Happy Holidays and welcome to the second installment of this months
faves/problematic faves/problems.
Problematic Faves
Zayn Malik, Jan. 12/Louis Tomlinson, Dec. 24
Bless them both for giving ONTD the opportunity to have posts. A lot of ONTD was ambivalent to One Direction, but Zayn’s confirmed cheating on fiancé Perrie and his subsequent quitting of One Direction halfway through a tour was glorious. No better is Louis Tomlinson, the only member of One Direction to engage with Naughty Boy in little digs during this time. It was later discovered that he got a woman pregnant. Larry stans have subsequently gone further down the rabbit hole, screaming “MANAGEMENT” and Louis himself seems to be ignoring the reality of it.
Ryan Seacrest, Dec. 24
Oh, Ryan Seacrest. We prefer Brian Dunkleman.
Bradley Cooper, Jan. 5
Plastic Man and Lolita lover Bradley Cooper is everywhere. If you would have told me back during the Hangover days that B.Coop would be a multi-Oscar nominee and movie star by now, I wouldn't have beleived you. On ONTD we love to hate Bradley, and that's what makes him a problematic fave.
J.R.R Tolkien, Jan. 3
Beloved for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien was kinda racist. And very likely sexist. His works often put women on a pedestal as pure and sweet and kind, but there weren’t very many of them. Note how while Eowyn strives to be a warrior, all this is ended once she meets Faramir and the pinnacle of happiness for her is instead to be with him. There are some rumors that he wasn’t fond at all of the women students he had to teach either.
Jim Carrey, Jan. 17
Oh Jim. Jim, Jim, Jim. How beloved a comedian, how deep his fall. Noted anti-vaxxer, Jim Carrey went on a rant about how vaccines cause autism and used the picture of an autistic boy and was requested by the boy’s family to remove it. He’s very against vaccines, although he says he’s against mercury/thimerosal in vaccines. Frankly, you get more mercury in your system by ingesting a can of tuna, but whatever Jim. Stick to making us laugh!
Honorable Mentions: Edgar Allan Poe, Ted Danson, Nigella Lawson, Nicholas Cage, Jodie Sweetin, Taye Diggs
Steve Harvey, Jan. 17
Noted sexist idiot andpublicity stunt pawn recent Miss Universe host fuck up Steve Harvey makes the list for well, being a noted sexist idiot and fucking up the recent Miss Universe Pagent.
Howard Stern, Jan. 12
Known as a “shock jock”, Stern’s made a lot of controversial statements about a lot of things, such as the comments after the Columbine shootings and saying the closest he got to having sex with a black woman was masturbating to Aunt Jemima. He’s not really a great interviewer, but he does have a remarkable ability to get people to say things about themselves they wouldn’t otherwise say.
David Bowie, Jan. 8
Despite his catalogue of classic rock hits, game changing performance art, and his long-lasting marriage to supermodel Iman, David Bowie is here because he was a rock star and has had at least one sexual interaction with a 13 year old girl. People might blame the times, the drugs, the environment, but it doesn’t matter.
Jeremy Renner, Jan. 7
Asshole. He’s made a lot of disparaging comments about women and doesn’t think he has anything to do with the wage gap between himself and his female co-stars. It should have been you instead of Quicksilver!
Tiger Woods, Dec. 30
Tiger Woods is greatly talented, but better known these days for his messy personal life and 'sex addiction'. After being confronted about his cheating, he crashed his car into a tree and shortly afterward, his wife divorced him and he lost a ton of endorsements.
Paula Deen, Jan. 19
The southern butter queen is racist?! Say it ain’t so! But she is. Totally racist. Even though she’s apologized for having used the N-word and thinking that having all black servants at a dinner would be cute, we’re pretty sure she didn’t mean it.
Mel Gibson, Jan. 3
Really hates Jews, loves slurs, and allegedly hit his most recent wife. Definitely not a good dude (and frankly was never really a good actor).
Jared Leto, Dec. 26
Jared Leto has been the subject of sexual abuse rumors with mutliple women naming or alleging he used his fame as a way to take advantage of vulnerable victims. In addition, his thirst for acting recognition led him to take the role of a trans woman, and even won an Oscar for it. So brave, Jared.
Wayne Coyne, Jan. 13
Guitarist and vocalist for The Flaming Lips, he’s been accused of racism and verbal abuse with threats of physical abuse by former drummer Kilph Scurlock. Coyne supported Christina Fallin, a musician and daughter of OK governor, after she posted a picture of herself wearing a Native American headdress which Scurlock called out. He also says that Scurlock is a pathological liar. Coyne is also a close friend of Miley Cyrus, and acts as kind of a creepy creative guru and "father figure" to her.
Dishonorable Mention: Matt Lauer, Dustin Diamond, Nicholas Sparks, Kirstie Alley, Diane Keaton, R. Kelly, Kid Rock, Gerard Depardieu
SO there you have it folks see you next month for the Aquarians! Thanks again to the incomparable
yurasama_love for her words and wisdom
source:biography.com dead to me

