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60% of One Direction fans are 25 or older


- 60 percent of their fans are 25 or older

- one fan maxed out a credit card to 'travel all around the country and Canada to see One Direction' and had to go into double digits to 'feel fulfilled'. She hasn't paid off the credit card yet but her only regret is that she didnt attend 'a show in Buffalo when Harry wore a gay pride flag as a cape.'

- 1D has ruined a relationship 1D, she thinks a guy broke up with her because 'I listened to too much One Direction and he thought it was weird' but not to worry because she realised he was an arsehole and 'One Direction are way better for me.'

- One women has chosen to dedicate her life to 1D, because amoung oher reasons 'as a fat girl, I relate to how I've gotten to witness them mature and just become hotter and hotter and grow into their weird faces'

- One 44 year old fan likes One direction becuase they remind her shes going to die 'It's more that 1D reminds me I am going to die.'

- one fan says its because she's asexual and can project all her romantic feelings 'onto completely unattainable men: celebrities' as she is terrified of sexual advances.

- One woman is an ephebopihle with a teaching degree (parents go memorise her picture) who had a relationship with a 14 year old when she was 18. likes 1D because 'Niall’s 22 and still looks like a goddamned teenage boy'.

- one worries about 1D to 'fend off the fact that death is coming for me regardless.'

Why are you an adult One Direction fan ontd?

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