-The film adaptation was announced back in 2013 as something between Disney and Weinstein. It's finally moving forward.
-The books revolve around a 12-year-old Artemis Fowl who is a millionaire, genius, and criminal mastermind. But Artemis doesnt know what he’s taken on when he kidnaps a fairy to harness her magic to save his family.
-The first movie is supposed to cover the first two books though things may have changed. They might also be changing screenwriters since their 2013 announcement. It will be live action.
-Weinstein has partnered with Disney for this because Harvey's kids love the books, and he trusts Disney to adapt properties for everyone to enjoy.
-Branagh will first direct a Murder on the Orient Express adaptation before getting around to this.
book post? I always skipped these in the library as a kid because Artemis sounded like an annoying dick