Here's why Caitlyn Jenner is now apologizing for her controversial comments in TIME magazine
— huffpostgay (@huffpostgay) December 14, 2015
- "I guess it's true that there are some things that I have not gotten right. Sometimes this is because I'm still finding out about the issues. Sometimes this is because something that is true for me isn't true for other people in our community. And sometimes I've said things that just come out the wrong way."
- Then goes on to say that the media says things out of context and interprets it in a way that she didn't mean.
- Said when the news blew up she felt hurt and didn't understand why people didn't know that she has a good heart and would never say something so mean, but then comes to the correct conclusion that she fucked up.
- "I think I caused a lot of hurt with this comment, and I'm truly sorry."
Then it goes into all the things that she should have said in the TIME piece rather than her ignorant "man in a dress" comments. Honestly it's a long statement and the whole piece is authored by her, so I encourage y'all to read it cause you know her publicist did 12 times before they hit publish.