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Adrián García Bogliano starts shooting black comedy 'Scherzo Diabolico'

Director Adrián García Bogliano has yet to release his most recently completed film, the werewolf tale Late Phases. But the prolific filmmaker has commenced principal photography on his next movie in Mexico City. The film is called Scherzo Diabolico and, according to the official release, it “brings Bogliano back from the supernatural realm to a wild black comedy about a bored and frustrated accountant who decides to kidnap a girl who will become his worst nightmare.”

The movie stars Francisco Barreiro (We Are What We Are), Daniela Soto Vell, and Cuban actor-director Jorge Molina (Juan of the Dead).

Bogliano’s previous credits include the occult horror films Penumbra and last year’s Here Comes the Devil.

You can see the first still from Scherzo Diabolico above.

'Cold Sweat'&'Penumbra' were great. 'Here Comes the Devil' was just OK. I really want to see 'Late Phases.' This one sounds cool too!!

Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean and the curse of the classic album.

By 1986, the noted King of Pop, Michael Jackson was fresh off of the release of two commercial and critically acclaimed albums and enjoying his life as a global icon minus the rumors that were spreading about his personal life. Jackson set the goal for his next album, Bad,  to sell 100 million, far surpassing the mark Thriller set with just over 38 million sold. Although Bad achieved great reviews and sold exceptionally well, so much so that it was next to Thriller in most successful album sold by the end of the eighties, Bad, on the bottom line, paled in comparison to its predecessor.
Jackson released three more multiplatinum albums, but with the listening public, his career was always measured by his magnum opus, Thriller. The treatment Jackson rendered is what the likes of Nas, A Tribe Called Quest and currently Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean and (technically) Andre 3000 was and is battling.But what exactly makes an album be considered a classic?

According to the dictionary’s definition, a classic is “Of the first or highest quality, class or rank.” Second definition is “Serving as a standard, model or guide.” Certainly, the artists mentioned have released seminal works that can be considered a standard for their field/genre; Thriller, changed R&B-pop and the idea of crossover; A Tribe Called Quest’s The Low End Theory put jazz musicality, minimalism into the alternative rap scene. Finally, Nas, piggybacked off the Jazz influence of ATCQ and released lyrical and diverse gold standard of rap music, Illmatic. But, why is it that producing a follow-up to a classic is considered one of the hardest jobs in entertainment? Do we as music consumers add onto the pressure for the artist to force the issue with producing an even better product?

According to Cee-Lo Green as reported by MTV’s “Rap Fix,” Green believes Outkast member Andre 3000 is “bothered by this bar that had been set and maybe he wants to do something different, and he’ll always be his worse competition, his worse critic and maybe he don’t want to live up to what people think he should do.” When he released his “solo album” The Love Below, fans and critics alike gushed at 3000?s funk/jazz/pop production and songwriting display. But, with this now new bar set for the rapper/musician, the rapper has delayed his solo album for ten years. As noted by Green, the fear of failure is a big contributing factor to those faced with following up an acclaimed album. Usually, a new album is released 1-3 years later from the previous work. With the times of music changing by the year, music audiences want to hear new things. For example, when Nas made Illmatic, hip hop just ended its renowned “golden age.” By 1996, Mafiaso rap was a recurrent theme.

This in turn made Nas reconsider his approach, in which the Mafiaso rap would be a guarantee that he would be more popular and gain an influx of profits. It Was Written was released in 1996, and went multiplatinum. At a cost, many concluded that Nas sold out for monetary gains, and that the lyrical wizardry he displayed on his first album, was now but obsolete. It could be concluded that a fear of failure could have been a driving force in Nas alternating his style. While it is proven that Illmatic, while setting a standard in lyricism didn’t go platinum until 2002, Nas could have hypothesized that if he couldn’t trigger sells in the Mecca of hip hop when lyricism were still a precedent, then he would leave no matter of chance to replicate the same formula, with the same or worst results.

