Don't worry though if one day you have your own Meet and Greet with Sophia you won't get an awkward cardboard cutout type picture with her. Farrah is making sure Sophia always spends time and smiles with her fans even when she is uncomfortable and doesn't want to.
"Sophia is so quick to be like, 'I don't wanna take a photo,' or, 'I don't really want to talk to them,'" Farrah told Cosmo. "She's loving and she's kind and she's giving, and I understand that there's a lot of people on us a lot of time and it's a lot of giving, but I also want her to know that these people probably waited hours to meet her. These people traveled a whole day to get here. So it's just really helping her be more, I guess, empathetic, with her fans, and really knowing what they're going through to meet her."
Farrah also recently spoke to her tabloid of choice, Ok!, to defend the fact that she recently made her daughter a bunch of social media accounts including a Twitter and Snapchat.
Farrah claimed that Sophia has a major fan base so it's not weird at all for her to be on social media, in fact, it's basically a necessity for someone in the public eye. She did point out that her and and her team (lets be real it's probably not herself) oversee the accounts so Sophia only sees the fun aspects.
Source 1, 2, 3 and 4
Have you ever had a parent try to live vicariously through you / use you for personal gain?