25. Cersei Lannister
![Cersei S5]()
Pros: Loves her children, excellent cheekbones. Cons: Literally everything else.
19. Olenna Tyrell
![olenna 1432834789 jpg?quality=0 8&format=jpg&wid]()
She would have been at the top of this list in her youth, but let’s be real, Grandma can probably still get it with at least half the dudes in Westeros.
8.Arya Stark
![arya 1432835456 jpg?quality=0 8&format=jpg&width]()
Sure, she’s kind of a serial killer and she’s going through this morbid “Faceless Man” phase right now, but hey, we all have our moments of teenage angst. And she’s a Stark! That counts for a lot
2. Sansa Stark
![Sansa 1432835440 jpg?quality=0 8&format=jpg&widt]()
Highborn, beautiful, savvy, and empathic, Sansa will easily move into the #1 spot as the most eligible woman in Westeros just as soon as somebody (preferably Sansa herself) chops her terrible husband into little tiny pieces.
1. Daenerys Targaryen
![daenerys 1432835438 jpg?quality=0 8&format=jpg&w]()
Mother of Dragons, Queen of Meereen, top of the list and the hottest. AND SHE KNOWS IT.
fixed it mods
See the full list at SOURCE
Do you agree with this list ONTD?

Pros: Loves her children, excellent cheekbones. Cons: Literally everything else.
19. Olenna Tyrell

She would have been at the top of this list in her youth, but let’s be real, Grandma can probably still get it with at least half the dudes in Westeros.
8.Arya Stark

Sure, she’s kind of a serial killer and she’s going through this morbid “Faceless Man” phase right now, but hey, we all have our moments of teenage angst. And she’s a Stark! That counts for a lot
2. Sansa Stark

Highborn, beautiful, savvy, and empathic, Sansa will easily move into the #1 spot as the most eligible woman in Westeros just as soon as somebody (preferably Sansa herself) chops her terrible husband into little tiny pieces.
1. Daenerys Targaryen

Mother of Dragons, Queen of Meereen, top of the list and the hottest. AND SHE KNOWS IT.
fixed it mods
See the full list at SOURCE
Do you agree with this list ONTD?