But on the opposite side of the artist being conflicted on a follow up from their classic album, there are those who take the bold approach of strengthening their musical palette. For Kanye West, his debut The College Dropout brought back the blizzard of the complete rap album; pop station-ready singles mixed with socially conscious, backpack themed raps with grade A songwriting. When it was time to record the follow up, Late Registration, he hired Fiona Apple producer Jon Brion to help produce and arrange his album. The end product was lush, cleaner; with more strings, pop manifestation and a combo of jazz, classical and funk on top of West’s excellent soulful sampled production. It was a sound that the two producers introduced to the listening public, and perhaps never heard since. It is considered, after My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy as his best album, but it took a bold belief in West’s self to accomplish. It could have been easy for West to replicate the same formula that made him a star the previous year.
For Frank Ocean, his debut album Channel Orange was the current state of R&B on reverse steroids; excellent lyricism with minimalism production in electro funk/R&B/pop and live instrumentation captured R&B and pop fans in a way that hasn’t been done since the days D’Angelo’s throwback R&B captured critics. Kendrick Lamar’sGood Kid, M.A.A.D City could be considered the album of today’s teenagers’ generation. Kendrick’s complex bars, filled with tongue twisters, instant classic wordplay along with some of the best production on an album in years made GKMC an album that represents a time capsule for fall 2012/spring 2013. For Kendrick Lamar and Frank Ocean, though, one must wonder how they are composing their follow up with such high expectations to not only deliver another classic, but show growth from their classic.

Being an artist is tricky, and their next moves must be calculating to the point where they not only excel in their field but keep their old fans happy and new fans entertained.
With so many avenues to explore, artists following the classic have to literally be at the drawing board and ponder the following questions; should I follow the Nas model in which I purposely dumb my talents down to make an album that would be considered a “classic” for the times? (Illmatic to It Was Written) Or take both Kanye routes in which I express my creativity for the good and extreme? (The College Dropout to Late Registration, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy to Yeezus) Or, take extended time off because the pressures of creating that new material consumes them mentally (Andre 3000, Lauryn Hill) or perfectionism with a combination of pressure stunts their growth (D’Angelo.)

Hopefully, Frank Ocean and Kendrick Lamar trust their artist instincts and craft the album that they can personally be satisfied with. Just as Michael Jackson witnessed with his Bad album, Kendrick Lamar and Frank Ocean could land in that same boat of crafting an actually exceptional album, except that it falls short of the previous album according to the listening public. But in the end, when they complete their new projects, comparisons to their classic albums will forever hunt their careers. Unless, they make something even better. And that takes using every inch of the small margin for error that they have.
ONTD, what albums do you consider to be classics?

Wilfred Series Finale Recap


"Wilfred" came to a close Wednesday (Aug. 13) with more of its patented crazy plot twists and ideas that leaves some room for interpretation. But before we dig into that, the first episode dealt with Wilfred's death.

It was surprisingly sad to watch Jenna and Ryan grieve for Wilfred dying of cancer and ultimately have to put him to sleep, which is a testament to the actors for sure. But that shot above really hit us in the ol' feels and we'd be lying if we said some tears were not shed.

Of course, Wilfred's death sends Jenna running back into Drew's arms and they head back to Sheboygan together with their new puppy.

Ryan, meanwhile, is left back where the series started -- ready to kill himself. But his mom shows up and they finally have it out about the Flock of the Grey Shepherd, which is a cult where Ryan was born and raised for the first few years of his life.

In the discussion, Ryan's mom interestingly parrots back to him what Wilfred said to him earlier about animals finding you at just the right time and helping you find happiness until it's time to move on to the next sad person.

Cue Wilfred, whose essence returns to Ryan and leads him out to the Grey Shepherd farm where Ryan meets Charles Smith, his father and the cult leader. Smith admits to making all of the cult and god stuff up and that he is crazy. But is he really crazy?

