Adobe sparks uproar with their iPad pro demo for fixing the ‘resting b*tch face’
— TAXI (@designtaxi) September 10, 2015
- Basically, Adobe demoed an app called 'Photoshop Fix' to digitally alter the model’s smile and some people are calling it out for being sexist.
Yeah, make that woman smile, Apple
— Damon Beres (@dlberes) September 9, 2015
Some other reactions on twitter:
Apple genuinely demonstrating new Adobe tools by changing the smile on a woman cos "they're not happy with it".
— Guardian Tech (@guardiantech) September 9, 2015
Watching a man photoshop a woman to make her smile more is kind of a cruel joke.
— Lauren Hockenson (@lhockenson) September 9, 2015
Stop telling women to smile Apple
— Femsplain (@femsplain) September 9, 2015
before apple vs after apple wow technology
— ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ɔʇ (@chillmage) September 9, 2015
Apple just *had* to make their demo a digital version of “Hey, baby, you’d be so pretty if you smiled!” street talk.
— Joshua Benton (@jbenton) September 9, 2015
Hey Apple/Adobe
— Natt Garun (@nattgarun) September 9, 2015
"I'm not quite happy with the model's smile, I'd like her to have a liiittle bit more of a smile, so let's fix that"
— Nick Robinson (@Babylonian) September 9, 2015
SOURCE: Designtaxi | Fastcodesign
ONTD, do you have a resting bitchface? Will you be using Adobe's Photoshop Fix to fix it?