19 things about KIDS that we learned at the 20th anniversary reunion @BAMcinematek: http://t.co/krK4AH95XNpic.twitter.com/thTUEiGPQG
— Bedford + Bowery (@bedbow) June 26, 2015
- Everyone was pretty much cast off the street, and Chloe Sevigny came on as the lead at the very last minute.
- Behind the scenes, every boy was trying to have sex with a fifteen year old Rosario Dawson, who had her very protective mother on set ("You didn’t have sex with anybody. You just talked a lot," her mom yelled from the audience during the Q&A).
- Rosario hasn't seen the film since co-stars Justin Pierce and former neighbor/friend Harold Hunter committed suicide and passed away from a drug overdose, respectively. She had a crush on Pierce and says of Hunter, "[he] was so talented and so free and just such a remarkable being. He bet me a box of donuts on the L train we were going to get married – I’m still mad about that.”
- (Rich) suburban kids wanted to move to NYC after the film came out, surprising Leo Fitzpatrick. “I mean, it’s kind of a cautionary tale…”
More facts at THE SOURCE
Larry Clark is still creepy as fuck and this was one of the movies that terrified me as a kid/teen.