Paramount Pictures has released the first official trailer for the Marc Forster-directed post-apocalyptic zombie film, World War Z. Featuring our first look at the new footage, check it out...
The story revolves around United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Pitt), who traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to decimate humanity itself. Enos plays Gerry’s wife Karen Lane; Kertesz is his comrade in arms, Segen.
Directed by Marc Forster and starring Brad Pitt, Bryan Cranston, Mireille Enos, Matthew Fox, James Badge Dale, David Morse, World War Z is set to hit theatres on June 21, 2013.
The story revolves around United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Pitt), who traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to decimate humanity itself. Enos plays Gerry’s wife Karen Lane; Kertesz is his comrade in arms, Segen.
Directed by Marc Forster and starring Brad Pitt, Bryan Cranston, Mireille Enos, Matthew Fox, James Badge Dale, David Morse, World War Z is set to hit theatres on June 21, 2013.