For most of us, death is a time to mourn and shed tears for the departed. For others, it’s a time to honor their loved ones and celebrate the life through services that turn the traditional funeral on its head.
In the one- hour special, BEST FUNERAL EVER, TLC goes inside the Dallas-based Golden Gate Funeral Home where John Beckwith Jr. and his staff organize the most unique ceremonies in the country, called home-going celebrations.
BEST FUNERAL EVER features three elaborate home-going services:
· The death of a man who cherished the holiday season is sent off with a Christmas-inspired funeral, complete with reindeer, alpacas, elves and snow.
· A man whose disability prevented him from riding roller coaster is honored with a State-Fair-themed home-going ceremony and spends his last day on earth enjoying the rides, games and attractions.
· A former doo-wop singer known for his famous rib sauce jingle is remembered at a barbecue-themed home-going service. His family celebrates his life among live pigs, praise dancers, and a barbecue sauce fountain in which loved ones dip a ceremonious rib to say goodbye.
The party kicks off Wednesday, December 26th at 8/7c. BEST FUNERAL EVER is produced Park Slope Productions and executive produced by Paul Reitano and Terrence Sacchi.