The show leaves it up in the air whether Wilfred is actually a manifestation of this Mataman god, who can only be seen by the person he's there to help find happiness, or if Wilfred is simply the product of some mental illness passed down from Smith (and maybe Ryan's mom too, since we also know she talks to animals). Wilfred was talking to Ryan about scouting around in his brain, like perhaps he's just a figment of Ryan's imagination -- because wouldn't Mataman be going off to someone new who needs help, rather than living in Ryan's hippocampus?

But either way, it kind of doesn't matter. Wilfred is Ryan's best bud and has been trying to help him become his best self -- and also provide lots of foul-mouthed hijinks along the way. So maybe whatever he is is incidental to the messages and help that he brings.

What do you think Wilfred is? Do you have a third theory?


For the few other Wilfred viewers here, what did you guys think?

Washington Post and HuffPo Reporters Arrested in Ferguson

Washington Post and HuffPo Reporters Arrested in Ferguson, Missouri
Two reporters working out of a McDonalds in Ferguson, Mo. say they were arrested and assaulted for no apparent reason while covering the increasingly violent clash between police and protestors on Wednesday night. Both were eventually released without being charged.

According to reports, Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery and Huffington Post reporter Ryan J. Reilly were both arrested, handcuffed and booked. Once word of their arrests began circulating on social media, they were immediately released.

The already-tense situation in Ferguson escalated earlier today, when SWAT teams descended on the largely peaceful protests that have been taking place since an unarmed 18-year-old named Michael Brown was shot and killed by a police officer Saturday.

Lowery and Reilly were both apparently working from a Ferguson McDonalds when a SWAT team entered the restaurant. After posting initial tweets about the encounter, both reporters went offline just before 5 pm.

Around the same time, other reporters in the area began to tweet that two reporters were being arrested and handcuffed.

At that point, LA Times reporter Matt Pearce began investigating the arrests.

Pearce wrote on Twitter that the Ferguson police chief told him the arresting officers were "probably somebody who didn't know better." According to Pearce, the chief then instructed riot command to release them.

About 45 minutes after Lowry and Reilly's last tweets, they came back online.

Lowery, who says he was slammed into a fountain soda machine during his arrest, wrote on Twitter that he was "Detained, booked, given answers to no questions. Then just let out... Got no explaination at any point why in custody other than "trespassing" - at a mcdonalds where we were customers."

Tweet from one of the arrest reporters, with a statement from the Washington Post:

HERE is a detailed article about what the Huffington Post reporter went through when arrested.

ETA 2:

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Aww: 'Outlander' star auditioned for 'Game of Thrones' seven times

He may be the perfect Jamie Fraser, but he’s no Jaime Lannister.

Starz’ Outlander star Sam Heughan told Vulture that he auditioned for that other premium cable fantasy drama — HBO’s Game of Thrones – a whopping seven times.

“I auditioned for Game of Thrones seven times!” the actor said. “Loads of times. I auditioned for Renly, Loras, some of the members of the Night’s Watch. And I’d always get so close! I’d be like, ‘Guys, just give me a sword!’ [Laughs.] Everyone was going in for those parts. But you know, it’s funny about those things. You’re up for so many things, and coming from those auditions, and testing on other shows, I had more experience, more experience with the process. And maybe I was more confident. And I don’t know, something about this one just felt right. This part felt different. I knew this character. I felt a connection with him.”

The Scottland-set romantic drama based on a series of novels by Diana Gabaldon series premiered last weekend to solid ratings and continues with its second episode Saturday night.


First look at Nikolaj Coster Waldau in "Gods of Egypt"

Kanye’s DJ fucks up and gets fired, has a messy meltdown on twitter


Today, Kanye West's tour DJ Million Dollar Mano announced that he no longer works for the Chicago rapper. It's not yet known why the two split, but this hilarious video of Mano pissing West off by fucking up on his Yeezus Tour suggests that it miiiiiight not have been a mutual decision.

