Lena Dunham is one of those figures (and no pun intended, I’m not talking about her body though lord knows that gets talked about more than her body of work) that really divides people into hate and love. Some start hating and then start loving. Some loved from the beginning. And some just really hate. Some hate so much that they hope she gets cancer. From her twitter:
(It reads “Just an FYI to conservative dudes tweeting hate at me: ‘I hope you get breast cancer’ is way more offensive than anything I’ve ever written.”)
Hey, you know who else wished breast cancer on someone? Charlie Sheen to ex wife Denise Richards. His exact statement was (from Gawker),
I hope you and your worthless retarded father get cancer and join your stupid [dead] mom. Rot in hell, you whore.
Yeah, breast cancer is just hilarious.