Everyone knows hollytrash is the water hole for shitty stage moms. Here are some of the worst in my opinion to have graced us with there presence.
Lynn Patridge mother of the famous Audrina Patridge showing that mother's will defend there children to the death. Especially agaist the evil monster that is Lauren Conrad and her Kohls line.
Dina Lohan is known well amoung hollywood elite to be one of the most messy parental figures. From her antics on Dr.Phil to partying all night with her daughter.

Dianna Hart aka Demi Lovatos mom has been another maternal figure that has been seen as to enable her daughters problems. From having substance abuse issues to being in udder denial about Demi's problems for years makes her a real winner.

Pattie Mallette aka Justin Biebers mom I mean not much to say here. From her releasing a book profiting off her sons life to being anti-sematic. She definatlly makes it on the list.
Who else do you think desearves a spot on the list?