The video, put together by a user of the incredible and cultish Kanye To The message board, shows Mano queueing up the wrong songs or dropping songs out to get the crowd engaged but never bringing the beat back in, leaving West standing in front of thousands of people in awkward silence. In the most painful clip, West raps his remix of Chief Keef's "I Don't Like" when Mano switches off the song for nearly 30 seconds, leaving West to passive-aggressively implore him to stop fucking up: "Like... like... Mano... like... like..."

West has not commented on his split with Mano, and reps for the rapper did not return a request for comment on the exact nature of the situation. For his part, Mano is sort of losing his mind on Twitter.

Tyson Beckford Considers Full Frontal Nudity For ‘Chocolate City’ Film

Tyson Beckford has finally revealed that much more skin or more underwear photo shoots will come your way. In Chocolate City movie, one can expect a booty naked Tyson which is bigger and better than “Magic Mike.”

Beckford admitted that he isn’t shy and consider to go naked if the movie requires him to do it for the sake of a great film.

“I do realize that probably for the last 22 years women have wanted to see the package,” Tyson said.“I have no problem showing it. I don’t know if we are going to do any frontal, but I don’t care – I am not shy.”

The male supermodel will portray the role of an aging stripper who is hired to share his “expertise” and whip younger dancers into shape.


A Bradley Cooper Post


Bradley Cooper makes a dash down the street on the set of his latest movie Adam Jones on Thursday (August 7) in London, England.

The 39-year-old actor has been hard at work for the movie – he even got a training job at a Burger King flipping burgers to prep for his role!

The evening before, Bradley met up with his girlfriend, model Suki Waterhouse, and her good pal Cara Delevingne for a night on the town.


Nicky Hilton Is Engaged to a Rothschild


Nicky Hilton has a wedding in the works!

The Hilton Hotels heiress is engaged to James Rothschild, heir to the famous European banking family. Nicky's sister Paris Hilton confirmed the news via Instagram Wednesday, writing, "Congratulations @NickyHilton on your engagement! I'm so happy for you! You will be the most beautiful bride!"

"Such a lovely couple!" the singer/DJ added. "Love you both so much!"

The couple began dating in 2011 after meeting at Petra Ecclestone and James Stunt's wedding in Italy. As such, James decided to propose in the same country. "They went on a romantic anniversary trip over the weekend. He took her out on a boat into the middle of Lake Como and he proposed, got down on one knee and everything," a source told Us Weekly Tuesday. "It was incredibly romantic and beautiful."

Neither Nicky nor James has commented on their upcoming nuptials.

Since the engagement, Nicky and James have been touring Lake Como, Milan and Rome. In addition to wedding planning, Nicky has also been busy preparing for the Sept. 2 release of her book, 365 Style.

Congratulations to the happy couple!


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reboot to (go) go in 2016!

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If this summer’s TMNT reboot wasn’t enough to whet your 90’s nostalgia appetite, a second course is just 344 days away: Lionsgate has announced that it will release the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie on July 22, 2016.

Zack Stentz and Ashley Miller (Thor) wrote the script based on a story by Robert Orci (Star Trek) that reinvents the tale of ordinary high school kids who possess the power to save the world. The color-coordinated crime fighters first jump-kicked into the national consciousness with a 1993 Fox Kids TV series, and just two years later Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie hit screens.

Though speculation abounds, no director or casting has been announced. The film’s release date will put the Rangers up against royalty, in a sense—Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur is slated to hit theaters the same day.


Beyonce to Give Backpacks, School Supplies to Philly Students


Back to school just got better for several Philadelphia students thanks to a pop superstar. Singer and actress Beyonce Knowles teamed up with her charity organization as well as a Brooklyn-based benefit corporation to donate back to school supplies and backpacks to over 2,000 students in six cities, including Philadelphia.

Beyonce’s charity #BeyGOOD as well as STATE Bags will hold a pep rally to support local organizations in Philly. A special custom #BeyGOOD State Bag backpack will also be available for purchase with all proceeds going towards the back to school program initiative.

