This weeks shopping task has the British Housemates acting as the Royal Family and the US Housemates as their staff. On the surface it appeared as if the task was for the Americans to serve the Brits but since it's Big Brother and nothing is as it seems the real challenge was for the Americans to find ways to get the Royal Family to be publicly disgraced. One of the secret tasks assigned to the US team was for them to get the Royal Family to lose their cool and flip out during a tea party. The US team pretty much unanimously decided that Farrah would be the best person to piss everyone off. She was excited for the task but ended up taking it way too far and perhaps showing her true colors.

Farrah wasted no time as soon as they sat down at the table and went in on Atomic Kitten's Natasha Hamilton accusing her of basically having a fake relationship since she didn't share every detail about her personal life with Farrah. They went back and forth a little bit and she was called rude by James. Things started to calm down and then the following exchange happened as Austin said it would be nice for the US and UK Housemates to be reunited as the challenge was ending.
Austin: Hopefully you're back in the room tonight.
Farrah: So you can suck his cock? Good job.
James: Cause you fantasize about sucking my cock, maybe that's why.
Austin: Do you fantasize about sucking James' cock?
Farrah: Well I didn't talk about it, you brought it up.

Needless to say the rest of the table was basically sitting there like what the fuck (see Natasha's expression above) as Farrah went on to say that James was always acting "gay as fuck". She continued to ramble on endlessly and when James tried to get her to stop she chimed in with, "We weren't talking about you even though you want everything to be about you. Fucking gay homo."

Farrah would not stop. She claimed that it wasn't her fault that James didn't understand English and asked if he was retarded. The British Housemates basically couldn't believe anything that they were witnessing.
James: You're rude. You're a very rude girl. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Farrah: Maybe next time you should have orgies with dicks in your asses.

The table tried to shift the topic of conversation as Gail was becoming visibly upset and emotional by everything that was going on so Farrah decided to shift her outburst over to her and Natasha.
Farrah: Natasha are you Gail's mom? Did you give her a fucking look not to talk? Dude you guys are fucking lesbians or some shit.
James: Why did you call her a lesbian?
Farrah: Oh well I'm sorry that you two are acting like two lesbians!
Gail couldn't take anymore and she ran off into the bathroom with Natasha where she cried. Chloe-Jasmine also burst into tears at the table.

"We're meant to be having nice tea and we're arguing and it's not fair!"
In the end the US team won the challenge and the house got a luxury shopping budget for the week but Big Brother called Farrah into the Diary Room as there was absolutely no need for her to use any of the language that she did during the challenge and she was issued a warning.
Goodbye Daniel Baldwin!
Source: My TV and Getty
Who else is enjoying this mess?