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Vogue's 73 Questions with Daniel Radcliffe


For some reason, watching him answer questions while playing ping pong is stressing me out. Dan Rad remain adorable and charming.

ferguson, the 25th anniversary of "do the right thing" and "let's be cops"


All movies choose their moment. It’s called a release date. Some moments, however, choose their movies. And it looks as if the moment has chosen Let’s Be Cops. But let’s be clear: No one should choose this movie. It’s a title in search of a plot. It could also have been called Let’s Be Funnier, Let’s Be Directed, Let’s Be 15 to 30 Minutes Shorter, Let’s Be 22 Jump Street. Right now, though, this is our only movie starring law enforcement run amok, at a moment when much of the nation is outraged that actual law enforcement is doing the same.

Last Saturday, police shot Michael Brown, an 18-year-old from Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb 20 minutes northwest of St. Louis, just east of the airport. Reports that he was unarmed, that his dead body was left on the hot August street for four hours, and that he was less than a week away from his first day of college have incited days of protests, spiked with outbreaks of looting, rioting, and arrests. Not long after Brown’s death, his mother, Lesley McSpadden, wailed in the streets. His stepfather, Louis Head, found the composure to hold up a cardboard sign.“Ferguson police just executed my unarmed son,” it read, with three exclamation points. Police suggested that Brown was a suspect in a robbery and physically confronted the officer who tried to detain him. On Friday, the police released a report identifying him as a suspect in a convenience store incident involving the theft of a box of Swisher Sweets cigars.

The ensuing six days of unrest have escalated to the point where the police are launching canisters of tear gas, seizing journalists, and shooting protesters with rubber bullets.

Brown’s shooting followed the death last month of Eric Garner, of Staten Island. He died in a struggle with police officers who aimed to arrest him. The New York City medical examiner ruled the death a homicide, which caused police supporters to cry politics. But even before that, Al Sharpton, long missing in sustained on-the-ground political action, hopped down from his perch at MSNBC and into the streets to demand justice. A half-dozen New York congresspeople of color want the Justice Department to open a federal inquiry into whether law-enforcement practices unreasonably target blacks and Latinos. And earlier this week, police in Los Angeles shot and killed Ezell Ford, an unarmed 25-year-old whose family said he was living with “mental problems.” This came after a widely circulated July 1 video in which Daniel L. Andrew, a white California Highway Patrol officer, could be seen straddled atop Marlene Pinnock, a 51-year-old homeless black woman, and punching her with a force that falls somewhere between Cartoon Network and UFC. In Chicago, there’s a separate epidemic of black-on-black shootings that sometimes involves the police.

The president, who has spent his annual vacation on Martha’s Vineyard issuing statements about the assortment of deadly political fires burning around the world, appeared Thursday before the press to address the latest log to hit the pyre. Standing in what appeared to be a school cafeteria, he first offered a detailed update of the recent military operation in Iraq, particularly concerning the current fate of the persecuted Yazidi people. It was surreally sobering to watch a world leader segue from militarized chaos in the Middle East to seemingly militarized chaos in St. Louis without having to adjust his tone. President Obama noted that the Justice Department is on the case, then called for calm and transparency. Looting is inexcusable, he said. Excessive force is, too. He left the stage, having taken no questions and leaving few lines to read between, beyond making one humanitarian crisis seem an echo of another. To the extent that the equation was at all a conscious touch, it was deft.

It’s possible that in the coming days or, God forbid, weeks, the president could have something more specific to say about the freighted decades-long history of political imbalance at work, in this case between a mostly black working-class town and its majority white government and police force. But this is a black man who must choose his words about race, governance, and law enforcement even more carefully than a white politician would. And this is the third summer in which, as president, he would have to do so.

The first time came in 2009, after Sergeant James Crowley, of the Cambridge Police Department, arrested the Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates on the porch of Gates’s home. Obama’s curt remarks and the ensuing apologetic “beer summit” among the sergeant, the professor, the president, and the vice-president over mugs of Sam Adams Light, Blue Moon, and Bud Light (Veep sipped alcohol-free Buckler) was an event only The Onion could love. Obama’s second attempt to address race and injustice came just over a year ago, following the hand-wringing after George Zimmerman’s acquittal for the shooting of Trayvon Martin. The speech Obama gave worked, largely because the president seemed to be making different conflations: between himself as both a black, formerly young male and as president of the United States, and between black people who wanted him to say something and white people who needed to hear what he’d say. Sadly, most of what he said then could easily apply right now.

Let’s Be Cops has no comparable outrage on its mind. It has very little mind at all. What it’s got is Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson as Justin and Ryan, friends and roommates from the Midwest, who are stagnating in Los Angeles, desperate not to be losers. Justin works at a gaming company. Ryan barely works at all. Not far into things, Justin arrives at the apartment after his boss rejects his idea for an all-cops video game in favor of something like firefighters vs. zombies. The box Justin carries home contains a pair of police uniforms, presumably for the presentation. But the roommates are due that evening at a college masquerade ball, for which Ryan mistakenly presumes that costumes are required, and cops are cooler than bed-sheet ghosts, so cops it is.

The party — for Purdue in L.A. — turns out to be just a stuffy soirée clogged with the sort of privileged white zombies the movies typically trot out for depictions of prep schools, Princeton, or almost any American movie about dystopia. Almost none of them seems to know or care about Justin and Ryan or their uniforms, except as an opportunity to ask, “What happened to you?” Ryan used to be a star quarterback; now he’s the out-of-shape coach of little boys who can’t stand him. The two leave the Purdue event dejected, but on the streets, still in costume, strange things happen. Streams of (mostly white) girls run up and kiss them. When Justin and Ryan approach a group of adolescents getting high, the kids turn terrified. Ryan takes a hit from their joint, and it’s as though he’s hit on the head in one of those amnesia movies. He believes he’s a cop.

The gag runs aground quickly. Justin and Ryan get mixed up in an in-progress hardware store robbery and an insulting domestic dispute between black sorority sisters that ends with Justin being slammed through a glass table. Mainly, they try to bring down Ye Olde Ethnic Drug Cartel (Russians this time!) with the help of an actual cop (Rob Riggle), who’s charmed enough by Justin and Ryan’s stabs at competence to say stuff along the lines of “You guys are crazy.” A humorless Andy Garcia is here. So is the goatee that’s wearing him. And the head Russian goon (James D’Arcy)? Justin has just started dating the waitress (Nina Dobrev) at the restaurant that’s the front for his operation. And she’s gonna be so mad when she finds out he’s not a cop!

Director and cowriter Luke Greenfield has lain other eggs, the most rotten of them being the so-jealous-of-her-wedding comedy Something Borrowed. But he also produced the comedy Role Models, which should have marked the beginning of Seann William Scott and Paul Rudd’s domination of the buddy comedy. This movie has neither Role Models’s writing nor its comedic zing. Wayans and Johnson share a television home on New Girl, but they have the movie chemistry of two people whose previous movie would have been about an odd couple who learn to tolerate each other.

There are some random funny bits — featuring Keegan-Michael Key as a dreadlocked, wildly inked cholo, and Natasha Leggero as a stoned sexpot whose apartment the not-cops use to stake out the Russians. The movie just doesn’t take this premise anywhere new or smart enough. It’s an incompetent comedy hidden behind incompetence. The level of visual ugliness warrants a Jackass- or Sacha Baron Cohen–style social-prank approach. A lot of those random funny bits involve people’s reactions to having a police officer in their midst. I’d watch a movie in which Wayans and Johnson tried that same gag on real civilians. It could get ugly, but who knows. After Justin is dropped through that table, the woman who does it looks down at him and says, “That’s what you get.” An unscripted version might also end with someone crashing through furniture, but what you’d get with that movie would seem worth it.

