“The thing about Ava is everything she touches she elevates. She bakes into it who she is. So, if Marvel is as smart and as brave to go on that journey with Ava, I’m personally the first in line to see what she does with that. I think she’s going to take it in directions that are both exciting and provocative, and different to what you’ve seen thus far. It’s always going to be a Marvel movie, but she is so singular as a director that I think her, plus that brand is an exciting idea.”
Also according to website wearewakanda.com Ava DuVernay is one step closer to helming Black Panther and has been sighted on the set of Captain America: Civil War in Atlanta watching them film the scene that takes place in Lagos, Nigeria (aka. the one with Crossbones). She has already been discussions with Marvel talking about how to make Wakanda look and feel "authentic". All that is left for her is to sign on to direct the film. And Marvel wants to have a director for the project soon since apparently they are going to film a scene that takes place in Wakanda a few weeks from now for Civil War and they want to have the upcoming director of Black Panther involved.
I personally don't know how legitimate wearewakanda is but they do know people on the set and got exclusive pictures of the filming of Civil War plus Ava was in Atlanta at the time for another event, so I'm really hoping this is all true.