Your fave band did an interview with Rolling Stone which is out soon, but here's some bits from the interview from which screenshots have been floating around. In the interview they were candid about everything including their time off camera with certain celebs you all know and adore.
![tumblr_ny97i3HisK1trq9l0o1_1280 tumblr_ny97i3HisK1trq9l0o1_1280]()
- They crashed Bieber's AMA afterparty...says it was wild though Biebes didn't even speak to them, and Bieber had his own album on repeat for 2 to 3 hours straight.
- Michael admitted he suffers issues with self esteem, lonliness, and depression. Saw a mental health specialist during their break, was taking too many sleeping pills at one time.
- "75% of our lives is proving that we're a real band". They want to have a wide audience, not just teen girls.
- Hung out with Chad from Nickelback and he ate nuggets and googles hot chicks dancing and things in his spare time.
- Luke met his famewhore gf at a party and was impressed she said her fave band was The Maine, they went back 2 his house and rest is history. She went to beauty school and doesn't do anything but insta and party cause of a trust fund.

- They crashed Bieber's AMA afterparty...says it was wild though Biebes didn't even speak to them, and Bieber had his own album on repeat for 2 to 3 hours straight.
- Michael admitted he suffers issues with self esteem, lonliness, and depression. Saw a mental health specialist during their break, was taking too many sleeping pills at one time.
- "75% of our lives is proving that we're a real band". They want to have a wide audience, not just teen girls.
- Hung out with Chad from Nickelback and he ate nuggets and googles hot chicks dancing and things in his spare time.
- Luke met his famewhore gf at a party and was impressed she said her fave band was The Maine, they went back 2 his house and rest is history. She went to beauty school and doesn't do anything but insta and party cause of a trust fund.