This would just be more flushable summer waste (and, please, don’t let me stop you from jiggling the handle), except Let’s Be Cops somehow doubles as a fantasy that knows its social limits, limits that connect it to the turmoil in Ferguson, and those limits ease on down the road of race. The movie doesn’t want to make a big deal about this, but Justin is black and Ryan white, which is newsworthy in that, despite one guy’s annoyance with the other, they appear to have been friends long enough for racial osmosis to set it. Justin speaks the way black comedians — like Wayans’s father, Damon Sr. — do when they’re impersonating an uptight white guy. Ryan occasionally twists and spikes the cadences of his speech so it sounds comedically black. Justin says “dude” a lot. Ryan likes “bro.” Permeable racial identity becomes a kind of running gag, especially once Key and his impersonation of a loopy Mexican gangsta shows up.

his summer happens to mark the 25th anniversary of the death of Radio Raheem in Spike Lee’s magnum opus Do the Right Thing. Radio is the big Brooklyn lug with the flattop haircut who hauls around a boom box that blasts only one song (“Fight the Power”) all over the movie’s Bed-Stuy neighborhood. He gets on the nerves of Sal, the middle-aged Italian American who owns the pizzeria, and perplexes the three older black guys who sit outside and shoot the shit. The Korean couple who own the bodega find him obnoxious (he’s not not). Even the teenagers find Radio strange. On his right hand is a four-fingered ring that spells “love.” The ring on the left hand spells “hate.” It’s basically the mirrored dichotomy of #IfTheyGunnedMeDown. Radio steps up to the camera and boxes his way through an explanatory monologue.

The movie’s racial pot has been simmering the entire film. After Sal and the neighborhood activist Buggin’ Out scream at each other, Sal smashes Radio’s radio, the pot boils over, and the moral cubism of all the movie’s canted angles threatens to send all of the characters sliding into a racial abyss. Radio lunges at Sal and pulls him from behind his counter, onto the floor and eventually outside, where he chokes Sal until three white police officers pull him off and restrain him by securing a nightstick against his neck. The shot is framed just wide enough so that you can see the cops and Radio all struggling until the young black man with the flattop and finger rings ceases to struggle. There’s a cutaway to his sneakers, which have been wriggling off the ground the entire altercation. One of the cops pleads for the officer with the nightstick to loosen his grip. But it’s too late. Radio’s breathing sputters, then stops. He falls to the street, his lifeless face in background, his felled right hand at the center bottom of the screen: Love.

This fictional death, the events that led up to it, and the riot that ensued were devastating in 1989, the same year that introduced Cops. That they’ve continued to find real-world corollaries in the decades since defies comprehension. Ferguson ought to be a freak occurrence at this point. But the unrest there is no such thing. It’s yet another dispatch from the abyss.

in full @ the source

Chris Evans Tells Michael B Jordan, aka New Johnny Storm, To 'Just Do Your Thing'


Michael B. Jordan may have been a controversial choice to play Johnny Storm in Josh Trank’s upcoming Fantastic Four for Fox but, as he revealed in a recent interview, he has the seal of approval from Captain America himself.

Talking to The Source, the actor said that he had a chance to compare notes with Chris Evans, who — prior to personifying Marvel's star-spangled Avenger — had played the previous incarnation of Johnny Storm in 2005's Fantastic Four and the 2007 sequel Rise of the Silver Surfer.

“I met him at this event and he was basically like, ‘Man I can’t give you anything,’” Jordan told the magazine. "He said, ‘You’re great, you’re awesome. Just do your thing. And enjoy it. It’s gonna be fun.’ That was just a really cool piece of information, words of encouragement from the guy who killed the role. He really did a really great job and hats off to him with how talented he is cause he’s doing an amazing job with Captain America. I really enjoy those films as well so that’s kind of pretty much where that was.”

Calling Storm “such an iconic character,” Jordan said that he and Trank had been discussing the role for a year before his casting was announced. “It was something that he told me around his birthday about a year and some change ago, right after Chronicle,” he explained. “We knew we had a lot of obstacles in the way and a lot of mountains to move but, you know, for whatever reason things just fell into place and... Fox believed in the situation and believed in me and yeah, we got it done.”

The new movie, he teased, has “a lot of original Johnny stuff in there and then you have — not a new take but a fresh take. We have a different take on different things as well. I could go on and on about it but I think it’s something that people will enjoy.” Fantastic Four is scheduled for release June 19, 2015.


Is Katy Perry Playing The Super Bowl?


With the NFL regular season getting underway in a few weeks, pop fans can also start speculating about who will be performing at the Super Bowl halftime show next February in Glendale, Ariz. After all, Bruno Mars was announced as the halftime performer in early September last year, so the successor could very well be named in less than a month's time. Although there are several worthy candidates to rock the Super Bowl XLIX halftime, one makes the most sense in our minds: Katy Perry.

Full disclosure: this is all just speculation, and neither the NFL nor Perry has signaled that the singer will be the 2015 headliner (the NFL did not respond to request for comment). However, here are five reasons why Perry is the most logical performer at next year's Super Bowl halftime show:

She has big, current hits. Teenage Dream spawned a record-tying five No. 1 singles, and last year's PRISM already has four Top 20 hits ("Roar,""Unconditionally,""Dark Horse,""Birthday"), with new single "This Is How We Do" currently striding up the Hot 100 chart. While Bruno Mars' halftime show in February had a relatively predictable set list, the breadth of Perry's pop reign makes it hard to pin down which smashes she would trot out. "California Gurls"? "Hot N Cold"? "Firework"? They're all fair game, and all universally memorized.

She's internationally popular. A global event like the Super Bowl deserves a performer whose reach extends worldwide, and Perry has been touring as an international headliner since 2011. And guess who has the most Twitter followers -- 55.4 million -- out of anyone in the world? A Katy Perry Super Bowl performance won't be hurting for viewers.

She's family-friendly. Following Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" in 2004, the Super Bowl halftime show became a platform for Older Men Whose Nipples You Would Not Want To See Anyway -- Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, U2. In 2011, the kids were finally given a youthful performer in the Black Eyed Peas, and since then, the halftime show has skewed young while cautiously offering artists that have largely avoided controversy in recent years (Madonna, Beyonce, Bruno Mars). Perry is right in the Super Bowl's wheelhouse, then: a hit-maker with no real cause for concern amongst parents (except, of course, when she appears on Sesame Street).

She's currently on an eye-popping tour. Here's where Perry has a leg-up on other possible performers like Taylor Swift or the Foo Fighters: the Prismatic tour is already up and running, with a spectacular stage set-up and fairly positive reviews. That's not a necessity for a Super Bowl performer -- Beyonce and Madonna launched tours after their halftime shows -- but it's a nice bonus that Perry already has a proven formula she can bring in Glendale.

She has a big gap in her tour dates around the Super Bowl. The Prismatic tour breaks for six weeks: after wrapping up for 2014 on Dec. 20 in Auckland, New Zealand, Perry resumes on Feb. 16, 2015 in Barcelona. The Super Bowl is on Feb. 1, 2015. Hmmmmmm.


Game of Thrones Speculation: Which Fan Theory Ending Is Right?


