post for everyone!
In Shameless 3×11, Fiona takes the kids on a camping trip. Essentially homeless, Frank seeks out Carl who sneaks him into the Gallagher van for the night.
severe lack of ian as always SMDH. gallavich 5ever
Exclusive: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's Friday Date Night!
Pussy Riot Member Grants '60 Minutes' Interview in Disguise

One of the members of Russian punk band protestors Pussy Riot tells 60 Minutes that they have no regrets and will continue to fight, despite the fact that two were jailed and two others are in hiding over their protests of Vladimir Putin.
The band's fifth member, Katya Samutsevich, was put on trial and convicted after the group staged a protest against Putin and his crackdown on democrat freedoms at Moscow's largest cathedral last year, but she was released after seven months. She recently agreed to sit down with 60 Minutes'Lesley Stahl for an interview but only if her voice was disguised and she was allowed to wear a balaklava, one of the group's trademark masks. Samutsevich, who says few people know her identity, reveals that one reason she granted the interview to let the world know that the band still exists.
Asked if she has any regrets about the March 2012 protest, Samutsevich replies: "No, of course not. Look what's happened. Since the election, Putin has brought in a new level of repressive government measures in Russia."
She also claims that last year's election of Putin was rigged and says the group is advocating for a "peaceful overthrow" of Putin.
"The elections weren't legitimate," she says. "There was vote rigging. There was false counting. It was clear that the president put himself in power."
Samutsevich adds that the group never thought about asking the judge for leniency because "the whole process was so unfair to us from the beginning. It's strange when you're innocent. Are you supposed to ask for forgiveness from the judge who's ready to put you away for several years? No, this wasn't even discussed."
Samutsevich -- a computer engineer -- adds that the group has intentionally "dumbed-down" the language they use in order to get more attention (for example, the song they used during the protest used numerous curse words).
Meanwhile, Putin's political spokesman tells Stahl that the group members were given a harsher sentence then they deserved out of fear that other protests would follow.
"It's duty of authorities to stop the violence," Sergei Markov says, adding that the perception that Russia over-reacted has been detrimental to the nation's image. (South Park and Madonna, among others, have drawn attention to the jailed group members and called for their release.)
"We doesn't like such awful image of Russia because it create problems for us. This image doesn't allow millions of Russians who want to travel to Germany, Italy, France and to have vacations there easily, they don't allow to do this. It stops investments to Russian economy."
But, he adds, "we have to protect ourselves because if we will be weak, our image will be even worse."
Meanwhile, Samutsevich adds that Pussy Riot isn't done protesting Putin just yet.
"It's a fight, it's an ongoing fight," she says. "Just because there was a court case doesn't mean that we're going to stop and shut our mouths. We have a lot of things to say. We're going to continue to work, continue to do what we do."
Watch a video of Stahl and 60 Minutes producers talking about how the interview came together below.Source
Video at the source...sorry don't know how to embed properly
Jared Leto's Fan Mail Contained A Severed Human Ear

In an interview with XFM, the 30 Seconds To Mars frontman, 41, revealed that a fan sent him their severed ear in the mail.

"Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me, that was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move. The note just said, 'Are you listening?' I never knew who it was, who's missing their ear out there," he quipped, confessing what he did with the gross gift.
"I poked a hole in it and wore it as a necklace," Leto joked, letting admirers know, "Just don't put your entire body in a case and send it to us."
Leto, who is also an actor, has some devoted (and bizarre) fans, that's for sure.
Fess up ONTD. What is the strangest thing that you've ever sent someone or the strangest thing you've ever received? I'm hoping there aren't bodily parts / fluids on that list. Seriously though... an ear?

Happy Birthday, Queen Chastain! ♥ (+scans from InStyle March)
The YSL model and actress is turning 36 today, March 24, so we rounded up her top fashion and beauty moments.

FEBRUARY 24, 2013
As a two-time Oscar nominee for The Help and Zero Dark Thirty, Jessica Chastain is no stranger to the limelight—especially the fashion one. Whether she is strutting down the red carpet or sitting front row at fashion shows, the 36-year old actress proves that she knows how to sartorially impress. Last year she inked her first deal as the face of Yves Saint Laurent Beauty. Here, Chastain walks the red carpet at the 85th Annual Academy Awards in Armani Privé.

FEBRUARY 4, 2013
Here, she attends the 85th Academy Awards Nominees Luncheon in a floral black Erdem dress.

