At the initial stages in her career, roles in quaint period dramas Waterland, with Jeremy Irons and Merchant Ivory’s The Remains of the Day were positively grooming young Lena Headey for life as an English rose.So something clearly went a little off somewhere along the way.
Her incarnation as Cersei Lannister is just the latest in a string of parts after 300’s Queen Gorgo and Sarah Connor in the shamefully axed Terminator TV series, the 5’4 Huddersfield stunner admits she’s no idea where her action star reputation came from.
“It’s just an odd association at this stage,” she cheerfully laughs. “I’m this tiny little woman, I wouldn’t mind if I was of you know, Amazonian stature, Brigette Nielsen, so it really makes no sense. I have the weakest little muscles.
Headey returns for a hotly anticipated third season of George Martin’s fantasy epic, which sees Cersei broken down after Tyrion accumulated more sway over the Iron Throne while she stood trial for framing Margaery Tyrell for murder.
But according to the actress, our favourite Thrones vixen is staging a comeback.
The youthful 39-year-old actress, who has a two year-old son Wiley, from her marriage to musician Peter Loughran, is speaking in London’s Corinthia Hotel, wearing black, wet look skinny jeans and a flowing white shirt.
So Lena, what can you reveal about Cersei in season three? When we left her, she was pretty much defeated after standing trial for framing Maegery and her walk of penance.
This is Cersei at her lowest right now but she is not a woman to be crossed. I can’t obviously reveal the details, although if you’ve read the books, you have a fair idea what’s coming.
She has been broken and battered, it’s high time that she rose like a phoenix from the ashes and unleashed hell. Let’s just say I had more fun than should be allowed as character, and Cersei is undoubtedly the best role I’ve ever had in my career. I just want Game of Thrones to go on and on and on.
Would it be correct to say she feels like she’s created a monster in Joffery?
Of course, to a certain extent but I don’t think that could be anything she would ever admit to herself. Cersei is completely aware of what he has done and will continue to do but despite all this, her only concern is his safety.
It’s very uncomfortable this season with Joffrey, she feels the judgment from her own father.
Does she even want power?
Oh absolutely, without a doubt! That’s her main motivation in life. If she could sit on the throne, she would.
Such a large part of Cersei wants to be a man, she’s very jealous of her two brothers. She has a high regard for Tyrion, I think she’d like to be him, in certain degrees, there’s just so much messed up [stuff] going on.
More than anything else, this season she fascinates me more than ever before.
She fascinates all of us.
And I’m incredibly proud of that fact, that she strikes and stirs that emotion within others, it’s so rewarding.
Your Cersei, she’s different than the Cersei of the book, do you think that’s your intentional doing, or just how it happened?
It’s what I do as an actor, at the end of the day, it’s my interpretation of the script and the words but ultimately they’re not my words, are they? That’s not what acting is all about.
Personally in no way am I like, ‘I’ll change the character’ I just feel like there has to be progression. There always has to be secrets and you know, I always try to keep her vulnerability, her fear hidden.
To be honest, I got criticised for being too nice in season one. All that was being written about me was , ‘She’s not evil enough, she’s not this that or the other and I’m like ‘well you know, she has to have somewhere to go, there’s has to be some darkness to her light.
All of the characters, there’s an onion skin effect, and there’s layers and changes and just when someone feels like they’ve got you nailed, they go in the complete opposing direction and I love that.
What does Cersei live by?
Like what’s her mantra in life?
Yea, what’s her compass as it were?
Blood is thicker than water [laughs]. It’s blood, you know blood, no matter what anyone does, blood ties all.
What’s the stand out moment for you that you can’t wait for people to see in season three?
Well, there’s none that I say if I’m quite blunt about it [laughs]. Stop trying to trip me up.
I guess I really love her relationship with her father, it’s like she steps back to a teenager with him, because they are so combative. They’re kind of the same person. He doesn’t like any of his children, but he likes her least and likes her and Tyrion on a par. He likes to play them off each other.