Author George R. R. Martin, whose A Song of Ice and Fire series provides the basis for HBO’s Game of Thrones, recently stated that some fans have correctly guessed the ending to his series on online message boards. There are almost limitless theories out there speculating how it’s all going to go down, but who has it right? Here are some of the more likely candidates.

Dany and Jon unite. One popular theory suggests that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will join forces, marry, and rule together. Jon represents the North and the Night’s Watch, i.e., “Ice”, while Dany has the blood of dragons, “Fire”, ergo, A Song of Ice and Fire. However, the phrase could also apply to Jon alone, since most fans believe Jon is the child of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, making his the Song of Ice and Fire with no need for his Aunt Dany (yes, she would be his aunt in this scenario).

The Dragons take on the White Walkers. Once again playing on the idea of ice and fire, this theory puts the two against one another, with the White Walkers fighting on the side of ice and the dragons on the side of fire. Some take this theory even further and align the Starks (Bran and Jon Snow) with the White Walkers, whose motives probably aren’t evil, against Dany (and maybe Tyrion) and the dragons, meaning that one fan-favorite is guaranteed to lose, setting up the oft-cited “bittersweet ending.”

The Iron Throne is destroyed. With war and soon winter ravaging the landscape, many fans believe the Iron Throne will cease to exist. So much time and attention has been paid to wondering who will sit on it when the dust (or snow) clears that it seems very GRRM-esque to take it away, leaving seven true kingdoms in its wake. The show seems to hint at this as well, showing imagery of snow falling on an abandoned throne room on two occasions.

Jon Snow is Azor Ahai. Melisandre long-believed Stannis to be the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, the savior of the religion of R’hllor. Recent events suggest that it is actually Jon Snow, and that Melisandre will magically revive Jon after his stabbing and he will then fulfill his destiny and defeat the White Walkers. Azor Ahai may or may not be the same foretold savior as the Prince Who was Promised, whom Aemon Targaryen believes to be Dany.

The Wall comes down. Several fans think the Wall is destined to fall, probably opening up the floodgates (literally) for the White Walker invasion. Once it’s down, the kingdom will never be the same, and it could tie in with the Iron Throne being destroyed as well. The map of Westeros could look very different at the end of the series.


Taylor Swift Explains Her Awards Show Dancing + VMA promo video

Miley Cyrus Did Not Make a Scene in the Lobby of a New York City Hotel: No "Outburst," No Complaints


Miley Cyrus did not come in like a wrecking ball.

Contrary to a report making the rounds, the Bangerz artist and her entourage did not make a scene in the lobby of New York City's Greenwich Hotel earlier this month and Miley did not lash out at management when they supposedly asked her to put a lid on the party. The report also alleged that staffers were then asked to lodge individual complaints after their famous guest made a fuss.

"There were no complaints," a source assures E! News, and Miley "never had an outburst in the lobby."

The rumored incident had supposedly gone down Aug. 2, following her concert that night in Philadelphia.

Meanwhile, at least going by the slew of photos she's posted to Instagram, Miley has continued to be her usual born-entertainer-meets-homebody self these past weeks.

In addition to acquiring piglet Bubba Sue for her menagerie—"dog pig life," she captioned one cute pic of herself snuggling with her pets—she's been posing for selfies with her dancers, the LA Bakers, and last night it appears she hit some sort of show in Chicago, where she has a concert tonight at United Center, featuring masked hot girls in bikinis. You know, a usual Wednesday night.

But for the most part, it looks as though Miley has been saving the real spectacle for the stage.


Boring Humanoid joins James Franco in ‘Michael’ biopic


Teen Wolf and The Leftovers‘ Charlie Carver has joined the cast of Michael, a biopic about a gay activist who renounces his homosexuality.

According to Deadline, Carver will portray Tyler, who enters a relationship with Michael (Franco) and his partner Bennett (Zachary Quinto). Tyler will be heartbroken when Michael eventually rejects his homosexuality after he finds God and becomes a Christian pastor.

This is not the first gay role Carver has been in. On Teen Wolf, he starred alongside his twin brother as Ethan, who was part of the Alpha Pack in the first half of season 3. Both the Carvers ended up staying on for the second half of the season as well, though they soon became allies rather than enemies to the main characters.

Michael is being produced by Gus van Sant and also stars Emma Roberts, who will portray Michael’s girlfriend once he renounces his homosexuality.

Franco has undergone a bit of a makeover in order to portray Michael Glatze, most notably dying his hair blond.


How very reverse Steve Newlin of him...



It’s finally here! And the forums were right — the long overdue model cover for U.S. Vogue has actually happened. Not surprisingly, it features Vogue favorites and uber-models Joan Smalls, Cara Delevingne and Karlie Kloss.

re we excited? Of course we are!

“Hell f***ing yes! So thrilled to see models on the cover of Vogue, was not expecting that at all. And especially happy to see Joan on the cover, I think she’s just wonderful,” exclaimed YoninahAliza.

“I’m so shocked! Hopefully this sells like hotcakes so that Anna will see that models on covers CAN move magazines. I like the breezy and fresh feel of the cover, but I think just Joan and Karlie would have worked much better,” analyzed orchidee.

And LastNight shared: “Perfect!!! Oh my goodness I am so unbelievably happy. These three girls were the most likely out of the current crop of models to be on the very front if US Vogue were to do a model cover and here they are! It looks lovely from that photo and I’m assuming there will be more girls on the fold out. It makes great sense to have a model cover for US Vogue at this time, it feels right. Could not be happier and so glad that all the speculation in the Cover Rumor Thread didn’t amount to nothing.”

Is this the best cover image of the season? Not really, but the fact that U.S. Vogue has finally put young, fresh models on its cover again is reason enough to be deliriously happy about this. Hallelujah!


YAAS MODELS rumor has it it's a foldout with more models

First Look! Season 2 | Brooklyn Nine Nine Trailer

Marvel Entertainment Interviews The King !!


Fightin' Fanboys: WWE Superstar Roman Reigns

The WWE powerhouse gets ready for SummerSlam, lets us in on what signature move he borrowed from Thor, plus much more!

WWE Superstar Roman Reigns wouldn’t look at all out of place in the Marvel Universe, and to hear him tell it, he’d relish fighting alongside the likes of Thor or mixing it up with the God of Thunder.

This Sunday on the WWE Network and pay-per-view outlets, Reigns takes on the biggest challenge of his singles career since breaking away from his previous group, the Shield, as he faces former World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton at SummerSlam. Before that, he’ll be part of the SummerSlam Confidential panel to reveal the roster for “WWE 2K15.”

Prior to his busy weekend, Reigns talked to us about SummerSlam expectations, Marvel movies, and much more.

Marvel.com: SummerSlam is one of WWE’s biggest shows of the year, maybe the biggest outside of WrestleMania, and you’re going to be a big part of this year’s edition on Sunday. How are you feeling as it gets close?

Roman Reigns: Last year [the Shield was] on pretty much every pay-per-view except SummerSlam. That was a tough pill to swallow for us. In a sense, we felt a little disrespected. Like, “You’re not putting The Shield on the card?” The Kick-Off is great because so many more people are probably going to see that anyways and there’s nothing like a fresh, hot crowd. To be out there first, the crowd is unbelievable. So much energy. But at the same time, everyone should want to be the main event of every show so we felt a bit disrespected. For me, this is going to be a nice feeling to turn it around and have a big singles match and definitely be on the card and hopefully make a bunch of memories and create some history Sunday.

Marvel.com: From what I understand, you are a Marvel movie fan.