NOVEMBER 1, 2012
Chastain chooses a vibrant Stella McCartney dress to wear to the opening night after-party for the revival of The Heiress on Broadway.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2012
The movie star sits front row at the Proenza Schouler Spring 2013 show wearing a leather-and-tweed dress by the label.

JANUARY 15, 2012
The actress wears Givenchy Haute Couture at the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards.

FEBRUARY 26, 2012
Here, she walks the red carpet at the 84th Annual Academy Awards in Alexander McQueen.

DECEMBER 10, 2011
Chastain attends the 11th Marrakech International Film Festival wearing a Viktor & Rolf dress.

AUGUST 22, 2011
The Oscar-nominated actress chooses Christian Dior Couture for The Debt screening in New York.

AUGUST 9, 2011
The star accessorizes her purple gown with turquoise Sutra earrings at the Los Angeles Premiere of The Help.

AUGUST 4, 2011
She wears a blue lace Emilio Pucci dress to Hollywood Foreign Press Association's 2011 Installation Luncheon.

NOVEMBER 2, 2010
Chastain wears RM by Roland Mouret to a Decades Denim Launch Party in Los Angeles.

SEPTEMBER 20, 2009
The Zero Dark Thirty actress pairs a short black dress with black tights for the opening night party of the Public Theater and Labyrinth Theater's production of Othello.

JUNE 30, 2008
She sports a black gown to the Dior 2009 Spring/Summer Haute Couture fashion show in Paris.

MARCH 16, 2007
Chastain attends The New Garde: A Celebration of Innovative Los Angeles Fashion wearing a classic combo: a black dress and red lipstick.

MAY 18, 2005
Chastain rocks Giorgio Armani sunglasses during a visit to the Solstice Sunglass Boutique at The Lucky/Cargo Club.


May you grace our screens with your talent and beauty many years to come, my angel ♥

Adam Lambert on 'gay lifestyle' complaints & post-Idol success
American pop singer Adam Lambert was apparently unaware that his concert tonight at The Star Theatre has been the subject of a complaint. Last Saturday, The Straits Times reported that the National Council of Churches of Singapore had received a complaint from a Christian that "the gay lifestyle may be promoted at the concert, and that the concert venue is owned by a church." When told about the complaint and concerns in an interview with Life!, the singer said:"It (the concert) promotes love.My show doesn't promote any lifestyle except the lifestyle of love, acceptance, positivity, joy, connection. And that includes everybody, that's my message." He added: "If the venue has a specific view on what it wants to promote, that's its job, not mine." Despite the promoter's eagerness to keep a lid on the brouhaha, Lambert, the 2009 American Idol runner-up, was quite ready and willing to answer questions about it. "I'm used to answering questions like that," he said with a laugh.
His Singapore stop is part of his Asian and European tour, which has already taken him to Bali, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Japan and Seoul. Asked why his star seems to be shining more brightly here than in the United States, he says: "It's just different here, it's just a different angle of things being appreciated. I've established myself in the United States and it's really exciting that there's interest here. My team and I are just responding to it."
Although his music has been well received by critics - Rolling Stone magazine says Trespassing "delivers, with a mix of tinsel disco-club sleaze and leather-boy love ballads" - his singles have not made a huge impact.Better Than I Know Myself from Trespassing charted at No. 76 on the Billboard Hot 100. He admitted the song "didn't connect as much as those from the first album," adding that he has achieved "what I wanted to on an industry level." "I wrote a lot of music on the second album, I proved my point that I can executive produce and help create a good album."
Being launched on American Idol has its benefits, though what they are, it is hard to tell, he added. "Phillip Phillips, who won season 11 and had a huge hit single (Home), is an example of how sometimes it's just about timing and the right song. "It's a great tune, he sounds amazing on it and they put it on the finale of Idol, so everybody knew the song by the time it went to radio. "That's really good. That's a lucky situation. It's all about timing and the momentum. There's really no way to predict how it's (post-Idol career) going to go. You have to go on faith."
most underrated album of 2012 imo
In Spring Breakers, Black Lives Matter Less Than White Ones

