This Short film is about the life and times of Edie Sedgwick, famous socialite from the late 60s/early 70s, Andy Warhol Muse, and the similarities of the era between then and now. Check out the film's first trailer below!
The fabulous 60's icon, (Edie Sedgwick)
(Carissa Lynelle) playing Edie Sedgwick
The film focuses on Edie Sedgwick, who was a famous socialite in the late 60s/early 70s, and Andy Warhol muse, starring Carissa Lynelle. It is a modern day take of the movie "Ciao Manhatten" in which Edie starred in in the early 70s. There is the character of Butch on his take of society as well as Edie's. It also involves the revolution of the youth and how similar our society is today from the 60s/70s on the hippy movement. The film has various elements involving drugs, Andy Warhol,a Halloween theme, the Factory people, and more.
I love Edie and low budget indie films! Will you be seeing this ONTD?