From Gorgo in 300, to Sarah Connor, Ma-ma in Dredd and Cersei, why are you continuously cast in these roles?
I really have no idea and find it so very peculiar that I land these roles again and again. Initially in my career, I was more drawn to independent movies, much more emotive set pieces and a switch came along where I was throwing punches and maiming folk.
I’m not a tough person, well I can look after myself but I’m pretty sure I don’t put that perception out there. But Thrones, 300, Dredd, I’m having the time of my life with these movies. I say keep it coming.
It still remains a little strange why a girl from Yorkshire is beating up all these tough guys. I’ll never figure that one out.
Some of Cersei’s outfits and same in 300, are quite revealing, is that motivation to keep fit?
When you’re handed a costume that’s ultimately just rags, that’s really no better motivation to hit the gym. Although I do use a body double for some of the naughtier scenes. When you see Gorgo’s bum, yea, that’s not mine. Mine’s not half as good.
What’s the reaction like on the street? Do you have any odd fan encounters?
All I’ll say is, ‘thank God for the joys of that long blonde wig’, otherwise I’d get it a lot worse. When fans of the show do recognise me however, I get shouted at. You know, friendly stuff like that [laughs]. I guess either one is kind of a compliment, means I must be doing something right.
You’re starring in one of the biggest shows on television yet against the odds, maintain an odd anonymity within your personal life? How do you manage that?
I rarely say yes to interviews, photo-shoots, any kind of publicity really. You’re lucky I’m talking to you right now [laughs].
It’s so tricky these days, you’re not expected to be an actor anymore, they want more and more and more. My bosses are terribly frustrated with my ‘under the radar’ mindset but you know what, I didn’t get into this business to sell myself, simple as that.
I like my little life and that’s what keeps me sane and I have a high value on that. My job is my job and I’m happy for that to be judged because it’s in public. I say no to so much stuff and I know it upsets some people, but is what it is.
You film mainly in Belfast but you’re based with your son in LA. How do you keep the balance? It must be tough as he’s so young.
It’s hard but that’s the reality of it all, I have to work. He’s too young to be bouncing back and forth across the Atlantic so of course, any free moment I have, I’m straight back to LA to be with him. It’s heart-breaking to be so far away but that’s work and I have to work.
How often do you get back?
Every two weeks, or a week. Anytime time off, I’m racing back to me a mummy but to be a working parent is hard but to be a working mother is so tough.
I did a little film here in the UK for six weeks last year and I brought him for that which was lovely. It was funny because every day, he would ask, where’s the sun? And you’re like, ‘it’s like that over here, get used to it.’
Do you think you’ll ever move back to the UK?
My heart is in LA now, it’s so healthy
Could come back and do a soap opera here?
[Laughs] Yea, maybe. Not Eastenders, but maybe Corrie. I’m a huge Corrie fan.
Stepping away from action fantasy, what are you career goals?
I so badly want to do a comedy. I want to get back where I started, to more indie movies. Things have gotten a little too big for me lately. And I miss the contemporary British dramas.
Oh, and I’d love to do a Pedro Almodavar film, that would be a dream come true. Although I’d have to learn Spanish. That could be tricky.
What’s next for you on the cards?
Well I’m working on The Mortal Instruments in Canada right now, with a few of your Irish actors whom I’ve never worked with any of them before but I am so incredibly excited to have the three of them involved.
I’ve heard fantastic word of Aidan Turner and Robert [Sheehan]’s work and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, he’s such a beautiful talent… and man, obviously, you know with that contingent on set, there’s going to be laughs, and lots of them.
Obviously... and will you be rejoining 300 in the sequel as Gorgo? Gerard Butler isn’t coming back.
I know which is a shame but that’s just how it goes. I’ve already filmed that and it’s only small part but it was so exciting to work with that team again.
And of course a new series of Game of Thrones to look forward to?
Well of course, all going to plan. But Cersei may not even survive this season.
Is that a tip-off there?
Could be, could not be...