My Bow makes my dick hard every time I that normal?
— Idris Elba (@idriselba) January 5, 2014
So here I was enjoying a Saturday evening at home, perusing my Twitter timeline when a pretty outrageous tweet showed up on my timeline that was attached to Idris Elba and more importantly, Idris Elba’s bow tie.
Now, I’ve followed Idris on Twitter here and there and recognize that he likes to have fun on social media sometimes; but with this tweet, I was pretty sure he’d been hacked! I certainly haven’t seen that verbiage from him in the past.
Yes, he was definitely on one as he got his evening started. The women on Twitter were going crazy, while the men felt the need to twitpic pictures of themselves in bow ties. Of course, none of them received the same reaction as “Idris Elba’s bow tie.”
By the way, he did look good at the gala and seeing him in this suit, really makes me want to see him in a “007 suit” at some point.

Let me DM you a pic of my vagina... RT “@idriselba: My Bow makes my dick hard every time I that normal?”
— Thick Ross (@BougieLa) January 5, 2014
It's been about 90 minutes. I haven't moved since the #BowTie. I'mma see if my legs have regained feeling.
— April (@ReignOfApril) January 5, 2014
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think @idriselba (or the hacker who got at him) just broke Twitter.
— Joy Reid (@TheReidReport) January 5, 2014
Let me sit this aaaaaaaassssssssssss.....on ya @IdrisElba
— .noniie (@_sugatits) January 5, 2014
Listen, I tweet like Idris Elba all the time and I don't get all this attention. lol
— Kazeem Famuyide (@RealLifeKaz) January 5, 2014
Dropped off Twitter for a few hours and when I came back, Idris Elba's bow tie seems to have been elected President & impregnated 117 women
— K. D. Bryan (@KDBryan) January 5, 2014
So now that I know one of Idris Elba's turn-ons....I think I may have another shot. :::starts bow tie shopping::
— BlackGirlNerds (@BlackGirlNerds) January 5, 2014
Idris Elba needs to come here armed with a bow tie and a smile
— YoungAfricanGirl (@OnceUponATwime) January 5, 2014
@idriselba I'm #childfree, but even my ovaries said, "YAAAAS!" #IdrisElbasBowTie#BowTie
— Black Vulcan Chick (@BlkVulcanChick) January 5, 2014
Idris is so perfect it's infuriating... why is there only one of you?!! 😡
— LOVEvanka ♡ (@LOVEvanka) January 5, 2014
#IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike That feeling when Jesse strangled Todd in Breaking Bad
— Congolesa Rice (@judeinlondon) January 5, 2014
#IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike when Minnie Riperton hits that incredible note in 'Loving You'
— Mary Sobbins (@twodecadeslate) January 5, 2014
#IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike Waking up on Sunday and seeing chick-fil-a's decided to be open.
— Chillie Holiday (@HollehMarie) January 5, 2014
#IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike finding out someone paid of all of your student loans
— Shy (@IslandGyalSTX) January 5, 2014
#IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike Waking up with a successful twistout
— Tanya Gloria (@tanyagloria) January 5, 2014
😂😂😂 RT @PinguinoBesos: GIRL “@HollehMarie: #IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike Paying off Sallie Mae”
— Me Shell (@GaPeach_est1083) January 5, 2014
#IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike Like your scalp after that tea tree oil conditioner treatment at the salon #tingles
— PressureP (@pjenks) January 5, 2014
Yall not gon do this....nooooo lmfaooooooo RT @PinguinoBesos: #IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike gspot getting a 90 minute deep tissue massage
— Chill Scott (@SpikeVee88) January 5, 2014
baby @idriselba your dick could probably grow edges back and straighten out this lisp. huh?
— Penguin Princess (@PinguinoBesos) January 5, 2014
Seriously. Logout. RT @tanyagloria: #IdrisElbasDickProbablyFeelLike Hope
— Dun (@DunDunItAll850) January 5, 2014