-Says that she couldn't figure herself out because she wasn't allowed to dye her hair during Harry Potter filming like other girls of her own age.
"[I've] spent more than half of my life pretending to be someone else. While my contemporaries were dying their hair and figuring out who they were, I was figuring out who Hermione was and how best to portray her."
-Say's she's very interested in truth and authenticity, wants to be like Emma Thompson.
"It sounds like a ridiculous thing to say, but I’m very interested in truth, in finding ways to be messy and unsure and flawed and incredible and great and my fullest self, all wrapped into one. When you watch the work of someone like actress Emma Thompson, you feel like you’re seeing something true, and I aspire to that."
- Says that that one reason she became the UN ambassador of feminism because of her interest in fair trade fashion.
"Because so many women design and make the clothes we wear, it’s primarily the working conditions of women that are affected by the decisions we make, so fashion is a feminist issue."