Tom Hardy, his beloved dog Woody, and writer/director Brian Helgeland introduce their Kray Twins crime biopic, Legend, at a private preview screening in London on August 13, 2015. Better angle of Woody here (video won't embed).
Hardy: "In all honesty, this is, for me, probably the hardest thing that I've tried to do in my career, trying to pull off a couple of characters in the same film...a huge risk, obviously, for Brian [Helgeland]...We had ten weeks to put it up and we didn’t have the facilities to create a CGI world. Everything is as is. We didn’t know what we were fucking doing – well, I didn’t – and I tried to pretend I did...I hope you have a lovely viewing experience, and I'll leave you with Woody."
has your pet ever tried to steal your thunder, ontd?
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