In the words of Betsy Heimann, the film's costume designer who was originally trained as a seamstress and "designed every single costume in it except the jeans".
1. Joel Bernstein, famous rock photographer, provided inspiration - Betsy had access to the photos he took of Neil Young's 1973 tour & Led Zeppelin, among others.
2. Penny Lane's coat was her armor - basically something that helped her appear strong on the outside when she was actually quite vulnerable on the inside.
3. Penny Lane's outfits give clues to her state of mind - thus the choice of the sheer white blouse in this scene, to symbolize Penny's authenticity and fragility.
full article @ the source (it's def worth reading in full btw)
i adore this film and its fashion, if someone gave me the wardrobe i'd wear nothing else for the rest of my life.
ONTD, which films inspire your fashion choices?