Roman Reigns: Absolutely. There’s nothing better than an action-packed, sci-fi, crazy graphics movie.

Marvel.com: Have you gotten to see “Guardians of the Galaxy” with Batista yet?

Roman Reigns: I haven't but I’ve heard so many cool things about it. Just a great mix of comedy and action so I’m really looking forward to it. I heard Dave did a great job along with everybody else in the picture so it should be a good watch.

Marvel.com: Are there any Marvel characters in particular that resonated with you?

Roman Reigns: Iron Man, Thor; Captain America is pretty cool. For me, he’s tough to get into because he’s such a nerd, but at the same time, he’s a badass and he holds it down.

One thing that’s pretty cool is actually before I do the Superman Punch, when I hit the ground I was heavily influenced by Thor with the big hammer swing down to the ground. There [are] a lot of cool things you can watch. You can watch those fight scenes and see really cool sequences. These are all things we can use. For me, it’s extremely entertaining to watch these movies and they kind of help you get lost. It kind of relates to what we do. A lot of our fans get lost in what we do and kind of picture themselves doing it. When you’re watching a Marvel movie, you can do the exact same thing. You have two and a half hours to just be somebody else. Make believe you’re Spider-Man or Thor or Iron Man. Nothing cooler than thinking you’re Iron Man, right?

Marvel.com: A lot of fans of your product are fans of our product as well. Just the larger-than-life, good vs. evil thing is something that I gravitate to myself. Is that something that you can understand?

Roman Reigns: Absolutely. It’s like you said, it’s storytelling, what we’re doing. And it’s the oldest story in the book: good vs. evil. It makes for great energy. If you ever see a couple of bad guys pair off in the ring or in any situation, the interest level may not be completely there. Same with a couple of good guys. But you take the loved good guy and he’s fighting against that evil hated bad guy, there’s nothing better as far as a crowd response than that situation It’s the oldest story out there and it still works. It’s an oldie but a goodie.

More @ the source

They know what it is <3 <3

Studio Ghibli's Princess Mononoke And Kiki's Delivery Service Coming To Blu-ray In November


Studio Ghibli's classic animated films Princess Mononoke and Kiki's Delivery Service are headed to blu-ray this November.

As first noted by Stitch Kingdom, both films, which are directed by animation legend Hayao Miyazaki, are now listed on Amazon.com for pre-order with November 18 release dates.

Disney, who distributes the films in the North America, has been slowly giving Studio Ghibli's library of classic films Blu-ray releases. Films like My Neighbor Totoro, Whisper of the Heart and Howl's Moving Castle have all been released on Blu-ray previously. Curiously, Spirted Away, which is arguably Miyazaki's most popular film in the west, has yet to be released in HD.

1997's Princess Mononoke tells the story of a boy from a remote tribe who is infected with a curse and must travel to civilization to find a cure. He instead finds himself embroiled in a war between an industrialized city and the spirits of the forest that borders it.

1989's Kiki's Delivery Service is a more light-hearted story, targeted at a younger audience. The story follows a young witch living out her required year of independence. She struggles to fit in to a normal community and begins working as a an air courier.

Miyazaki recently announced his retirement from animation. Studio Ghibli announced that they would be taking a hiatus from producing new animated works to focus on managing their existing properties.


Demi Lovato Shows Off Short Hair Out and About in NYC + Ice Challenge Video


AUGUST 13th - Arriving at her hotel/out & about in New York

AUGUST 15th - Leaving her hotel in New York

AUGUST 15TH - Demi on Good Morning America

Fan Photos


Demi Lovato releases a mental health PSA


Demi Lovato is taking her mental health advocacy to a “new level,” joining “The Mental Health Listening & Engagement Tour,” during which she’ll connect with some of the nation’s leading advocates for a series of discussions and candidly speak about personally living with bipolar disorder.

Lovato shared details about her role on the tour with a video she debuted on social media.

The singer explains in the clip, “Bipolar depression really got my life off track, but today I am proud to say I am living proof that someone can live, love, and be well with bipolar disorder when they get the education, support and treatment they need.”

She adds, “I want to be the most informed and powerful advocate I can be and to help people to find the courage to seek help.”

Lovato kicked off “The Mental Health Listening Engagement Tour” on Friday.


Free For All Friday


I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

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Most popular baby names list: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and Marvel prove strong influences


From Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad to Marvel movies and Harry Potter, more and more parents are giving their babies cultural references for names.

The UK’s most popular baby names list for 2013 came out today, revealing the influence of our favourite TV shows, films and books.

Walter and Skyler White from Breaking Bad have had a rising effect on names since the TV series aired in 2008. Last year, 72 baby girls were called Skyler, while 58 boys were named Walter, in a nod to the overwhelming popular show, about a chemistry teacher turned meth dealer.

Hit fantasy drama Game of Thrones has also made an impact on new mums and dads since 2011, with 11 Theons and 6 Tyrions appearing on the list of baby names given to 3 or more boys in 2013. Tywin, Joffrey, Petyr and Varys are yet to crack said list.

Thanks to Marvel’s relentless churning out of superhero movies, 13 baby Thors entered the world in 2013 while there were 37 Lokis, named after the former’s adoptive brother and archenemy.

JK Rowling’s Harry Potter books have also had a strong influence, with Ronnie rising 15 places to number 90 and even 3 Bellatrixes making appearances. In previous years, there have been babies named Draco and Sirius.

The trend for cultural baby names has been long established, with Britney shooting up the rankings in 1999 after the release of Britney Spears’ “Baby One More Time”.

Then there was the 2002 rise in popularity of Shakira following “Whenever, Wherever”, and Rihanna in the wake of 2007 chart-topper “Umbrella”.

Since award-winning French film Amelie was released in 2001, the name has seen a hike in popularity, rising from fewer than 3 babies in 1996 to 10,095 in 2013.

For the second year running, Elsie has seen the largest rise, gaining 23 places to number 47 in 2013. This may in part be down to Idina Menzel’s character Elsa in Disney’s massive hit Frozen, although the movie was released in November last year.

would you name your child after a fictional character, ontd?

People's Top Ten Celeb Quotes of the Week!

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"My mom hasn't let me watch television since Miley Cyrus twerked."

– Taylor Swift as bespectacled Natalie, taking a friendly jab at the pop star during an "Ew!" comedy sketch opposite Jimmy Fallon's brace-faced Sara, on The Tonight Show

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"Watching David become another level of person, mastering this other domain, made me look at him with a whole other set of appreciative eyes. That made me re-fall in love with him."

– Neil Patrick Harris, on falling for partner Burtka again after the pair became parents to 3½-year-old twins Gideon and Harper, to Glamour

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"I don't want to be melancholy, but we weren't ready for it to be finished yet."

– Josh Hutcherson, on wrapping The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, to reporters

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"Baby girl getting first listen to what mama's been creating in the studio."

– Christina Aguilera, giving her unborn baby a sneak preview of her new album, on Twitter

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"I'm very happy romantically. It couldn't be better!"

– Sofia Vergara, gushing about her relationship with new love Joe Manganiello, to PEOPLE

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"The truest form of bravery and courage is to wake up every single day and to be ourselves."

– Shailene Woodley, while accepting the Choice Movie Actress award, at the Teen Choice Awards

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"My 3am wake up call sounds a lot different now. Sweeter ..."

– Savannah Guthrie, who welcomed daughter Vale Guthrie Feldman on August 13, on Twitter

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"If I could spit out a litter of kids, I would."

