Sooo... after the news about Heller's arrest yesterday this happened.
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller • 4h
Don't believe anything you hear - the truth will come out - note to self, don't date crazy people w/ no moral compass.
You wish.
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 3, 2014
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller • 7m
Wishes are blessings not ex-treme horror stories #clowns
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller • 1m
The truth always finds light in the end. Current #lies will be uncovered. Trust. right now it's shhhh unlike the 1 w loose Lips sinkin
Retweeted by Jeanine Heller Positive Vibes @positivevibe101 • 2m
If I could unmeet some people....... I would.
Retweeted by Jeanine Heller Spiritual Truths @TheGodLight • 4h
Everything makes sense in the end, the truth speaks loudest long after the opinions & presumptions of others have died away.
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who say it, unless it agrees with reason & common sense" bc currently the truth is missing
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller • 6 min
So much I wish I say right now. I'm confident that the real #truth will come out in the end.
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller • 2h
Have a great weekend my sis @kdheller - see u when u r back. love you thx for always being there thru ex-treme times
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller • 8m
@kellyy27 haha - yea about as straight as a coiled snake
It's frustrating after so long I still love you, and no its not you...
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
Yes the truth will always come to light and then continue to, no human has the right to interfere with another's journey on this planet.
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
Ex-cuse me? You wish. You so wish.
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
Someone finally noticed. Tweets deleted. #guilty
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller · 3m
Hacked :-( seriously
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller · now
Kinda creeps when you wake to [flowers] & "I'm sorry" note. please leave me alone. Move on to the nEXt #GoAway - stop w the lies. #whodoesthat
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller
Changing passwords yet again - #sosh this is getting really old. #hackgate enough is enough.
Attn: the cool new way to get attention is saying you have been hacked! Only a hack would claim a hack. #tryagain#fail#failedintellectual
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
I like to send myself flowers, it's sweet, they're pretty? #youwish
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ~ Winston Churchill #quotes
— Jeanine Heller (@JeanineHeller) July 4, 2014
Jeanine Heller @JeanineHeller · 23s
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on ~ winston Churchill #quotes
When my computer gets taken from me I just go to my moms and abuse hers and it still gets hacked, I'm #popular
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
Not huge on western medicine,my beliefs and practice lie more the hands of the eastern traditions but in some cases. STAY ON YOUR MEDS.
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
The voices in my head make me do it? #notsorry
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
When someone STILL won't shut up:
— tarynmanning (@TarynManning) July 4, 2014
3 hours ago
Happy Freedom Day no Ex-cuse not to have fun and blow it out! Can't wait to see @emmacat and love my fudge @superfudgethegreat see you tomorrow @realleadelaria and rock with you later in bed @chrisbdj pow pow!
3 hours ago
Send yourself flowers, always cheers me up.
Since deleted:
tarynmanning @TarynManning 18 min
@OhNooYouDidnt no just finally allowed to pop off after months of abuse. Feels great. Call me crazy or call me pissed. Stupid #chicks
tarynmanning @TarynManning · 14m
@OhNooYouDidnt I didn't send anyone flowers, I've been in bed humping my BF all day in between tweets. He brought me flowers tho. Sweetie
hmmmmmmmmmmmmt.... my professional opinion:
original post, 1, 2, 3, source for deleted tweets