The film follows a team of scientists who discover an experimental serum with the potential to bring the dead back to life. After losing his or her own daughter, the team's lead scientist tests the serum on her corpse, leading to terrifying results.
Donald Glover and Evan Peters are set to join Mark Duplass and Olivia Wilde in Lionsgate's upcoming horror thriller Reawakening, according to a story at The Wrap. Jiro Dreams of Sushi director David Gelb is attached to helm.
The film follows a team of scientists who discover an experimental serum with the potential to bring the dead back to life. After losing his or her own daughter, the team's lead scientist tests the serum on her corpse, leading to terrifying results.
Glover, best known for his role as Troy Barnes on NBC's "Community," has appeared on the big screen in films like Mystery Team, The Muppets and the upcoming The To Do List. Peters, meanwhile, is well known for "American Horror Story" and was recently cast as Quicksilver in Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Scripted by Luke Dawson and Jeremy Slater, Reawakening will be produced by Jason Blum and the Mosaic Media Group.