"STATE Bags addresses an immediate, growing need here in the US," says Scot Tatelman, STATE Bags co-Founder. "Our #BeyGOODxSTATE GIVEBACKPACK Program and inspirational bag drop events go beyond a simple material donation by providing children in underfunded communities the role models and motivation to beat the odds. Partnering with Beyonce's #BeyGOOD movement not only creates a platform for children to receive backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming year, but also drives them to reach their full potential."

The pep rally and bag drop off will take place at the Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia on August 27, In addition to Philly, Beyonce is also providing backpacks for underprivileged students in Newark, NJ, New York, NY, Charlotte, NC, Baltimore, MD, and Washington DC.


SuperDuperExcitingNews: Anna Kendrick Not Dating ‘Game Of Thrones’ Actor, The North Rejoices


The Pitch Perfect actress just proved her loyalty to House Stark.

When news broke that internet darling Anna Kendrick might be shacking up with that slimy, scheming traitor Theon Grejoy (or at least the guy who plays him, Alfie Allen) from Game of Thrones, it was like the Red Wedding all over again. Ok, maybe not that bad, but we were all pretty upset. After all, Kendrick proclaimed her allegiance to the direwolf clan a long time ago. She’d never b*tch out on the Starks, especially not for an Ironborn.

Thankfully the gossips were wrong and America’s national treasure has taken to Twitter to once and for all prove that when it comes to House Stark, she’s ride or die.

Sorry Reek.



Frances Bean Cobain offers support to Robin Williams' daughter Zelda


Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of the late Kurt Cobain, has tweeted a message of support for Zelda Williams, whose father Robin Williams committed suicide this week.

Taking to Twitter, Frances posted, "You have such an incredibly beautiful soul. I love you but you already knew that. Whenever wherever u need me, I'll be there". The tweet has since been removed.

Significant members of the music world have also posted messages of condolence on the social media site since Williams' death on Monday morning (August 11).

Liam Gallagher, Rihanna, Ringo Star and Ozzy Osbourne were among those to pay their respects, while a host of Hollywood figures have also come out in praise of the 'Good Will Hunting' star.

As reported, the actor died aged 63 from at his California home.

A statement made by the assistant chief deputy coroner of Marin County revealed the cause of death to be "suicide due to asphyxia" and advised "a comprehensive investigation must be completed before a final determination is made".

Confirming the news in a statement, Williams' publicist said: "Robin Williams passed away this morning. He has been battling severe depression of late. This is a tragic and sudden loss. The family respectfully asks for their privacy as they grieve during this very difficult time."


Rachel Bilson & Hayden Christensen Prep for the Baby at Bed, Bath & Beyond


Rachel Bilson displays her growing baby bump in a fitted black dress while doing some shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond on Sunday afternoon (August 10) in Los Angeles.

The 32-year-old Hart of Dixie star was soon followed by her boyfriend Hayden Christensen as they also stopped by Whole Foods to pick up a few groceries that day.

Earlier in the week, Rachel donned another tight maxi dress while hitting up her local salon for a manicure in Sherman Oaks.


Taylor Swift on Fallon!!!

That Ultra-NSFW Kink Fest From Germany Has A Trailer Now


You’re probably much too busy partying with hot babes and doing important cancer research to remember everything I write, but back in 2012, I told you about German former MTV VJ Charlotte Roche and her book Wetlands, a fairly risqué tome about an 18-year-old girl who’s in the hospital with a festering shaving wound on her anus, who goes on to have all sorts of impure thoughts about rubbing her genitals on toilet seats and eating her own scabs and smegma. It turns out, a lot of Germans identified with that. It’s basically the Scrotie McBoogerballs book from South Park (probably my favorite episode, incidentally), and now it’s also a movie starring Carla Juri.

Just one more blockquote to whet your appetite before you watch the trailer:

Unabashed in her exploratory pursuit of pleasure, Helen engages in several sex romps: one with an anonymous food-stand patron, another with some food itself. (Cucumbers are a decent masturbatory aid, though nothing compares to a carrot). Helen has to put the hookups on hold, however, when she ends up in the hospital after an anal injury incurred from shaving. There she meets a cute male nurse who’s intrigued by her predilection for perversity, and things take a surprisingly sweet turn between the two of them … while still remaining super gross, of course. [Vulture]

Amazingly, the trailer itself doesn't contain any actual nudity.