– Blake Lively, on her desire for a large family with hubby Ryan Reynolds, to Marie Claire

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"It's never too early to care about fashion!"

– Designer Karl Lagerfeld, on 14-month-old North West's modeling debut, in CR Fashion Book

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"Heartbroken. Thanks chief – for your friendship and for what you gave the world … He made Matt and my dreams come true … May you find peace my friend. #RobinWilliams"

– Ben Affleck, in a touching tribute to friend, mentor and Good Will Hunting costar Robin Williams, who passed away on August 11, on Facebook


Kim K says can’t wait to buy one!  The Kim K Crying Shirt


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HAPPY FRIDAY, ONTD!  :-)  xoxo

Skateboarding Pioneer, Jay Adams, Dies at 53


Jay Adams, a skateboarding pioneer and one of the original members of the Zephyr skate team, died in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, early Friday morning, according to his friend and surfing partner Solo Scott.

Adams, 53, had been on an extended surf vacation in Mexico with his wife and friends, including Scott and Allen Sarlo. A full report from the Puerto Escondido medical examiner's office is pending, but Adams had been surfing across the point earlier in the day and came in feeling sick, then began having chest pains around midnight, according to Scott.
"His wife called us over in the middle of the night and we administered CPR until we could get an ambulance, and they kept working on him the whole way but he never revived," Scott told XGames.com.

"The important thing is he went out peacefully in his sleep, during the best surf trip of his life. He'd been down here for three months surfing every day, and he was in great shape and really good spirits. I've never seen him so happy and content and at peace."

Adams was known for bringing his aggressive surf style to skateboarding, first on the sidewalks of Venice, California, and eventually into the area's empty backyard pools. He was the first to air above the lip in a pool on a skateboard and the first to try handplants and other tricks that since have become staples.

"I've had the good fortune of spending decades in this sport, and he was the purest form of skateboarder that I've ever seen," Stacy Peralta, another original member of the Z-Boys team and director of the documentary film "Dogtown and Z-Boys," told XGames.com. "He was literally skateboarding incarnate, and the genius of it was he wasn't the best at anything, he just was it. I've said before that he was the original virus that got so many people hooked on skateboarding. Now the original spore is gone, but that virus lives on in so many others. Jay's passing reminds all of us and reaffirms that we're connected. We're all rolling down the sidewalk together."

Adams was the youngest member of the original Z-Boys skate team when it first formed in 1975, according to Zephyr Surf Shop owner and Z-Boys co-founder Jeff Ho.
"I first met Jay in the water when he was a little kid on a borrowed surfboard, even before he was the little kid on a skateboard everybody's seen pictures of," Ho told XGames.com. "You could tell even then that he was something special. Once the first photos of what he was doing on a skateboard came out, he was an instant icon. He was so creative in his skating that he was just so, so far beyond his time. He lived his life the way he wanted to live it, and, you know, he was surfing some mean sick barrels at Puerto and getting great shots with the boys right up until just before he passed away, still doing what he wanted to do."

Jim Muir, another member of the original Dogtown Z-Boys skate team, added: "Everyone involved in skateboarding needs to thank Jay for who he was and what he made our sport. He was one of a kind, and there will never be anyone else like him."
Adams will be remembered as much for his sneer and for flipping off the camera as for his brazen skateboarding prowess. When skateboarding got competitive and corporate and some of his peers became celebrities, he mostly opted out.
"Wearing uniforms? That wasn't me," he wrote in an essay for "My Rules," a forthcoming book by photographer Glen E. Friedman.

Friedman's first published image for Skateboarder Magazine was a shot of Adams airing above the lip in a pool for the first time. Adams was just 15 at the time; Friedman was 14. The image rocked the skateboarding world with new possibilities, even though Friedman admits Adams "was clearly not [landing the trick]."

Even Adams' accidents could be inspirational.
"When you look at Jay, you have to think of the personification of all the Dogtown stories that Craig Stecyk wrote and all the Dogtown photos that I took: All we were trying to do was capture Jay Adams' essence," Friedman told XGames.com. "He was really f---ed up, and he was really incredibly great, all at the same time. For so many, he was the inspiration, he was the seed. He was one of the originators, and he didn't do any of it on purpose. He was as spontaneous as they come, and because of that he was one of the sport's great revolutionaries."
Friedman shared an excerpt of Adams' "My Rules" essay with XGames.com:

"I always skate for the love of it, the feeling that is like nothing else. Doing the thing I did, that some people after the fact look back and say it was so progressive and pushed the limits, that's cool but I wasn't thinking doing that. I just acted spontaneously and did stuff, see what happens and hope not to get hurt. I wouldn't think about it until afterwards, if at all. Style was a motivator at times, but honestly it just came naturally to me, and although it meant everything at times, who's to say the kook with horrible style isn't having more fun than you? Having fun is what really matters in the end, unless you're just out to impress others."


J-Law Makes Mistakes Too: Gaze at this awful 'Buffy' parody from 2007 starring J-Law and Alison Brie


Although not as risible the similarly named Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer films, 2001’s Not Another Teen Movie wasn’t exactly beloved, either. (Its MetaCritic score is a basement-dwelling 32.) Nevertheless, it made money, and years later its writer, Mike Bender, took some of that, uh, magic to a pilot called Not Another High School Show.

Even though its cast featured Alison Brie and a future Oscar winner named Jennifer Lawrence, it didn’t get picked up—and with good reason, judging by this clip Uproxx found. While a parody of Buffy the Vampire Slayer starring Brie and Lawrence may sound like it could work, it most certainly does not. Brie and Lawrence are obviously no worse for the wear, but Bender’s last writing credit was the 2008 MTV Movie Awards.

warning: it's bad (and jlaw appears for 5 seconds lmao)



Fired Y&R Star Michael Muhney Breaks Silence. Will NOT Return As Adam Newman!

Fans of Michael Muhney have been hoping he was returning to the show. It is now official that he will not be coming back to the show. Back in Dec. of 2013, he was officially fired.

There have been rumors flying that he would land on another soap opera or that he would end up back as Adam Newman. Muhney shared some pretty disappointing news tonight.

Michael went to Twitter to talk about it. He said, "Just got an official call, although things got very close, I will not be returning to Y&R. That part of my life is over. Moving on..." It looks like Michael thought he was going to be on the show again.

He also added in a follow up tweet: “I was hopeful for a return, but now I’m hopeful for the future. Now you’ll just have to promise to tune in to my future projects!”

Later a fan tweeted to Muhney if the reports surrounding his dismissal from Y&R were false, to which he replied: “Yes. It was only a salacious rumor.”

The Young and the Restless lost a lot of viewers when they got rid of Michael. Several of them have been hoping that he would find a home on General Hospital or another soap.

Soap Stars React To Robin Williams Death!

In tragic and heartbreaking news this afternoon that shocked millions of fans worldwide and those in the entertainment industry, and those who admired him, knew him, worked with him, actor/comedian Robin Williams was found dead in an apparent suicide in his home in Tiburon California at the age of 63.

Many soap stars took to Twitter over the last several hours to share in their grief and sorrow of the shocking death of the talented Williams. S everal had the opportunity to work with Robin Williams at one time in their careers. Here is a sampling below!

Eric Braeden @EBraeden
No one I looked forward to more to listen to and watch than Robin Williams! Rarely have I laughed harder! Now he is no more! Makes me sad!

Kimberly McCullough ‏@whitewatercrew
His movies made me laugh and cry just as hard #RIPRobinWilliams

Jason Thompson @MyJasonThompson
Very sad to hear about Robin Williams. A genius. One of a kind. Absolute one of a kind.

