Danny Desai's time at Green Grove High is officially on notice. In the latest episode of Twisted, the poisoning attempt issue came back to light.
Regina Crane's mother also made an angry appearance on "Poison of Interest."
Does the reappearance of the delightful Mrs. Crane (who I can only picture as True Blood's Nan Flanagan) and the timing of the coach's firing raise any red flags? It seems like a few weeks ago Danny was being victimized with the creepy masks and the stunt at his party and suddenly he returns to school and is the one under fire?
To think that in last week's episode he and Kyle had made so much progress in getting along and finding more clues to the Regina Crane case.
How did it suddenly all turn around? What did the coach mean that he couldn't cover for Danny again? Danny denied poisoning Cole with the moth balls and agreed to leave the team quietly after the accusation. As far as Mrs. Crane, I would have liked to see the discussion between her and Karen. Then again, the threeway outburst between Mrs. Crane, Tess and Karen at the hearing was pretty awesome.
Logistically, it doesn't seem correct that Mrs. Crane would really be able to sit on the school board hearing to determine the fate of the man she's accusing of killing her daughter. There's a definite bias there that clearly interferes with a clean trial. It should've been obvious that it was inappropriate to the entire board when she had an outburst at Tess Masterson for testifying for Danny.
In other news, Rico put stuck his neck out for Lacey. Granted, it was really so Jo wouldn't get hurt, but it was still nice that he gave Lacey the heads up on the video. That girl Eloise who "never forgets" is definitely the one who ended up leaking it in the end. It's just too bad that Jo had to find out about Lacey and Danny that way.
Rico: You should try confronting him because he’s clearly intimidated by women.
Lacey: Um... not that intimidated because he’s an amateur porn director.
I would've thought it was going to be more of a mystery as to who videotaped Lacey and Danny, but Doug was pretty forthcoming. Guess this show isn't Pretty Little Liars after all. We actually get some answers. Something I really would like an answer to, is this: why