Nearly everything in Harmony Korine’s exploitation romp Spring Breakers is something familiar turned up to 11. “This film is hyper-reality,” director Harmony Korine told Salon when discussing his depictions of gun violence. “It’s an aggressive reinterpretation of that culture. It’s a pop poem or a fever dream—like the real world but hyper-poetic and hyper-extreme.”
One of the “extreme” aspects of the Spring Breakers world is the racial divide: On one side you have the hard-partying, white college students, and on the other, violent black gangsters—and one white guy, played by James Franco, who adopts the style of a particular section of black culture (including cornrows and a metal grill). While our bikini-clad protagonists—Faith, Cotty, Candy, and Brit—enjoy some drug-induced wildness with their overwhelmingly white peers, their penchant for violence separates them from the others, who just want to have fun. To fund their trip to Florida, Cotty, Candy, and Brit commit armed robbery with water pistols, aping the mannerisms and vernacular seen in films like Menace II Society and Paid in Full.
When they meet James Franco’s wannabe gangsta Alien later on, it appears to be a match made in heaven: They are drawn in by the way he’s “made it” as a white baller, with a lavish lifestyle and access to an ultra-violent world, populated seemingly entirely by black people. Alien and the girls, by virtue of their skin tone, are able to swiftly modulate between white mainstream culture and aspirations of the black gangsta lifestyle. (A giant poster of Lil Wayne hangs in the background of one of their dorm rooms; later they belt out Britney Spears in a parking lot.) Meanwhile, the black characters in Spring Breakers aren’t merely acting out the gangsta life—that’s just the way they are.
So should we understand this aspect of the movie as a “hyper-poetic” version of “the real world”? What, if anything, is Korine trying to say by showing dangerous white girls as anomalies among their peers but natural allies to a black “gangsta” lifestyle?
My sense? Not much. Korine may intend the obviousness of the racial divide to be provocative, but he fails to comment in any interesting way on this so-called “hyper-reality,” instead merely reproducing a racist vision of the world in which black lives matter less than white ones. This is most egregious in the final scene, in which, as Richard Brody points out, Brit and Candy don quasi-blackface thanks to a blacklight. Korine shoots the scene as if it were a video game with zero consequence: As Brit and Candy dodge in slow motion around the compound of Alien’s nemesis Archie (played by rapper Gucci Mane), toting guns to seek revenge for an earlier incident, the black characters fall instantly and with little fanfare. The bikini-wearing duo emerges unscathed.
Yet the moment that inspires this retaliation is presented much more realistically. One night, Archie and a gun-wielding female companion pull up next to Alien and the girls at a stop light. After a brief threatening exchange with Alien, who is uncharacteristically scared—proving he’s still not as “hard” as his black former ally—Archie drives off as the woman shoots at their car and hits Cotty in the arm. If only for a moment, the violence is utterly palpable and unfiltered by fantastical camera tricks. Later we watch Alien remove the bullet from her arm as she cries.
In this way, Spring Breakers is a mirror image of Django Unchained, in which the deaths of white slave holders in the Old South are treated with frivolity, while the deaths of their slaves are brutal and difficult to watch. Of course, the whole point of that movie is that slave owners deserved to die. What is the point of Spring Breakers?
I’m still not sure.
Watched this today, fell asleep but my siblings loved it. Guess I just don't understand ~art

This is a Dick Casablancas post
Carmelo Anthony Shoots for 'Game Of Thrones' Season 3 Promo
Fans of the hit HBO show Game Of Thrones have been trying to piece together the correlation between NBA star Carmelo Anthony and the show after a recent promo was released.
The 30-second clip intertwines scenes from the medieval inspired TV show and Anthony shooting jump shots in a dimly lit gym. Sure, the playoffs are about to start for the NBA and Anthony's New York Knicks have a shot at dethroning Lebron James and his Miami Heat, but the trailer is still a bit peculiar.
Season three of Game Of Thrones starts March 31, at 9PM EST on HBO. Check out the promo below:

Anybody watching March Madness ?
Beyonce & Blue Ivy spotted <3

I’m not going to lie Blue Ivy looks extra long in this picture. Mind you she has tall parents, so it would make SENSE that she would be a tall baby girl, and we haven’t seen a real picture of her since she was a baby. But for some people COMMON SENSE is not in everyone’s equation and thus the conspiracy theories begin. But, we will ignore those people cause I don’t believe in talking about the babies, and besides I want to continue to see more pictures of Blue Ivy. Some of y’all are going to ruin it for all of us. Keep it up and we will not see Blue Ivy until her first concert.