As it happens, “gleefully vulgar” happens to be my particular wheelhouse. And I’ve always wanted to meet a nice 18-year-old girl with whom I could bond over anal fissures (“do you use flushable wet wipes also, or do you find the alcohol in them dries you out?”). Wetlands hits New York September 5th before a platform release.

Watch the new trailer at source..

Book recs post? Sex post? Sex book recs post?
I recommend "Bared to You"; is a better version 50 Shades of Shit.

‘Alien Isolation’ Cranks The Tension To Ten In Its Latest Trailer


I usually don’t post game trailers without any gameplay unless they’re announcing a new title, but I have to share this new cinematic Alien: Isolation trailer — it’s just too damn good not to. It’s tense as hell and proves that guys at The Creative Assembly really understand the Alien franchise. Hell, they seem to get Alien better than Ridley Scott does these days.

Check out the trailer below…

Alien: Isolation Release Date: October 7, 2014


This looks so good! What other games do you want to buy/torrent/play?

Downton Series 5 Pics and Spoilers (this time not featuring a water bottle)


THE OFFICIAL GROUP PROMO IMAGE FOR SERIES 5. Let's take a moment to feel sorry for Sybbie and her really awful hair cut. And also to appreciate how adorable George looks.

Here we have Isobel looking in a tree for a good storyline for herself. Will she be successful?

Yeah, I got nothing witty to say about this picture. Except is it just me or does Thomas look a bit bloated?

Daisy is all "I can't wait to leave all you assholes behind and to embrace my future as a Farm Heiress"


The lack of Charles Blake in any of the promo material CONCERNS ME DEEPLY.


Totally married, amirite?

Actually married, unfortunately. #FreeAnna

And now for a couple of articles....

Downton Abbey series 5 spoilers: Shocks in store as fire rips through Crawley's stately pile

The roaring Twenties have hit Downton Abbey with a vengeance as the fifth series opens with parties and luncheons galore.

Gone are Mary's drab widow's weeds and instead she is actively enjoying her search for husband number two.

The feature-length opener continues with many of the stories set up during series four, with poor Edith still pining after lover Michael Gregson [no1curr, Edith] and Thomas Barrow still torturing Miss Baxter over her secret past.

And there's still a hint of sadness lingering over Anna, who appears to be keeping Mr Bates at arm's length (at least in the bedroom) following her horrific ordeal at the hands of Mr Green last year.

There are also shocks in store as a fire rips through Downton (gasp!).

But elsewhere there are laughs galore as Molesley dyes his hair,[LMAO I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS] little Sybbie insists on calling Lord Grantham by a nickname rather than the "Grandpapa," he craves and Mary informs her parents that she's "going upstairs to take off my hat". Yes, really.

There are many potential love-matches on the cards, as Branson's friendship with mouthy teacher Miss Bunting continues and Isabel Crawley continues to attract would-be suitors.

But poor Jimmy the footman has bitten off more than he can chew after encouraging the inappropriate advances of the Lady he used to work for, played by Duckface.

It's all too much for poor old Branson, who continues to lament that the times are a-changing.

"I feel a shaking of the ground," he moans.

Probably all the slap and tickle going on upstairs...

Downton Abbey series 5: First episode review, Granthams face ‘destruction of everything we stand for’

The denizens of Downton Abbey have survived a World War, the scandal of an illegitimate child and a brutal rape. But it is the shocking rise of socialism which threatens to destroy the world’s favourite English country house for good.

Politics plays a central role in the fifth series of ITV’s much-garlanded drama, which mixes high-class soap with sedition as the new revolutionary political creed gives Lord Grantham sleepless nights.

