In the wake of Charles Town, the world lives in fear of Captain Flint. But when his campaign of terror crosses over into madness, it falls to John Silver to locate the man within the monster. Meanwhile, with Eleanor Guthrie gone, Jack Rackham and Captain Charles Vane struggle to secure Nassau for the ages. All will be tested when a new threat arrives. It knows them. It understands them. And in the blink of an eye, it will turn them against each other.
(Woodes Rogers)
(Edward Teach aka Blackbeard)
more at the source
pictures via Starz Official Black Sails page
Poster via IGN
official synopsis
the trailer for Season 3 was previously posted
when was the last time you weren't baited by the creators of a show & you got exactly what you wished for, ONTD? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)