![TV-WALTERS-AMERICAN_SCANDALS_57176215-700x467.jpg TV-WALTERS-AMERICAN_SCANDALS_57176215-700x467.jpg](http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kairoso/25080357/339205/339205_600.jpg)
- Barbara Walters interviewed John Ramsey for her new series American Scandals this week. The series begins with the unsolved murder of 6 yr old JonBenet Ramsey, which at the time immediately placed suspicion on her parents John and Patsy
- JonBenet Ramsey would be 25 years old this year
- Burke, JonBenet's older brother, is now a 28 year old computer software developer who has never publicly spoken about his sister's death
- John says he and Patsy were super protective of Burke after the tragedy: "We worried. We didn’t know who was out there. Someone had killed our daughter. All we wanted to do was protect Burke and give him a normal childhood. I don’t let anybody I don’t know get near him. If anything happened to him, I wouldn’t survive it.”
- Heidi Horsley, psychologist and grief expert, said: “When parents have had a child die, they are very afraid that another one will be taken from them. They sometimes become overprotective because in their reality, children die. If their son is being accused of something he didn’t do and being torn apart in the media, he could end up in jail, and they could lose him too, to some extent. It’s terrifying to think, ‘I’ve lost one child — will I lose another?’”
source: 1, 2
mods this news is a few days late but pls accept, thx