CARA DELEVINGNE has been taken under pop star Sinitta's wing as she prepares to launch her music career, although the model has yet to confirm her plans.
Reports that Delevingne was being signed by Simon Cowell's SyCo label - started when she was pictured leaving his London office earlier this year - became even more plausible when Sinitta, who often mentors acts alongside Cowell for The X Factor, revealed that she was working with the model and actress.
"It's a top-secret project and it's true that I'm helping her as a mentor," Sinitta told the Evening Standard, before advice from representatives lead her to clam up on the subject: "I'm sorry, I just can't answer that."
Sinitta, who was mentored by Cowell at the beginning of her own music career, did reveal that she intends to impart what she has learned over 30 years in the music industry on her young prodigy.
"It's about finding people who have natural passion," she explained, "and doing what Simon did with me: help them focus their creativity and ideas in a positive direction and give them an outlet."
this is a vid of cara singing. here's her playing the drums. i think she can play the guitar too. tbh her voice is boring