Dylan Lauren used a surrogate for her twins because she was busy 'traveling across the globe' http://t.co/etJJEBWmkxpic.twitter.com/oJbw2xVjnM
— Daily Mail Femail (@Femail) August 26, 2015
-Dylan Lauren, founder & CEO of candy store chain "Dylan's Candy Bar"/daughter of Ralph Lauren, recently explained her decision to use a surrogate:
"We chose to use a surrogate as the way we wanted to start our family, particularly as I was traveling across the globe on a stressful schedule to get stores open. I realized this was a wonderful option. I have many friends who had kids solo, who adopted, who used surrogates – no one was judging them – it’s a new world!"
-While the media/general public typically aren't critical of female celebrities who use surrogates due to infertility/health problems, Lauren's comments have resulted in a range of criticisms, including suggestions that if she's "too busy"/not willing to make the sacrifices pregnancy entails, she's too busy/selfish to raise children, that hiring a surrogate for the sake of convenience or other non-medical reasons is immoral, and that there's nothing progressive about ambitious professional women resolving the "pregnancy penalty" by outsourcing it to other (usually significantly poorer) women.