"My behavior was very offensive and I apologized. There's no excuse, or there's nothing to justify it, but I think that as human beings we all say and do things that we don't mean at all sometimes, and we have to learn from it. I mean that's part of our process. We have to learn from our mistakes – that's how we grow. I think one of the biggest things I learned from that was what it feels like to disappoint so many people who love and believe in you, and that's an excruciating feeling."
She fails to actually apologize to the owner and employee of the donut shop... again. At least she didn't start talking about how she did this because donuts aren't healthy, especially since there's footage of her vegan self eagarly eating non-vegan donuts that she didn't spit on. Oh and those spit donuts were sold to other customers.
ONTD, do you think doughnut gate is still relevant to the GP? Last week, we were discussing a spoiled, selfish character who stole things for fun in English class. My teacher compared her to Ari by saying, "I don't know why they do these things. Why did Ariana Grande lick that donut?"
Source: 1, 2, 3