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- ‘Video Synchronicity’ is a ’80s music video drama
- 'Utopia' is a sci-fi mystery show, originally from the UK
- Production on Video Synchronicity was abruptly halted in June and crew members were sent home;
- Apparently, Video Synchronicity doesn't have Fincher's full attention as he is also working on Utopia, they wanna go back and rewrite some of it;
- And Utopia has budget issues; (lbr, probably every Fincher project does)
- [Banned Source] reports the cast (which allegedly includes Rooney Mara) has been released from their contracts;
- Fincher won’t go lower than $100 million for the series, while HBO won’t go above $95 million; (what's $5 million to these people?)
- Fincher planned on directing every episode of Utopia's 1st season (omg)