Maurice Benard @MauriceBenardMB
Tragic news today sorry Robin Williams for the enormous pain you must have felt your comedic genius will be missed.

Jen Lilley @jen_lilley
Today we’ve lost an icon. #RIPRobinWilliams It was a privilege & honor to work with you on @CrazyOnesCBS

michelle stafford @TheRealStafford
My heart is broken… One of the greats… #RIP

Tyler Christopher @Tyler2929
Rip Mr Williams. Damn u made me laugh. I’m still trying to drink cocktails with my index finger.

Kim Zimmer ‏@kimjzimmer
Patch Adams…my favorite! I can’t believe your gone! You will be greatly missed you incredibly talented man!

Kathleen Gati @gatitweets
RIP Robin Williams My favorite colleague! I’m blessed I had the opportunity to work with you. TY for the laughs, your warmth &kindness.

Robert Adamson ‏@rgala
Gonna settle in and watch my favorite RW movie tonight with wife and baby. You are one of the greats. God probably got his best bud back.

Kristen Alderson @krisalderson
The news of @robinwilliams took the wind out of me. Ugh! So so sad! You grow up watching someone w/ his talent & you feel like u know them

Brandon Barash ‏@BrandonBarash
RIP Robin. You inspired us, infected us with your laughter. The one, the only Cultural Attache to Greece.

Matthew Atkinson ‏@JMattAtkinson
Devastated about Robin Williams. I had the pleasure of meeting him; He was a wonderful soul and brought joy to the world. #RIPRobinWilliams

Williams won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Good Will Hunting in 1997, and also appeared in films: The Fisher King, Popeye, Good Morning Vietnam, Dead Poets Society, Hook, The World According to Garp, The Birdcage, Awakenings, Mrs. Doubtfire to name a few. Robin’s big career breakthrough came on the ABC sitcom Mork & Mindy and he returned last season to television in The Crazy Ones which also starred Sarah Michelle Gellar only to have the show cancelled.

First Look: Shemar Moore Returns to The Young and the Restless!

Hold on to your hats, baby girls: Malcolm Winters is returning to Genoa City!

PEOPLE was on the set of CBS's The Young and the Restless to see Shemar Moore, who affectionately refers to his female fans as baby girls, reprise the classic role that catapulted him to stardom. After a decade-long absence, Moore – who is about to begin his 10th season on Criminal Minds – will return to the daytime drama Sept. 10 and 11.

"There is not a 20-year career without Malcolm Winters," Moore told PEOPLE. "This is my second family. I don't take any of it for granted. I've been wanting to do this since I left."

Moore first joined the sudser in 1995 and gave up the role in 2005 to star as Derek Morgan in Criminal Minds. His Y&R role was eventually recast with Darius McCrary (Family Matters) from 2009-11.

For Malcolm's comeback, Moore will appear in scenes with Kristoff St. John, a longtime star of Y&R who plays Malcolm's older brother, Neil. Moore won't spoil why his alter ego is back in town, other than to say it is for family reasons.

But longtime Y&R fans will love this little detail: Malcolm and Neil discuss Drucilla, the popular character played by Victoria Rowell. (For the uninitiated, Drucilla was married to Neil but slept with Malcolm.) Sadly, the actress won't be there to join in on the fun.

"I ran into her a couple weeks ago," Moore said of Rowell. "I told her I'm sorry we won't be all together. That would be pretty great, but as far as I know, Dru has passed away."

"She's in the river somewhere," St. John deadpanned.

As for Moore's return to Y&R, St. John added, "He eclipsed so many people on this show. His supernova was huge."

Now, for the bad news, baby girls: There will be no undressing by Moore for this special guest appearance.

"There are two wardrobe changes and none of them expose the six pack, which is more like a two or three pack," Moore told PEOPLE. "If you want to see me half-buck naked, go on the Internet."

Thaao Penghlis Talks Victor Cassadine!

On-Air On-Soaps caught up with the talented Thaao Penghlis at GHFCW 2014 to get his thoughts on the latest twists in the arc of Victor’s story, a preview of what may be ahead, what he thinks of Victor’s relationship with Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati), working with Kimberly McCullough (Robin) in the those major revelation scenes, and how he is even taking the heat from some fans because of what Victor is perpetrating on Robin! So, here’s what Thaao shared that is making watching Victor Cassadine, oh, so fun and maddening, these days!

What has it been like portraying Victor while coming and going off the canvas of General Hospital, and now to have what look likes a very juicy story?

THAAO: I can understand the way they have brought me in periodically, because in order to make the story cohesive, you have to have had these times off so that things evolve; otherwise the audience is not going to believe what takes place … like people being revived again and that type of thing. Miracles don’t happen overnight, and with this character for the first time, I am seeing something human. I love that, because I am always looking for the humor. Because when you are, as they say, the villain, and if people are going to like you then you gotta have some fun! You are going to be a challenge to the hero, and that is what I am enjoying doing now. I suddenly went, “Wow! What is going to be exposed at the beginning of September is wonderful! Suddenly my character went: “I am a person. I feel. I am having insights, and it’s not just about what I want and what I say goes.” There is a wonderful mystery that is evolving. I was learning my lines the other night, and I was already in it and so invested in the story. That’s how good it was. I can say it’s the best stuff I’ve had on this show since the Ice Princess. I am really excited for what is ahead.

So, now can we say that you will be kind of “recurring” on the show?

THAAO: It looks like roots are being formed with this character, so I would think so. And on GH, you don’t really have a true villain, except Kathleen Gati’s Dr, Obrecht, and that’s a woman. The audiences are not used to having female villains as much as they are a male villain. I don’t want to sound like a chauvinist (Laughs) but male villains are much more interesting! (Laughs) They have a lot more power, let’s face it. The world is full of them … and they are all men! (Laughs)

How would you define the relationship between Victor and Dr. Obrecht (Kathleen Gati)? Is Victor still smitten with her? Does he love her? Of course, we never saw their back-story fully on-air.

THAAO: I said to our EP Frank Valentini, so what happened to Victor … as I was the only one to survive, and I was put into prison, because I have no idea? So I have to put it in my own head, and I can’t play what’s not there. All I can do is have moments of what the lust must have been like between Obrecht and Victor, or what kind of sex we must have had, or what kind of passion we must have had. Obviously, Liesl affected Victor more than he affected her! She loves that crazy man, Cesar (Anders Hove)! I think I am baffled, actually. (Laughs) I love Kathleen! She says, “I would rather have you!” (Laughs) We have a wonderful rapport. It’s a dance and it’s funny. When I looked at her I said to myself, “Is this the type of woman I would go for?” I thought: “Kathleen is a lovely human being. She is a very dedicated actress, and she works very hard, and in the same way I was trained to do.” So there are all the romantic things between Victor and Liesl, but what I am also discovering is … there is a threat there … a threat!

How was working in those just aired scenes with Kimberly McCullough (Robin) … where Victor is quite nasty to Robin while they are trying to resurrect Jason?

