-Apple's iOS9 makes it really easy for app developers to create ad blocking apps that work on Apple's Safari mobile browser.
-Tumblr co-founder Marco Arment pulled his newly released ad blocking app "Peace" from the App Store after 3 days, saying he felt it was wrong to take money away from content creators and publishers.
-Many see Apple's introduction of ad blocking software as a direct shot at Google, since Google makes most of its money from digital advertising.
-Many publishers, content creators, and digital media companies fear that they will lose out on a lot of money if mobile ad blocking becomes more popular.
Apple declares war on Google and @marcoarment has a change of heart @BillCarmodyhttp://t.co/GoyuwpGYWNpic.twitter.com/ywyis9uE6m
— Inc. (@Inc) September 23, 2015
Source: https://twitter.com/Inc/status/646806445732835328