Hannah Hart, primarily known for Youtube cooking show of exponentially decreasing comedic returns My Drunk Kitchen, confirmed in the October issue of DIVA magazine that she and Youtube beauty blogger Ingrid Nelson, who came out on Youtube in June, are dating.
Speaking to the magazine, Hannah talked about her relationship “There is someone special in my life right now, which is just wonderful. …. Her name is Ingrid and she’s a big Youtuber. But she’s also one of the most brilliant, soulful people I’ve met. It’s so good. Because she hates LA too but we both have to live (here) so at least there’s somebody else that gets it. My friends and family who know me get kind of all the stuff we’ve been talking about, about staying grounded and having a perspective, but not a lot of other people who are my peers feel that way, as you mentioned. Right? So to have a peer who is my partner, who does what I do and gets this world, this world that we live in but also gets the world inside ourselves? Oh my god. I couldn’t be happier.”

Do you know anyone internet famous, ONTD?