Thursday Elimination Results
Howard, Candice and Amanda were all up for eviction on Thursday night, and who did the house send home?
Everyone but Spencer (who voted for Candice), voted for Howard to leave the Big Brother House.
HOH Endurance Results
Who won the HOH competition?
Racist/Fatal Attraction Contestant ... GinaMarie
- The final two contestants left in the HOH competition were McCrae and GinaMarie
- Spencer, Helen and Candice dropped first and got to choose the special boxes with rewards. Spencer got a megaphone, Helen got a BBQ and Candice got $5 000
Fatal attraction nominated.....
Jessie and Candice
Extra Notes
- No have/have not competition this week; thus everyone is a 'have'.
- Helen was all 'friendly' with GinaMarie as soon as she won.
- Amanda and Jessie got into a huge fight, and Amanda was stating super nasty derogatory comments about her. No one helped Jessie and well, even Judd now isn't on her side. Amanda did apologize though, but lets be real... she's still a massive bitch.
- Everyone still hates Candice.
- Thus upcoming Thursday is a double eviction night!! (lets all pray that half the house leaves)
Source: Me watching live feeds and http://www.onlinebigbrother.com/ for 1 photo.