THAAO: That has been interesting stuff to play. Kimberly was not feeling well the first day we worked. I had a sequence with her that was so primal. When I say “no” to her, something came out of me, some sound! I think I even shocked the crew! (Laughs) I shocked myself at the way it came out! It came out of nowhere, and so then I pulled it back in. You know, Robin is a very vulnerable character. So, I have to watch how to play with her, whereas with an Obrecht type character you can move her around, and throw her on the bed, or whatever. (Laughs)

Robin is one of the most beloved characters on the canvas in the history of General Hospital, and so to have Victor double-cross her when she is trying to do good and save Jason, could earn him the “Most Hated” Award! (Laughs)

THAAO: Robin is a sacrifice in a way, and she serves her purpose in all of this, and people are blaming me for getting Kimberly off the show! She wanted to get off the show, because she wanted to direct. It’s one of those things where fans are saying: “You better not get rid of her because I am coming after you!” And I am going, “Are they for real these people?” I have had a few threats. You look at it as the actor and you are going, “Ah, it’s only a script.” You look at these people who take the stuff so seriously. It is amazing how analytical the fans can be, and in-depth when they think up, or of, the storylines. But overall, it’s been an interesting time coming back to GH … someplace I never thought I would ever be coming back to again.

For more with Thaao on his real life travel adventures and more make sure to pick up a copy of his memoir: Places: The Journey of My Days, My Life.

Jimmy Deshler Opens Up About Shocking GH Exit!

Rafe's death may have been a bit of a shock for GENERAL HOSPITAL viewers, but it turns out that it was also a surprise for portrayer Jimmy Deshler, who learned of his character's tragic fate only a few days before they taped the episode!

"I guess it was just confidential and they didn't want any of the story getting out," he tells Soaps In Depth, "so I found out the Monday of the week it was happening. I guess it was a surprise to all of us."

Though his time with the soap was brief, the young actor is grateful for the experience. "It's good to have something on your resumé like GH and I did a year and a half of it," he says. "I learned a lot from it. I've been on a set as a guest star, but I've never been a regular part of a show. It was a very good experience."

Deshler admits that he's next considering attending college, possibly at the University Of Southern California, but also auditioning with a focus on hitting the big screen. "I've done guest stars and little roles in films," he muses. "I've kind of set it as my goal to get a feature film and have that be my next project that I work on."

GH Switches Timeslots!

ABC has confirmed that in the coming weeks, GENERAL HOSPITAL will be returning to a 3 p.m. EST/2 p.m. PST timeslot in a few markets, back to where it aired for 25 years.

Information on which markets and the dates the change goes into effect will be coming soon.

But don't worry readers: The show is on solid ground!

GH's Nathin Butler Is A Dad!

Congratulations are in order to GENERAL HOSPITAL alum Nathin Butler (ex-Ewen) and wife Irina, who welcomed Jetson Kerry Butler into the world this past weekend.

The proud papa has been posting photos of his newborn little boy on Instagram and Twitter and the whole family looks happy and healthy.

Best wishes to them all!

Another World villain Charles Keating dies at 72!

Charles Keating, best known for his role as villain Carl Hutchins on the NBC soap opera Another World, has died, his son said Tuesday.

The 72-year-old actor had been fighting lung cancer for several years and died Friday, Sean Keating said.

The London native began his career on the stage, appearing with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Charles Keating turned his attention toward television, first in the United Kingdom, then in the United States.

He enjoyed stints as reformed criminal Hutchins on Another World -- from 1983 to 1985 and from 1991 to 1998 and the final episode in 1999. His work earned him a Daytime Emmy win for outstanding lead actor in a drama series in 1996.

Keating also appeared on soaps As the World Turns, All My Children and Port Charles and prime time shows including Sex and the City, Xena: Warrior Princess and Miami Vice.

The actor appeared in numerous films, including 1992's The Bodyguard, and the 1999 version of The Thomas Crown Affair. Keating was nominated for a Tony Award in 1986 for his featured role in the Broadway play Loot.

His former Another World co-star Alicia Coppola tweeted about the veteran actor. "Charles Keating has passed," Coppola wrote. "I am so very sad. Along w/ @LindaDano he was my very first acting teacher. The actress I am is because of them."

Keating died at his home in Weston, Connecticut. Keating is survived by his wife, Mary, and one other son.

"He as an extraordinary actor. He was an actor's actor," Sean Keating said. Charles Keating told his family he wanted to be cremated and there will be no funeral, instead a traditional Irish celebration of his life will take place on his birthday, his son said.

The Internet Movie Database says Keating was born on October 22, 1941.

Billy Flynn Is The New Chad DiMera On DAYS!

The long-rumored casting of Billy Flynn has been been confirmed by Days of our Lives. Flynn joins the cast as the new Chad DiMera.

"We are excited to have Billy Flynn joining our Days family this Fall," says co-executive producer Greg Meng. "Chad's return will change the dynamic of Salem society in ways that fans won't want to miss!"

Flynn, whose acting credits include Hawaii Five-0 and short film 80 in 10, will make his first appearance as Chad on September 12.

The role was previously played by Casey Jon Deidrick from 2009-2013.

ID Enlists Soap Stars For It's Daytime Block!

After a successful debut last year, Investigation Discovery bringing back its ID Daytime programming block featuring what the network calls "real-life soaps." Beginning Monday, August 25 from 1-4 p.m. daily, soap stars from past and present host encores of ID’s most scandalous series, such as Wives with Knives, My Dirty Little Secret, Scorned: Love Kills and Evil Twins.

Beloved pairs are reunited on screen each week to provide insight into these cautionary tales, including: General Hospital's Lynn Herring and Kin Shriner; Days of our Lives' Mary Beth Evans and Wally Kurth; bad boys Lamon Archey from The Young and the Restless and Darnell Williams from All My Children; and telenovela actress Katie Barberi, Dona Barbara.

The daytime stunt airs in conjunction with ID’s evening primetime return of a new season of Deadly Affairs with Susan Lucci, featuring all-new stories of deadly dalliances on Saturday, August 16 at 10 p.m. ET on Investigation Discovery.

“Soap fans are a voracious audience, hungry for emotionally riveting content and devoted to the characters they’ve grown to love – or, hate,” said Henry Schleiff, Group President of Investigation Discovery, Destination America, American Heroes Channel and Discovery Fit & Health. "As the #5 network for women in daytime*, soap opera fans know that they can always find their 'stories' on Investigation Discovery – the real life tales of passion – and, on occasion, perhaps, a little poison."

Each week will have its own theme and star hosts to introduce the true-life programming, channeling their scandalous soap personalities. The schedule is as follows:

* Sinful Secrets August 25-29: Hosted by Lynn Herring (Lucy Coe, General Hospital) and Kin Shriner (Scott Baldwin, General Hospital)

* Lessons in Lust September 2-5: Hosted by Katie Barberi (Cecilia Vergel, Dona Barbara; Ursula Van Pelt, Every Witch Way)

* Poisonous Love September 8-12: Hosted by Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady, Days of our Lives) and Wally Kurth (Ned Ashton, General Hospital; Justin Kiriakis, Days of our Lives)

* Evil Enemies September 15-19: Hosted by Lamon Archey (Mason Wilder, The Young and the Restless) and Darnell Williams (Jesse Hubbard, All My Children)

Ex-Passions star feels bad for prison inmates!

Rikers Island inmates rioted over missing their favorite TV soap operas is because of all the on-screen “passion” in the shows, Spanish telenovela actress Silvana Arias said.

The 34-year-old actress of En Otra Piel said she laughed when she heard the hardened criminals at the correctional facility love late-night shows so much they rebelled against an early bedtime rule that forced them to miss Monday's episode, the New York Post reported.

“Maybe guys in jails like the passion that we Latinas have. When we say ‘I love you,’ we say it with so much passion, maybe they like that,” Arias told the Post. “I laughed because I couldn’t believe it… I thought it was funny that they were so upset they couldn’t watch us. But it’s also sad that they don’t have any other entertainment.”

