1: Not shy about posting photos or articles of her good deeds, Taylor Swift came in at the top spot with a $50,000 donation to a young girl who had to miss one of her shows to undergo treatment for leukemia. She also donated $50,000 to the Seattle Symphony and $50,000 to help fund arts education in NYC. She supplied $50,000 to her backup dancers baby nephew fighting cancer.
2: Miley Cyrus founded the Happy Hippy Foundation– an organization with a mission to rally young people to fight injustice facing homeless youth, LGBTQ youth and other vulnerable populations
7: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen donated $500,000 to the Springfield City School District. They also fed and assisted protestors in NYC fighting against police brutality in the wake of Eric Garner's death. They also made donations to Planned Parenthood and urged the millions following them online to do the same.
10: Demi Lovato was big on mental health this year. She joined forces with leading mental health advocacy organizations to launch Be Vocal, an initiative designed to empower adults living with mental health conditions to speak up with their support team. Lovato also partnered with the nonprofit Regular Hero to create The Lovato Scholarship to cover expenses for individuals struggling with mental health and/or addiction issues.
14: Lena Dunham really helped Planned Parenthood this year by dressing up as a Planned Parenthood doctor for Halloween. Dunham also auctioned off a sweater for Planned Parenthood.
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