Sooo the blog No Longer Quivering is reporting that Smuggar is nowhere to be found at the "rehab" place his family flew him to in the middle of the night last week. Nobody has seen his tater-looking ass since before he went off to "rehab."
-Nobody has seen the greasy fuck lumbering around in Rockville, IL, and he has not been attending the mandatory church services that are part of ~Reformers Unanimous~
-RU is less a rehab and more a Christian work camp, according to people who've been there
-He might be pulling a Rob Ford and just hiding out with friends and remodeling a house, which we all know is effective penance for a dicksneeze like Josh who views women and children as objects for him to abuse as he sees fit.
-The plane that took a trip to Rockville also took a trip to some town in AR called
Also, one of the women he cheated on Anna with has come forward with some gross details.
-One of the women he met on Ashley Madison said she had unprotected sex with the human hash brown and when her period was late, she was terrified she was pregnant.
-"I freaked out...it's the worst thing that could happen. He's a monster."
-Also says he's a sexual predator, needs help, doubts anything faith-based could help him.
-Apparently the good sis got her period eventually. Yay!
So yeah, who knows where the fuck Josh is, hopefully at the bottom of the Mariana Trench or on a rocket headed into the sun tbh.
Mods, sources are linked throughout my ~summary~