lenadunham: Another preview of my podcast Women Of The Hour is up now, featuring my beloved Emma Stone who, shock of your life, is utterly charming over the radio as well. Link in bio! Thank you, Em, for lending your wit and wisdom. Ya smell nice.
ONTD Fave, Lena Dunham has started a new podcast series called "Woman of the Hour," which will feature such guests as Emma Stone, Amy Sedaris, and Janet Mock discussing various topics. Today, a preview clip was released featuring Woody Allen muse, Emma Stone. The two discuss the issue of sexist names they'd been called on set, and offer alternatives they'd like to be called instead. Aloha star, Emma Stone, would henceforth, like to be called "Dragon."
Stonefield fans have taken the IG post from Lena promoting the podcast as a definite sign that all is well with their favorite couple, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, who have recently been reported to have broken up by virtually every news source in the last couple of days.
ONTD, Have you ever had a hard time accepting a breakup? Do your friends smell nice?