The Peruvian actress plays a girl who gets kidnapped and falls in love with a Mexican gang member.

The Week In The Year 2013!

Wyatt set out to forge peace with Liam. Liam was willing to give it a try but warned Wyatt against making another move on Hope. Wyatt, however, had secret designs on taking Liam's place in the family business. In Monte Carlo, Bill told Brooke that he was ready to commit his life to her. Brooke, however, insisted that they hear Katie out before making any decisions. They flew back home, and Katie implored Bill to give the marriage another chance. Carter became smitten after a kiss and platonic night with Maya. Maya and Rick made up about Rick missing the premiere, but Carter's kiss lingered in her mind.

Someone sent Sami a threatening message in jail. Gabi showed Sami a video from Rafe that moved Sami to tears. E.J.'s plan to frame Bernardi backfired. The judge granted Sami a closed trial but upheld the order to deny her bail. Sami and Kate learned the gruesome truth behind Stefano's actions against Rafe. The book club members who met at Jennifer's house accidentally ate the doughnuts that J.J. had spiked with marijuana. Daniel told Jennifer that he could not be with her on her terms, but later had second thoughts about his decision. J.J. was happy when he thought that Jennifer was no longer dating Daniel. Chad told Cameron that he would fight hard against his brain cancer. Will confronted Brent about his feelings for Sonny. Later, Sonny reassured Will that no one would ever stand between them. Eric seemed moved by Kristen's compassion for children. Brady nearly caught Kristen with a home pregnancy test kit. Kristen told Jennifer that she might be pregnant, but that Brady would not be the daddy. Brady and Nicole remembered Madison a year after her death. Rafe met his female physical therapist. E.J. asked for Rafe's help to free Sami, but Rafe told E.J. that he could not break the law. Jennifer, Abigail, and J.J. remembered Jack at the memorial service. Nicole caught a glimpse of Kristen holding a home pregnancy test kit.

Luke learned that the Balkan had shot Sean with a bullet that had been laced with polonium-210. Luke vowed to find the cure for himself and for Sean, so Sean gave Luke information that led Luke and Holly to Corinth, PA, and an abandoned home of a woman who had murdered her entire family and numerous friends. Dr. Obrecht attempted to kill Anna, but Duke inadvertently ingested the propofol-tainted champagne. Duke recalled seeing the diabolical doctor before he had passed out, so he shared the information with Anna when he woke up from a brief coma. Spinelli discovered that Liesl Westbourne had changed her name to Liesl Obrecht, so Spinelli and Felix warned Anna that Britt might be harboring Britt's evil mother. Anna arrested Britt. Dr. Obrecht managed to escape but soon found herself looking down the barrel of Luke's gun. Mac and Felicia went ahead with their wedding, but an unwanted guest crashed the ceremony. Michael raced to the courthouse to stop Morgan and Kiki's wedding, but he was too late. Morgan denied that he had known that Kiki was not a Quartermaine prior to the wedding. Lulu became concerned when she noticed that Maxie had developed a maternal attachment to the baby. Maxie's water broke. Connie overheard Olivia admit to Sonny that Olivia and Sonny should have fought for each other.

Victor refused to give in to Billy's bribery attempt, and he publicly declared his support of Adam. Melanie vowed not to back off until Adam's life was ruined. Victoria and Billy reunited. Chelsea gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Connor. Victoria agreed to stop threatening to tell the truth about Connor's paternity. Chelsea ordered Anita out of her life. Lily and Devon were suspicious of Hilary's true motives. The blogger's posts caused tension in Cane and Lily's marriage. Neil offered to meet the blogger in person to explain his role in Rose's death, but the blogger declined. Neil suspected that the blogger was Rose's daughter, Anne. Hilary had a photo of Rose on her computer, and she spied on Neil. Sharon faked a sprained ankle to spend time with Nick. Sharon received a speeding ticket from the night of the gala. Sharon turned down Adam's request to be a character witness. Avery returned home and found Sharon, Nick, and Faith in a cozy situation. Jack fought the urge to call his dealer. Summer opened up to Jack. Summer was upset when she saw Kyle on a date. Katherine's family and friends received postcards from various places around the world. Katherine summoned her loved ones to her home for a homecoming party, but the guests were concerned when Katherine and Murphy didn't show up. As a storm raged outside, Murphy called to inform Jill that he'd be late, and everyone wondered what had happened to Katherine.


Sami is forced to change tactics with EJ.
Hope uncovers Aiden's Lie.
Kate confronts Will about the defamatory article.
Eve surprises Theresa by sending her on a mysterious mission to speak with Paige.

Nicole finally gets a chance to confront Kristen.
Jennifer presents Eve with a one-time deal.
Brady struggles with his emotions now Kristen is back.
Aiden and Hope awkwardly try to discuss their feelings.

Will's article is published, causing hell to break loose.
Abigail gets a huge shock.
Kristen is affected when Eric gives emotional testimony at her grand jury hearing.
Eve makes her decision regarding Jennifer's offer.

Will and Sonny have a major argument over Will's article.
EJ rips into Sami for once again going after Abigail.
Ben comes to Abigail's aid when she needs it most.

Sonny blasts Sami for screwing him over Will.
A desperate Sami turns to EJ for assistance.
Kristen manages to pull off a miracle in court.
Daniel grows even more suspicious of Theresa.

Monday, 8/18
Carly struggles with her feelings for Sonny, while Franco's jealousy grows; Nikolas finds himself in a tough spot between Britt and Elizabeth

Tuesday, 8/19
Details of Alice's health arise; Michael evesdrops on Tracy and Alice; a jealous Franco questions Carly about her relationship with Sonny.

Wednesday, 8/20
Carly and Bobby cover up the truth about Franco; Ava and Kiki get caught up with the baby, but Luke changes the mood with a startling request

Thursday, 8/21
Sabrina gets the scoop on Rafe upon her return to Port Charles; Sam snoops through Rafe's belongings at Silas' for evidence

Friday, 8/22
Ava and Julian have a serious talk about Luke; Sam and Silas reveal some new information regarding Rafe

Monday, August 18
Hope (Kim Matula) tries to sort out her feelings following the trips to Paris and Monte Carlo; Quinn (Rena Sofer) tries to convince Deacon (Sean Kanan) they are better as allies.

Tuesday, August 19
Quinn and Deacon take the first steps in a new scheme; Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) struggles to contain his secret.

Wednesday, August 20
Quinn and Deacon find evidence that may help with their plan; Bill (Don Diamont) makes a final effort to get Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) to agree to marriage.

Thursday, August 21
Bill tells Liam (Scott Clifton) to put his family before his pride; planning a party to honor a couple.

Friday, August 22
Ivy (Ashleigh Brewer) and Aly (Ashlyn Pearce) convince Liam to tell Hope everything about Paris; Deacon hopes to change Brooke's opinion of Bill.

Devon and Hilary must rethink their strategy.
Abby and Stitch butt heads.
Nick begins to piece together information about Mariah.

Sharon and Mariah have a big argument.
Nick gets an enlightening blast from the past.
Victoria is waiting for news about the baby.

Dylan wonders why Avery would want to help Austin.
Neil must face reality.
Stitch sees Billy and Victoria share a moment.

Nick endeavors to get to the bottom of the Mariah mystery.
Kelly thinks about an offer from Jack.
Sharon attacks Victor.

Chelsea bids Genoa City farewell.
Summer introduces Austin and Phyllis.
Sharon's world is shaken.

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