Week two of “My Strange Addiction” arouses our inner curiosity with addictions so bizarre it stings.
Meet Margaret, a 53-year-old Kentucky woman who has developed an addiction to stinging herself with bees. The Morningview native began stinging herself nearly 10-years-ago as a way to combat arthritis pain.
“The first time that I stung myself it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, and it just got easier over time,” explained Margaret.
Now, stinging herself on the hips, elbows, fingers and other random places, Margaret has managed to sting herself as much as 15 times per day.
“She’s always had a taste for the odd side of things,” explains Margaret’s husband, JD. “At this point now with fifteen stings per day, that’s when I start to get really concerned about it.”
Season 4 of “My Strange Addiction” airs Wednesday’s at 10 p.m. on TLC.
Source: http://www.examiner.com/review/my-strange-addiction-season-4-features-woman-addicted-to-bee-stings