The action has moved on to 1924 and the first Labour government under Ramsay MacDonald has shaken the estate to its core. Labour’s hostility to the land-owning classes will lead to the “destruction of us and everything we stand for,” Hugh Bonneville’s patriarch predicts.

Faithful butler Mr Carson (Jim Carter) will be up against the wall come the revolution too. “I feel a shaking of the ground I stand on,” he complains after silencing shouts of “up the workers” from the downstairs staff, who sense the possibilities of a different world approaching.

Matters come to a head when rabble-rousing Socialist teacher Sarah Bunting (Daisy Lewis), the “Boudica of the North Riding”, dares to contradict the Earl at a dinner party and calls the First World War a waste of young lives and money.[lol Sarah haters are hilarious to me because often they are also Tom stans and she is SO very Tom.]

Fortunately Dame Maggie Smith’s Dowager Countess is on hand to diffuse the tension with one of her delicious put-downs. “Principles are like prayers,” she tells the firebrand teacher. “Noble, but awkward at a party.”

Yet Downton creator Julian Fellowes’ skill at undercutting moments of high-drama with comedy remains, and viewers who may be alarmed at this diversion into domestic politics will be reassured in the knowledge that business remains pretty much as usual for the series, which is now screened in 255 countries, and which has received 12 Emmy award nominations.

No opportunity for plot signalling is avoided – an early hours house fire is inevitably used to expose who has tiptoed into the wrong bedroom[DUN DUN DUNNNN I wonder who this is going to be. Mary and Tony?]. The dialogue can be of the sledgehammer variety. “I’m going upstairs to take my hat off,” intones Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) before doing precisely that.

However the Hollywood guest stars (a scenery-chewing Shirley MacLaine, Paul Giamatti) of previous years have been supplanted by distinguished British actors for whom Downton has replaced the Harry Potter franchise as a much-sought sinecure. Sue Johnston, known for her roles in The Royale Family and Waking The Dead, arrives as a feisty new lady’s maid for the Dowager.

Lady Mary must choose between her two suitors and can’t understand why she can’t take them both for a bedroom test drive before committing.[GET IT, MARY!]

There will be the usual secrets, lies and shocking plot twists to match last year’s controversial rape of Anna Bates (Joanne Froggatt), promised Executive Producer Gareth Neame.

“We hope to come back next year,” added Neame, who predicted Downton could run until it depicted “Margaret Thatcher’s landslide”. Spoiler alert for Earl Grantham: Downton Abbey will be around longer than the first MacDonald Government.

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#WintersHere in August! Marvel Drops Haunting New Cap 2 DVD/Blu-Ray Promo Set To 'Winter Wonderland'


Concept art released exclusively to ComicBook.com from Marvel Comics illustrates that the upcoming Winter Soldier ongoing series will include the character taking on the distinctive mask designed for the feature film Captain America: The Winter Soldier. While the primary reason for using the mask in the movie seemed to be preventing Captain America from guessing Bucky's identity until it was necessary for the narrative, it has a militaristic/tactical look not unlike what you see on characters like The Operative from Aquaman and the Others.

You can see a number of sketches below from series artist Marco Rudy, depicting both the "classic" look for the Winter Soldier and a number of masked looks. The image above, obviously, is very movie-inspired, but the mask also appears below as just a small part of a larger headpiece. The tactical, "stealthy" look referenced above also features rubber-soled shoes rather than the more standard boots the character is traditionally depicted as having. Other than some very minor texturing issues, though, it appears to be an identical mask, suggesting that Rudy intentionally imported the look of the films onto the printed page.

This is far from the first time the comics have been tweaked to resemble the movie and TV side of things, of course; notable examples include Spider-Man's black costume making a reappearance around the time of Spider-Man 3, Batman's all-black bodysuit costume in the '90s that lacked briefs, tweaks made to the Superman costume and logo around the time of Superman Returns and the restoration of Steve Rogers to the role of Captain America and Peter Parker to the role of Spider-Man just in time for the theatrical releases of Captain America: The First Avenger and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, respectively. Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1 comes from Rudy and writer Ales Kot in October.

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