Problematic Faves
Zayn Malik, Jan. 12/Louis Tomlinson, Dec. 24

Bless them both for giving ONTD the opportunity to have posts. A lot of ONTD was ambivalent to One Direction, but Zayn’s confirmed cheating on fiancé Perrie and his subsequent quitting of One Direction halfway through a tour was glorious. No better is Louis Tomlinson, the only member of One Direction to engage with Naughty Boy in little digs during this time. It was later discovered that he got a woman pregnant. Larry stans have subsequently gone further down the rabbit hole, screaming “MANAGEMENT” and Louis himself seems to be ignoring the reality of it.
Ryan Seacrest, Dec. 24

Oh, Ryan Seacrest. We prefer Brian Dunkleman.
Bradley Cooper, Jan. 5

Plastic Man and Lolita lover Bradley Cooper is everywhere. If you would have told me back during the Hangover days that B.Coop would be a multi-Oscar nominee and movie star by now, I wouldn't have beleived you. On ONTD we love to hate Bradley, and that's what makes him a problematic fave.
J.R.R Tolkien, Jan. 3

Beloved for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien was kinda racist. And very likely sexist. His works often put women on a pedestal as pure and sweet and kind, but there weren’t very many of them. Note how while Eowyn strives to be a warrior, all this is ended once she meets Faramir and the pinnacle of happiness for her is instead to be with him. There are some rumors that he wasn’t fond at all of the women students he had to teach either.
Jim Carrey, Jan. 17

Oh Jim. Jim, Jim, Jim. How beloved a comedian, how deep his fall. Noted anti-vaxxer, Jim Carrey went on a rant about how vaccines cause autism and used the picture of an autistic boy and was requested by the boy’s family to remove it. He’s very against vaccines, although he says he’s against mercury/thimerosal in vaccines. Frankly, you get more mercury in your system by ingesting a can of tuna, but whatever Jim. Stick to making us laugh!
Honorable Mentions: Edgar Allan Poe, Ted Danson, Nigella Lawson, Nicholas Cage, Jodie Sweetin, Taye Diggs
Steve Harvey, Jan. 17

Noted sexist idiot and
Howard Stern, Jan. 12

Known as a “shock jock”, Stern’s made a lot of controversial statements about a lot of things, such as the comments after the Columbine shootings and saying the closest he got to having sex with a black woman was masturbating to Aunt Jemima. He’s not really a great interviewer, but he does have a remarkable ability to get people to say things about themselves they wouldn’t otherwise say.
David Bowie, Jan. 8

Despite his catalogue of classic rock hits, game changing performance art, and his long-lasting marriage to supermodel Iman, David Bowie is here because he was a rock star and has had at least one sexual interaction with a 13 year old girl. People might blame the times, the drugs, the environment, but it doesn’t matter.
Jeremy Renner, Jan. 7

Asshole. He’s made a lot of disparaging comments about women and doesn’t think he has anything to do with the wage gap between himself and his female co-stars. It should have been you instead of Quicksilver!
Tiger Woods, Dec. 30

Tiger Woods is greatly talented, but better known these days for his messy personal life and 'sex addiction'. After being confronted about his cheating, he crashed his car into a tree and shortly afterward, his wife divorced him and he lost a ton of endorsements.
Paula Deen, Jan. 19

The southern butter queen is racist?! Say it ain’t so! But she is. Totally racist. Even though she’s apologized for having used the N-word and thinking that having all black servants at a dinner would be cute, we’re pretty sure she didn’t mean it.

Mel Gibson, Jan. 3
Really hates Jews, loves slurs, and allegedly hit his most recent wife. Definitely not a good dude (and frankly was never really a good actor).
Jared Leto, Dec. 26

Jared Leto has been the subject of sexual abuse rumors with mutliple women naming or alleging he used his fame as a way to take advantage of vulnerable victims. In addition, his thirst for acting recognition led him to take the role of a trans woman, and even won an Oscar for it. So brave, Jared.
Wayne Coyne, Jan. 13

Guitarist and vocalist for The Flaming Lips, he’s been accused of racism and verbal abuse with threats of physical abuse by former drummer Kilph Scurlock. Coyne supported Christina Fallin, a musician and daughter of OK governor, after she posted a picture of herself wearing a Native American headdress which Scurlock called out. He also says that Scurlock is a pathological liar. Coyne is also a close friend of Miley Cyrus, and acts as kind of a creepy creative guru and "father figure" to her.
Dishonorable Mention: Matt Lauer, Dustin Diamond, Nicholas Sparks, Kirstie Alley, Diane Keaton, R. Kelly, Kid Rock, Gerard Depardieu
SO there you have it folks see you next month for the Aquarians! Thanks again to the incomparable
